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[0.90] Kerbal Mechanics: Part failures


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I appreciate that you are willing to give this document to me, jandcando. I'll be glad to take it into consideration as I develop Kerbal Mechanics. I must admit, though, that I've found myself with less time than usual lately, but I promise to work with the mod when I can.

If you want to learn how to make mods for KSP, I am running a tutorial series for beginners such as yourself. Check out my signature!

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  IRnifty said:
I appreciate that you are willing to give this document to me, jandcando. I'll be glad to take it into consideration as I develop Kerbal Mechanics. I must admit, though, that I've found myself with less time than usual lately, but I promise to work with the mod when I can.

If you want to learn how to make mods for KSP, I am running a tutorial series for beginners such as yourself. Check out my signature!

I watched your videos and found them EXTREMELY helpful! I really appreciate the time and effort you put into making them, they are the best tutorial series I have found to date! I've already started making a plugin for my already-existing mod, Impossible Innovations!

I'm pretty sure that what I wanted to do with the part failures is still beyond me, though.

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  jandcando said:
I watched your videos and found them EXTREMELY helpful! I really appreciate the time and effort you put into making them, they are the best tutorial series I have found to date! I've already started making a plugin for my already-existing mod, Impossible Innovations!

I'm pretty sure that what I wanted to do with the part failures is still beyond me, though.

Your parts are impressive! Thanks for the feedback, and I'm glad they were useful to you!

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Navball failures are my intention in the future, but I first want to figure out how to apply failures to the insides of capsules and cockpits. Currently (and don't tell anyone), the altimeter inside the cockpit still works just fine even when the UI's has failed.

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  IRnifty said:
Navball failures are my intention in the future, but I first want to figure out how to apply failures to the insides of capsules and cockpits. Currently (and don't tell anyone), the altimeter inside the cockpit still works just fine even when the UI's has failed.

Ah, I see. That definitely sounds tricky.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello! *flails arms in the air*

This mod is just what I was looking for! Thank you

Would you mind if I throw some suggestions?

Not sure if you have that planned, but, have you considered using FAR's "isShielded: " in your plugin? In FAR, it's used to determine if particular part is inside a cargo bay/secured by other parts. That would make cargo bays useful in space instead of them just being additional waste mass.

In real life astronauts have to EVA in pairs, so if one of them experiences some suit breach or other failures, the other one can help.

You would finally have to place ladders around your parts in case of random EVA RCS failures!

Oh, and also...are values of part's current "reliability" and "quality" accessible by external plugins?

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I would consider using it, but would rather leave my mod as a base that is extendable by others, instead of potentially extending or relying on others. I appreciate the idea, though. As for quality and reliability, they are both public variables, and thus are accessible and modifiable by any class that can get a reference to the instance (you need to get the failure module of the part with

"part.Modules.OfType<ModuleReliabilityBase>().FirstOrDefault<ModuleReliabilityBase>()" before accessing those vars).

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  IRnifty said:
Navball failures are my intention in the future, but I first want to figure out how to apply failures to the insides of capsules and cockpits. Currently (and don't tell anyone), the altimeter inside the cockpit still works just fine even when the UI's has failed.
From the devnotes, even Squad doesn't seem to know how to do that:
  Samssonart said:
(...) I’m going through some old an undocumented code to find out how to implement said vectors for the IVA navball as well, fun times.
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I see that Nifty seems to be busy. Hoping that he doesn't mind my intrusion, I'll answer.

Kerbal Mechanics detects all the various ways a part can fail at the beginning of the flight, and this makes it work for every part. As far as this mod is concerned, part packs like KW are no different from stock.

So yeah, it already works with part mods, and (barring changes in KSP'S API) should continue to work in any foreseeable future :)

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Thanks for stepping in, Ippo. I was in fact busy with the real world. Unfortunately, though, KM doesn't automatically detect 3rd party parts. I'll be looking at a way to do that in the near future. Regardless, thanks again for trying :)

And mic_e, haha... I figured it out a ways back, but just didn't have the time to do it. Now I need to run all over my own code to remember how it works. XD Luckily, I documented it very well.

Edited by IRnifty
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  • 2 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Apologies to everyone for disappearing. I've become extremely busy as of late and haven't had the time to work on anything I want to, which saddens me greatly... However!!! I'm expecting to get a month long paid vacation soon and should be able to at the least work on any bugs 0.90 produces in my code. Thanks for being patient, sticking to it, improving it, and just being awesome KSP players. I promise I haven't given this up and really really hope to find the time to get back into this.

For that matter, what do yo guys think I should do with Engineer skills in the 0.9 update?

A: Engineers lvl0+ can repair, but number of parts is based on level.

B: Engineers lvl0+ can repair, but chance of failing the repair is lower per level.

C: Engineers lvl1+ can repair, with a flat and even chance of successful repair all throughout.

Edited by IRnifty
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  • 3 weeks later...

Updated! v0.5:

- KSP 0.9 compatibility update. Fixed IPartCostModifier bug and part highlighting bug resulting from changes between 0.25 and 0.9.

- All proper repairs require a Kerbal with the Engineer skill, with varying degrees of experience. Improper repairs remain accessible by any Kerbal.

- All proper repairs can be done by any Kerbal of any experience if not in Career Mode.

- Reduced Decoupler chance of silent failure from 20% to 10%.

- Module Injector now searches all config files for injections, allowing separated injection files.

- Modified reliability drain logic to properly reflect the Kerbin 6 hour day.

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  IRnifty said:
Updated! v0.5:

- KSP 0.9 compatibility update. Fixed IPartCostModifier bug and part highlighting bug resulting from changes between 0.25 and 0.9.

- All proper repairs require a Kerbal with the Engineer skill, with varying degrees of experience. Improper repairs remain accessible by any Kerbal.

- All proper repairs can be done by any Kerbal of any experience if not in Career Mode.

- Reduced Decoupler chance of silent failure from 20% to 10%.

- Module Injector now searches all config files for injections, allowing separated injection files.

- Modified reliability drain logic to properly reflect the Kerbin 6 hour day.

Thanks! I will try it now :)

Edit: Ho, I haven't seen that there is a release topic ;) KerbalStuff's link redirects here ;)

Edited by Malah
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  • 3 weeks later...



- Added settings option to stop time warp when a failure occurs. Default on.

- Added settings option to display an alert dialog when a failure occurs. Default on.

- Added settings option to highlight in red the failing part while the alert is open. Default on.

- Added icon to the KSP toolbar (A.K.A the "App Launcher") which handles the new settings and the ship status highlighing.

- Removed "Highlight Failed Parts" ship status option. Failed parts now automatically display as red when ship status highlighting is active.

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Hello, I've a little error (and it's the fault of my computer ;) ). Sometime I can only play on an old computer and with it I need to reduce the resolution of my screen to have a decent FPS, but I can't see your configuration window :P (I'm in 1280x800).


Thanks for this awesome mod ;)

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  • 4 weeks later...

I have two things. first, your mod is really well done, and I greatly appreciate the stop time-warp on failure feature. I want to know if there is a workaround for a failed decoupler. I started a new game and the first orbital craft I made, with the first time I was using a stack decoupler, had a failure and it would not separate, causing me to not make orbit and also causing the craft to be too heavy for the chutes, leading to a loss of poor Jeb. Since I was just starting out, I did not have the ability to EVA to try to repair. Normally I wold give this kuddos for upping the difficulty, but combined with the EVA issue, I was hoping maybe some type of workaround could be implemented. Something like if a decoupler fails, each concurrent attempt at firing it has a percentage chance of either firing properly or exploding (if it fires properly, keep on flying, if it explodes, it takes whatever is above it, but at least the lower stage is gone and won't be excessive weight.) What about something like 10% chance to detach properly, 25% chance of exploding on each re-attempt. During ascent, it would give the chance to survive, but on a return trip the odds of a success would have to be weighed with whatever you have attached to the decoupler. Take the risk of losing your heat shield because you tried your luck at forcing the return stage to decouple would be a hell of a decision to have to make.

Anyway, just an idea. I'm not a dev and would have no idea if this would even be possible. Great mod anyway!

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