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Arrgh... I Hate Mod Addiction


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Ever get a mod build where you have the parts you need to satisfy your addiction and then find the darn thing is unstable as hell.

Trying to get the balance right between stable and just enough parts to satisfy you sometimes gets... frustrating, to say the least. It would be nice to be able to figure out what is causing the problems as it's been a while since I have done any real coding and debugging... but hey ho.

KSP + Mods should be listed under "addictive substances".

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I got a few mods, yet mine isn't unstable... Wait, how do you mean unstable? Crashing? I have Active Texture Management Aggro, so I don't get any problems...

Mmmmmm..... Maoam Pinballs.... I can't make a pack of them last more than 20 mins...

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Agreed... The thing I loathe most is having to basically start my career game over again whenever a massive mod update or game patch comes out. Not because I have to start a new game, but because I'll need to spend 2 hours or so tweaking mods to make it work smoothly.

Down to 20 mods or so now... ;)

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I try to stick to my "bare essentials": KER, FAR, Procedural Fairings, and the Environmental Visual Enhancement mod that adds (now volumetric!) clouds. Though I do often stick on Kethane and KAS as well, just for added fun times.

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Er, hello. My name's Pecan and I'm a mod-aholic.

It started out because I wanted to see TWR and deltaV figures, or even just mass, while I was building and I thought MJ's displays would be fine. Of course pretty soon I was using it for launches too; you know, I started on the repetitive stuff where I needed its consistency in flight and then it just seemed to be a habit. So then I thought KER's reference bodies would make me feel better in the VAB and while I was at it Crew Manifest so I didn't have to do manual EVAs all the time. Before I knew where I was I couldn't leave the building without a Chatterer and navigation lights fix. Like everyone, I told myself it made everything 'more real' and I could handle it but, like everyone, I soon grabbed KAC simply because I couldn't handle everything any more.

I finally realised how bad it was getting when I got the texture reduction mod. I mean, it's a mod you only need if you have lots of mods!

(17, with another 5 waiting to be installed - they're only out at the moment because RT2 doesn't support 0.23.5 ... hmmm, I might go back to 0.23 so I can use them)

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Or having the parts stop working completely... 23.5 for example broke the ball bearings with infernal robotics/multiwheels and who knows if it will EVER be fixed. The multiwheels mod has not even been updated in ages... :(

This is why such important parts like hinges and ball bearings should imo be stock. As it is now it is completely inpractical to make your own cargo bay with doors that can open since there are no such parts in vanilla version which means you have to make your own from structural parts which does not work very well.

I also wish there was some more multifunctional parts like in space engineers. In space engineers they added a simple motor that you can with a simple push of a button change into a free moving ball bearing, change power/rotation speed when used as motor, add breaking force and even set degrees of rotation which means that this SINGLE part can also work as a hinge. With todays KSP mods you have to have a bunch of parts eating up memory just for something that could be done with a single part.

Edited by boxman
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In space engineers they added a simple motor that you can with a simple push of a button change into a free moving ball bearing, change power/rotation speed when used as motor, add breaking force and even set degrees of rotation which means that this SINGLE part can also work as a hinge. With todays KSP mods you have to have a bunch of parts eating up memory just for something that could be done with a single part.

OMG I want one! And I want it to be in stock, too! KAS and robotics are too glitchy for me to use, but I love the capabilities they add so much I also don't enjoy playing without them. The last straw was when I gave up on my 2-month-long, probably 20-mission, Munbase project when I realized I was putting at least 4x as many hours into working around bugs in those two mods as I had in actual design or play. Attached things randomly explode so I'm constantly quicksaving/quickloading...and every time I loaded from a quicksave the infernal robotics parts all moved several inches. Cumulatively...every robotics part would move...every time.

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I have a rule: Be able to live without any mods. I can play the game stock with no problems.

When a new version comes out, I may not be able to play my career until Kethane or ELP or one of the other (very few) parts mods update, but I'll still be able to play KSP stock the moment I download it.

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I used MechJeb for a while but switched to Engineering Redux - I liked the readout more and in the end I have more fun manually flying and creating maneuver nodes myself. I consider KAS, SCANSat and Kethane 'must-have' mods for what they add to the game - they create tons of missions and ship idea options.

For example I have some repair/recovery/refuel drones docked to my refueling tankers. They use KAS parts to pop down to stranded ships, refuel them, use tow cables to help right them. I also recover and return to KSC spent fuel tanks for reuse and the like.

Also new planets - as I get more scanners unlocked I can send out more complex scanning probe sats to new worlds and moons. They map it and then I use that map to plot a landing position and science extraction for manned missions.

All stuff that IMO should be stock in KSP. Maybe some day, right?

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Mods... my preeeeeeeeeecious

My list of must haves are Kethane, KAS, The JARFR Struts (mostly working in 23.5), and Extraplanetary. Usual adds are chatter, toolbar, and steamgauges.

On top of that are Hard Mode options... I usually stick to choosing just one at a time as their inclusion adds parts to everybuild. I see the current options for hard mode are Real Solar System, Remote Tech, Deadly Reentry, and TAC Life or ECLSS lifesupport.

Some parts, active visuals ram support, and random wierdness I find myself at near 20 mods fairly fast.

I can safely say my addiction is well intact


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I've never used more than like 5 mods at any time.

Jaffa cakes are on my list though...jaffa cakes and milkshakes. Its actually a wonder my body isnt overflowing from the chair right now.

I don't get the hubub over jaffa cakes. I've tried them on multiple occasions and never liked them.

How many mods do you all tend to use at once?

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I don't get the hubub over jaffa cakes. I've tried them on multiple occasions and never liked them.

How many mods do you all tend to use at once?

I currently have 31 folders off of my GameData folder. Assuming each folder is a mod (and not counting Squad and Nasa) I seem to have 29 mods installed.

And I've never had Jaffa cakes but know a Kiwi who swears they're awesome.

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How many mods do you all tend to use at once?

About 20, I think, mainly plugins that change the way the game plays or looks, although I do use my share of parts.

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I've been playing stock or nearly stock so far. I've only used two mods. Engineer Redux is a big help and I still have it. I wouldn't build a ship without knowing the delta-V, and it saves me crunching the numbers by hand. ShowFPS I used for performance troubleshooting but don't need it now.

In terms of what I'll go for next, I feel I should get FAR and presumably Procedural Fairings or similar before I start serious efforts at spaceplanes. Maybe Firespitter I think it is along with that, for some more options for regular planes. I'm not sure I want my old rockets to be broken though.

And certainly I may consider MechJeb at some point, along with Kerbal Alarm Clock and other usability mods. .23.5 has held off my desire for PreciseNode though.

Resource exploitation mods such as Kethane and Extraplanetary Launchpads I don't expect getting for a longer time. Probably after I take a big break from KSP and return (which is bound to happen sooner or later).

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I've been playing stock or nearly stock so far. I've only used two mods. Engineer Redux is a big help and I still have it. I wouldn't build a ship without knowing the delta-V, and it saves me crunching the numbers by hand. ShowFPS I used for performance troubleshooting but don't need it now.

In terms of what I'll go for next, I feel I should get FAR and presumably Procedural Fairings or similar before I start serious efforts at spaceplanes. Maybe Firespitter I think it is along with that, for some more options for regular planes. I'm not sure I want my old rockets to be broken though.

And certainly I may consider MechJeb at some point, along with Kerbal Alarm Clock and other usability mods. .23.5 has held off my desire for PreciseNode though.

Resource exploitation mods such as Kethane and Extraplanetary Launchpads I don't expect getting for a longer time. Probably after I take a big break from KSP and return (which is bound to happen sooner or later).

FAR makes spaceplanes ridiculously easy to design and get into orbit. Deadly reentry balances this somewhat though, as you have to cut out the turbofan engine early on to prevent overheating.

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