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Why in the world?


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I have one simple question, this topic absolutely blows my mind. Here is the topic, why in the world (for lack of cleaner phrases) does the welfare program cost annually a trillion dollars a year (based on this page) when the budget for just NASA is only 13 billion dollars? My main question is, why do we pay so much for a pretty much unproductive system, in place of a revolutionary space science division that with a trillion dollars, could go to the moon, create a new settlement, mine helium 3, and send human to mars within 10 years? If you have any more information on this subject let me know, as soon as I researched this topic I became infuriated, I would much like some water now :mad:

I do realize that much of the budget is directed to HIV and AIDS, or other research and health care, which is understandable, but most of our taxpayer money is going towards people who don't work at all! Most people even don't look for jobs which also makes me angry. Any additional information on this would be great thanks!

Edited by MrZayas1
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You need those welfare programs given the jobs situation and ridiculous salaries. The amount of working poor is crazy high in the US, so even a lot of people with jobs still need assistance.

I agree that NASA deserves a larger share of the budget, but if it was up to me, I'd rather take this from the insane defense budget than taking it from people who are already at the bottom of the pile.

If they fixed structural economic issues in the US, they wouldn't need to spend that much on welfare.

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D Politics.

Although im in the uk I expect the same can be said for any democracy. More people will complain about the homeless than lack of space travel.

Amd also im no politician but I dont think its very simple to just tale funds from welfare and put it somewhere else like that *clicks fingers*. Like I say to everyone who complains about the way their country is run. If u really care for

It that much then take a career change and get yourself voted in. If thats not for you then just vote for the guy who fits your criteria.


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As i understand "welfare" means that the goverment helps homeless, poor or workless people right? Thats the second last thing i would reduce (the last thing is education), a modern state has to help the people who are not that wealthy. I would recommend reducing the money for military, in germany we dont need it at all and afaik it costs 40 billion Euros per year...

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Holy crap!,Ireland can into space(although not very much)

I guess the main reason behind it would be that the general public will continue to elect a party if it doesn't have a space station,but it won't continue to elect them if unemployed people can't afford food or shelter.The most important thing for a government is staying in power not the welfare of citizens.

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I agree with you 100%. If you can't even make a valid effort to find a job, why should I be REQUIRED to support you. I'd rather see that money going either to people who actually need it (i.e. laid off with four children) or to some research program.

That being said, I predict that this thread will soon be locked.

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I think everyone on a space game forum is going to agree that NASA would benefit from better funding, but as for Welfare discussions, that falls under forum rule 2.2.b, 'no politics.' So, closing before forum members make enemies out of each other.

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