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8/10 Looks like an old-school 8-bit game or something.

Edit for Starwhip: It's not a reference to anything really. I found a pic of a crown and got someone on the forums to make a flag out of it for me. I liked it enough to use it as my avatar. (Thanks, Cpt. Kipard, if you read this.)

Edited by Red Iron Crown
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Would be a zero but it is a train So low because of it not being a solar powered maglev.

Everyone knows the HypeTrain is a HypeSteam powered engine.

I'm personally for upgrading to a HypeNuclear powered maglev, but leading minds in the field aren't sure if thermal HypeReactors are even a thing yet. If they are, though, Hype-powered flight is just around the corner.

10/10 for dragons in Starwhip's avatar! :D

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