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[1.1.2] KSPRC - Renaissance Compilation: artworks remake [V-0.7 Pre Release 3]


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13 hours ago, Silent1_87 said:

my suggestion dont use this mod unless u have good rig my geforce 960  can barely handle this mod.i have over 30 fps most of the time (60 on high enough orbit) . but i can feel lower gpu just can not handle it.i dont think any more optimization wold be  possible. i could be wrong but i think unity just sucks in term of optimization.

ps: laptops are not for this mod at least not the one with low/ meduimish perfomance gtx750. maybe high end expensive gaming laptop but not yours.

The performance is good when there are no clouds on the screen. I think I'm going to try swapping in the SVE low or medium res clouds to see if that provides any improvement. There are also multi-level clouds for Kerbin which I could kill but I want to leave that as a last resort since it looks really beautiful.

I finally made it to the Mun with a probe landing and...WOW...the textures are gorgeous.

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1 hour ago, Starfire70 said:

The performance is good when there are no clouds on the screen. I think I'm going to try swapping in the SVE low or medium res clouds to see if that provides any improvement. There are also multi-level clouds for Kerbin which I could kill but I want to leave that as a last resort since it looks really beautiful.

I finally made it to the Mun with a probe landing and...WOW...the textures are gorgeous.

dont bother different res for SVE just change the 2d Clouds u see in orbit not the volometric clouds that kills ur gpu.if u have enough ram (over 8gig) and using 64 bit just use UR res i asked this while back from @Nhawks17 . there r some bugs with EVE that @Waz mentions that maybe or maybe not get fixed so u maybe get better performance  in future. but best way u get better performance and  not just this game is saving for better computer. i build a 1000 dollar computer that can handle this game very well with all visual mods out there after struggling with potato 6 years old laptop. (my best fps was 20 with no visual mod and low graphic settings)

yeah @Proot did a very good job with texturing.

ps: You can use EVE default cloud config.it has way less clouds. i think ur rig can handle it perfectly.

Edited by Silent1_87
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20 hours ago, Silent1_87 said:

ps: You can use EVE default cloud config.it has way less clouds. i think ur rig can handle it perfectly.

Ya, I copied the cloud sections from BoulderCo clouds.cfg to KSPRC's clouds.cfg, and voila EVE clouds, but I lost the aurora. :( The sections are still there in the clouds.cfg but there must be some kind of conflict.

Edited by Starfire70
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21 minutes ago, Silent1_87 said:

i wish there was a mod for dust. like when something impact ground dust come up or when wheels move . even make my ships dusty and muddy. imagine ur probe gets red dust all over it in duna that would be cool.

This has some of that. There is a community patch near the end of the thread since it is currently not updated officially for 1.1

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On 6/15/2016 at 3:28 AM, Silent1_87 said:

ps: You can use EVE default cloud config.it has way less clouds. i think ur rig can handle it perfectly.

Got it figured out. I removed the Kerbal specific cloud sections in KSPRC's clouds.cfg.

I had thought I would lose all clouds, but nope, I now have EVEish clouds with the jaw-dropping aurora still intact, and my FPS is back to awesome. :D

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Man I'm getting psyched! I haven't played KSP in 5 months! The list of things I plan on doing has grown since then too. Update and revamp my visual ultimatum with KSPRC when it's completed, create a situational 40+ song playlist for @pizzaoverhead's soundtrack mod when it's completed, update SPPCC, update WindowShine, finalize a handful of new skyboxes and revamp various new part textures, and finish the plot, craft, and plans for Spark. I've also been waiting to start up a "careerbox" stream based around probe telemetry that's going to release in 1.2. I haven't even played KSP with Unity 5 yet... smh. i7 6700k arriving in the mail on Tuesday... It's going to be a fun month :wink:

Edited by Avera9eJoe
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Hmmm, I'm getting hangs every few seconds during EVAs that are not near Kerbin. A bit annoying to try and take a walk on the Mun and have it hang every 2 seconds. It's strange because it's not an FPS thing...for those 2 seconds I get fantastic FPS, then a hang for a second, then fantastic FPS again.

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59 minutes ago, Starfire70 said:

Hmmm, I'm getting hangs every few seconds during EVAs that are not near Kerbin. A bit annoying to try and take a walk on the Mun and have it hang every 2 seconds. It's strange because it's not an FPS thing...for those 2 seconds I get fantastic FPS, then a hang for a second, then fantastic FPS again.

check if reflection is set to none in TR setting. 

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Hello fellow KSPRC fans,

I have been using KSPRC since the early versions but the most recent is giving me this anomaly with KSP v1.1.2:


Your guidance on how to resolve this is appreciated.  Thank you.

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2 minutes ago, THX-1138 said:

Hello fellow KSPRC fans,

I have been using KSPRC since the early versions but the most recent is giving me this anomaly with KSP v1.1.2:


Your guidance on how to resolve this is appreciated.  Thank you.

Those are from Scatterer's Godrays. You can avoid it disabling them in the main menu. No other fixes, for now.

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Hello everyone!

So, I'm waiting for some Mods to be updated to 1.1.3 then jumping back into KSP.

I want to try this one for the first time!

I've used Scatterer, SVE, windowshine, planetshine, and EVE in the past, but wanted to understand a few things:

1.  Is Scatterer Compatible with KSPRC?

2.  Is SVE Compatible with KSPRC

3.  Is windowshine compatible with KSPRC?

4. Is planetshine compatible with KSPRC?

5.  Is EVE compatible with KSPRC?

6. Is Kopernicus & OPM compatible with KSPRC?

7. Are there detailed installation instructions for this mod to make it compatible with any of the mods that are compatible above?

It looks incredible and I'm excited to try, but I love the other mods too!

Thanks for the help!

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@mtpatane KSPRC has scatterer and EVE built-in. SVE is its own 'package' just as KSPRC

You will need to manually get the latest Kopernicus if you run KSP 1.1.3

OPM and planetshine is compatible, you will just get a warning on loading screen with planetshine.

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1 hour ago, mtpatane said:

Hello everyone!

So, I'm waiting for some Mods to be updated to 1.1.3 then jumping back into KSP.

I want to try this one for the first time!

I've used Scatterer, SVE, windowshine, planetshine, and EVE in the past, but wanted to understand a few things:

1.  Is Scatterer Compatible with KSPRC?

2.  Is SVE Compatible with KSPRC

3.  Is windowshine compatible with KSPRC?

4. Is planetshine compatible with KSPRC?

5.  Is EVE compatible with KSPRC?

6. Is Kopernicus & OPM compatible with KSPRC?

7. Are there detailed installation instructions for this mod to make it compatible with any of the mods that are compatible above?

It looks incredible and I'm excited to try, but I love the other mods too!

Thanks for the help!

All work with it!. I merged my fav parts from SVE and KSPRC together so I get the best clouds with the best textures (my opinion).

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