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[1.1.2] KSPRC - Renaissance Compilation: artworks remake [V-0.7 Pre Release 3]


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8 hours ago, Elthy said:

Delete the scatterer folder. Then the fps issues should be gone, and you can still use the other stuff...

8 hours ago, Elthy said:

To bad scatterer doesnt work for me at all, i slow down to about 1fps with it and the ocean is a pixelated mess. Anyway, other stuff looks great, i like your repainted engines.

One complaint: From high atmospheric flight i see lots of repeating texture patterns on kerbin, the repeating patches aer about 1/4 the size of the KSC island. Maybe i only see it because i had to uninstall scatterer...

What seems to be the issue here? Anything in the debug log?

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Proot i cant thank you enough. This literally changes the game, no joke.... Here are some pictures showing most of the planets. Enjoy!











Edit #2 Forgot Eeloo XD

Edited by DaZeInBok
Dont know how to create a album
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5 minutes ago, qromodynmc said:

How do you guys get it working ? My ksp crashes after loading save or entering building. Must be related to memory. So what can i do?

Put this into your launch commands. -force-opengl -popupwindow . Or you can try deleting Scatterer ive heard it helps memory problems. But yes it has to do with ksp 32bit running out of memory. 

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2 minutes ago, DaZeInBok said:

Put this into your launch commands. -force-opengl -popupwindow . Or you can try deleting Scatterer ive heard it helps memory problems. But yes it has to do with ksp 32bit running out of memory. 

Thanks but i thought that opengl trick decreases performance?

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7 minutes ago, Virtualgenius said:

Anyone else having an issue with the way the new forum is loading the images they are very slow to load and often have white squares through them

The images above mine load really slow

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I have a clean install with just squad and KSPRC folders its  1.9gb of memory sitting at the KSC screen according to Windows 10  and I am using the opengl switch, if you start putting mods in that doesn't leave a lot memory to play with. Proot is there anyway that the overheads can be cut back they are quite hungry on memory.

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thx for this great work! There is only one problem:

My PC details:

Intel Core i5 - 3.5 Ghz

8 GB ram

Radeon R9 290

I installled RC on a fresh unmodded KSP (everything is with KSP 32 bit)

First time i enter the game while looking at the building, not even started a rocket, my Ram usage is around 3,2 GB from the start. Note the FPS r stable at around 40-60(again: no other mods, only RC)

I tried ATM aggressive --> Messed up the textures

Deleted everthing, installed Ksp with only RC again this time with force open gl mode, and i save about 600MB of Ram but losing about 20fps, and the game feels very laggy, even if very small rockets where launched.

My PC is pretty much high performance, atleast for KSP i thing. So what is wrong here?

I was so happy about the new looks, but actually its kind of unplayable, atleast for now, what kind of frustrates me. Or will it all be settled when unity 5 comes out?

Anyone else experienceing these problems with the new RC pack?


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3 minutes ago, Lubo said:


thx for this great work! There is only one problem:

My PC details:

Intel Core i5 - 3.5 Ghz

8 GB ram

Radeon R9 290

I installled RC on a fresh unmodded KSP (everything is with KSP 32 bit)

First time i enter the game while looking at the building, not even started a rocket, my Ram usage is around 3,2 GB from the start. Note the FPS r stable at around 40-60(again: no other mods, only RC)

I tried ATM aggressive --> Messed up the textures

Deleted everthing, installed Ksp with only RC again this time with force open gl mode, and i save about 600MB of Ram but losing about 20fps, and the game feels very laggy, even if very small rockets where launched.

My PC is pretty much high performance, atleast for KSP i thing. So what is wrong here?

I was so happy about the new looks, but actually its kind of unplayable, atleast for now, what kind of frustrates me. Or will it all be settled when unity 5 comes out?

Anyone else experienceing these problems with the new RC pack?


I wonder if 1.1 can fix anything other than proper 64bit support.

I'll wait for it but rather not to get my hopes high because maybe my gpu is holding me back.

My system is i7 3610qm at 3.2ghz, GT650M at 2gb and 8gb ram, currently ksprc runs at 7fps average, even Witcher 3 runs better than this. Anyway i only see unity to blame low performance because of being krakenty game engine.

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9 hours ago, Proot said:

Unbelievable: the files are not available yet in Curse or KS... :P
I'll try to fix the obvious problems ASAP.
The framerate dropping is probably caused by the asteroids spamming around Kerbin.

It seems like it. 264 lines or potatoroids in the persitent.cfg file :)


I also notice that, when opening EVE-manager, that Citylights isn't loaded at all - or properly. It's not using OBJECT and the mojito texture isn't in the textures map. :)

Edited by maseo
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Dang. I try to reproduce the scatterer bugs but now i get even more. Ill try to stabilize my installation, in a way i can reproduce those errors. For now everything seems to fail at random...


I get those extreme lag with scatterer only under open gl, Dx11 is better. Same thing goes for the pixelated ocean. It does look strange from far away (e.g. launchpad), but when im splashed down its fine.

With DX9 i cant even launch a craft before running out of memory, so not usable.

Using DX11 also results in bugs:

-Jool is completly black

-Scattering on all planets except kerbin is missing

-The reflection of most parts is buggy. Most parts are either completly reflective, e.g. some engines or not reflective at all. Only the Mk1 capsule seems to work properly.

Edited by Elthy
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For working citylights - replace all citylights.cfg with the next code:

		body = Kerbin
				value = KSPRC/CityLights/Textures/kerbinBN				
				value = 45
				value = KSPRC/CityLights/Textures/nd5
				value = KSPRC/CityLights/Textures/nd5
		body = Moho
				value = KSPRC/CityLights/Textures/kerbinBN				
				value = 45
				value = KSPRC/CityLights/Textures/fu11
				value = KSPRC/CityLights/Textures/fu11

Make sure to copy the fu11 texture from the atmospheres folder to citylights. :)

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