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KVV - Kronal Vessel Viewer = Exploded ship view + Axes on the VAB + other stuff: now released into public domain


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A while ago I showed my WIP in reddit but since then I haven't been able to continue the development of it. As some people seemed to be interested in what I was doing, then I decided to release my code into the public domain (using the unlicense) so maybe someone takes some of it and makes something end-user-friendly out of it.

Here's the repo: https://github.com/Kronal/ksp-kronalutils


Thank you all! :wink:

Edited by kronal
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  • 3 months later...

Anyone able to use this in 23.5? I just tried it out and have been unable to take screenshots that look like what is described here in the thread. All I get are


With these (default) settings


Furthermore the AA toggle doesn't make a difference, and whenever I hit the Explode button I get this in my debug console


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  • 3 weeks later...

just tried on a stock 0.23 install and still the same problems. Quite a shame, although at least the Ortho view works great so it's still perfect for getting good shots of the rocket for Infographics about the design. Would be nicer still tho to have the exploded view and flat rendering for creating something more blue-print like

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  • 5 weeks later...
Nice, rendering is fixed, tho output for some reason is less detailed than what is shown in the view window, also none of the sliders seem to do anything anymore. But hey, you're just getting started :P

Ah crud. I only intended to get it stable. Can anyone please PM me the modding documentation? I couldn't find it last night. Maybe a mod migration guide from 0.23 to 0.24?

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I just installed this mod in my old 0.23.5 folder. Looks like a lot of the features weren't working in that version. I don't have a good idea what to work backwards from.

Since this is the very first thing I've done in C# and I honestly just thought it would be easy enough to just the screenshots working again (it was); if anyone who is better at this wants to touch up this tool to get the rest of the features working. Please do.

The dials weren't working in my 0.23.5 and things weren't exploding apart for screenshots.

I've forked my changes to Github.

Edited by bigorangemachine
Added Github
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This is great!

BTW, does anybody know why some fuel tanks are almost transparent?


I had the same thing with Procedural Parts tanks in white. The mk-14 parachute is also mostly transparent. My guess is that the viewer "washes out" the colors, and if the part is too pure-white, it disappears. Maybe if the background was transparent, or a selectable color...

I would like to see the sliders actually do something, since I've tried making all sorts of changes in them (gamma, color balance, scale, etc), all to no effect.

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Original Post:

For those of you using MAC(OSX). I have an experimental Commit on github.

Please download the Zip from github.

Extract the GameData.zip. Extract that zip as you normally would (into KSP). Once we get some confirms I'll throw it up on curse.


Thanks to SMILIE. Confirmed OSX is saving properly. New version on curse & github.

Edited by bigorangemachine
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Nice to see people using it :)

This is great!

BTW, does anybody know why some fuel tanks are almost transparent?


They are washed out on purpose (this was supposed to be adjustable using the UI knobs), but the outlines should be visible. Things don't render with outlines when the default shader has problems. Here's the description of the problem for the curious.

The code was supposed to replace the original shaders with a working version, though, but it seems to no be working for that part (perhaps something changed in the new version).

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They are washed out on purpose (this was supposed to be adjustable using the UI knobs), but the outlines should be visible. Things don't render with outlines when the default shader has problems. Here's the description of the problem for the curious.

The code was supposed to replace the original shaders with a working version, though, but it seems to no be working for that part (perhaps something changed in the new version).

Nice to see ya Kronal! I just posted in Reddit how I was hoping you would see people using your plugin again.

You get that weird rendering issue if you don't replace the shaders. You might need to re-extract the plugin.

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