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If you could a kerbal...


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I might. If life is anything like our launch trailers, I, as a Kerbal, would still have the ability to play KSP. In that case, all is right with the world.

This is a good point. In light of that, I'd sign up to be the "rocket safety inspection officer", it's an essentially redundant post that means I'd spend my days playing KSP on high end machines and sitting on the beach drinking cocktails and watching the fireworks from KSC.

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Sitting on the top of 1000 tonnes of liquid fuel and oxidizer slapped together with parts from reputable companies like "Jebediah Kerman's Junkyard and Spaceship Parts Co.", and parachutes that were "found lying by the side of the road"? What's to worry about?

Hehe... like John Glenn, thinking to himself before his famous launch that the rocket he was sitting on was built by the lowest bidders...

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I don't think Kerbals perceive themselves as individuals. They seem rather to be mobile sensory/manipulative/reproductive organs of a vast, planet-carpeting fungus. This huge fungal mass is what makes most of Kerbin's surface green and is the brains of the outfit. Kerbals just stand there forever doing nothing unless commanded into action by this fungal mat. Sure, Kerbals all have individual names but if you actually translate them from the Old Kerbish, they all mean things analogous to "right big toe" or "left armpit".

Thus, to be an individual Kerbal is to lose one's consciousness and free will, and to become no more than a skin cell, easily lost and just as easily replaced in daily activity. That's not something I'd want to try. However, being the fungal mat controlling the whole shebang has its attractions. You'd be effectively immortal, would control an entire planet with the ability to spread yourself onto most others, would learn much of what's in the cosmos, and could entertain yourself making explody rockets :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Advantages that kerbals have over humans: Live forever

Disadvantages: Can never close their eyes(do they even have eyelids?), considered expendable, extreme boredom from having nothing to do when not piloting spacecraft. Also no cities on Kerbin so far.

I think I would stay human if I got offered a chance to be a kerbal.

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If that player played like me, I would definitely a kerbal. I have an LES on every spacecraft I build and I rarely build spaceplanes. And I always test them without kerbals, they all have a probe core. My kerbals stay alive, but with how my real life is going, I would a kerbal even if they didn't.

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I'd happily be a kerbal....... but only working in a KSP controlled by a player like.......... me for example

Who tests all his rockets/rovers before launching a live crew, who wants to make sure he has a ship capable of getting back from the surface of Eve, who builds interplanetary ships that have a 7 kerbal crew, and enough living space for 19 and finally cares enough to send a rescue ship for that poor lost crew that had a engine bitten off out near Jool and ended up on a 20 year orbit beyond eeloo :(

The rest of you are going down on the list of those who've committed crimes against kerbalkind* :mad:


*except WhackJob who commits crimes against his computer :sticktongue:

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