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[1.1.2] KSPRC - Renaissance Compilation: artworks remake [V-0.7 Pre Release 3]


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How I feel when Proot shows us what he is working on but it is not ready yet:


I am a big fan of your work Proot!! I joined the forum today just to say thank you!!!! :)

Edited by Riks
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Yes, please.

Proot, does your pack fit within the 32-bit RAM limit without using ATM or OpenGL?

Proot said a few weeks ago that the updated pack uses about 1.8GB of ram. So you should be able to play without ATM/OpenGL if you dont have too many other mods installed.

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I seen in many treath's discussion about ram usage & texture, well i use a file test from Proot actual release, to show how easy thing can goo crazy from my perspective


8k texture

PNG 288.00 x 144.50 / 8192 x 4096 = 20.305 Mb File size Simple Compression

DDS 288.00 x 144.50 / 8192 x 4096 = 40.739 Mb File size DX5T

4k texture

PNG 144.50 x 72.25 / 4096 x 2048 = 6.407 Mb File size Simple Compression

DDS 144.50 x 72.25 / 4096 x 2048 = 11.184 Mb file size DX5T

2k texture

PNG 72.25 x 36.12 / 2048 x 1024 = 1.796 Mb File size Simple Compression

DDS 72.25 x 36.12 / 2048 x 1024 = 2.796 Mb file size DX5T

1k texture

PNG 36.12 x 18.06 / 1024 x 512 = 0.489 Mb File size Simple Compression

DDS 36.12 x 18.06 / 1024 x 512 = 0.699 Mb file size DX5T

Now that file size is a texture with a compression aplie, what game graphic engine it will need to remove or adapt of how was desing to work. BUT in end for simplifie how thing work i will make a conversion, same png file, with NOOOO COMPRESION, 0, NADA, NONE in pure real size ;)

8k texture

PNG 288.00 x 144.50 / 8192 x 4096 = 134.245 Mb File size

4k texture

PNG 144.50 x 72.25 / 4096 x 2048 = 33.564 Mb File size

2k texture

PNG 72.25 x 36.12 / 2048 x 1024 = 8.393 Mb File size

1k texture

PNG 36.12 x 18.06 / 1024 x 512 = 2.100 Mb File size

Now what we see 8k texture simple compression 20.305 Mb > same file with nooo compression 134.245 Mb soo huston here is a simple example how easy Ram it can goo up in a blink depend by how graphic engine know to use texture compresion ratio ... thing are more complicate like how it work, all i was try to show is brute value in a simple context. Nathankell in some post he was said dimension not mater, well yes partial it have right BUT ONLY PARTIAL because each graphic engine it can use texture will full compression on full equality & other graphic engine they need to decompress & have that file close to real size = loading time (decompress) + memory usage ;) In KSP case i not know details about compression ratio, all i know it can use DDS ;), more detail it can give a Squad developer ... to simplifies problem idea is higher texture equality it use faster ram it will fill up. Let say you have in game data base 1000 parts with 2 Mb texture (noo compression) here you goo 2k g ram eat (i am using simple number to be more easy to ...)

Now what a good moder can doo ?!?! my bet is to find compromise between qualitie or rezolution (8,4,2,1 K) + compression (Simple, DX1T, DX5T) & adapt to how KSP work, i know not a easy task to be done in same case ;)

Now what can doo a player ?!?! is to choose between texture pack what he like + number of item/part what he will use in his game ... i know is not a simple choose :) & if he have some knowledge about working with texture to optimize at his need or desire, i know it require some time to be spend ...

Personal at this point i wish to be a external tolls what to look in gamedata & show all part item what are there aka read config file > capture data (item name, value data, description, dependency mod, texture, item ...) let call it a item / part manager :)

Proot in case i made a off topic post sory :) but i think it fits perfect with ppls question who want to use pack like u'r & have problem running game, other way u are on my watch list to see next release & set my hand to test what u will doo tear a part :) for learn how u was done it & how to optimize to my need or other possible need diferite optimize rez setup

cya around

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Murphy's law. Now my main hdd is burned by the extreme hot of these days... Stucked, at least until monday. Ugh, just what I need now...

Work is safe, don't worry but...;.;

Oh no!!! ;.; This is sad news to hear. RIP HDD. Maybe the fireworks got to it. :P

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Good news: my friends are awesome people, so as soon as they heard about my problem, they gave me a new HDD (ssd)! On Sunday! Believe me: awesome people. I have no much in this life (material), but I'm surrounded by amazing human beings who care about me, and that is a huge treasure.

I want to thank to THX-1138, who has too offered me his help. And to all who support me over here. The people around this forum seems so amazing as my friends. You both, never cease to amaze me. Thanks!

PD: the show goes on!

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I don't know about all THAT lol. But it would be nice to see what Proot could do here if he didn't have to hold back and make sacrifices to have a decent memory footprint on Windows. Which is great.

But I for one would like to know what Proot could do without Windows limitations and would absolutely love a high resolution KSPRC for Linux.

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