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[1.1.2] KSPRC - Renaissance Compilation: artworks remake [V-0.7 Pre Release 3]


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18 hours ago, Proot said:

If I can't find the error soon I'll release the update without this, delaying the terrain scatters for a later update.

I think we all appreciate "minor" releases once in a while rather than large version steps far between

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19 hours ago, Proot said:

The framerate drops are not related to the textures, as far as I know...

Sorry I'm truly busy lately IRL and I keep strugling with the terrain scatters. I think I've made a mistake which I can't find, so all colliders are off, even when the configs appear to be right. :P

If I can't find the error soon I'll release the update without this, delaying the terrain scatters for a later update.

Your talking about terrain scatter ( trees, rocks ) having collision meshes right? That's okay with me Proot. Truth be told I actually am opposed to the idea. Itd jeopardize long range rover missions. ( LONG range. Like circumnavigation long ) Would the feature be able to be disabled when it is complete?

Edited by Motokid600
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Well, I've officially started work on new career crafts :) - As soon as your next release comes out I'll be making another heavy visual install w/ KSPRC as it's crown. I hope the FPS is nice - I may end up removing some of the more intensive portions of KSPRC to get it to run even faster. I've done it in the past with good results.

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17 hours ago, Avera9eJoe said:

Well, I've officially started work on new career crafts :) - As soon as your next release comes out I'll be making another heavy visual install w/ KSPRC as it's crown. I hope the FPS is nice - I may end up removing some of the more intensive portions of KSPRC to get it to run even faster. I've done it in the past with good results.

Which parts do you axe? I'm still hoping for better FPS myself. 

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I've tried to update the DLLs via CKAN. Distant Object Enhancement (1.6.4), Kopernicus (Beta 0.6), and PlanetShine ( all installed fine fine, but updating the EVE DLLs (1.05-4) completely breaks. It's as if it doesn't recognize the cfg files or load the images. However, the default install of EVE does work.

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Hey, awesome mod comp. Got everything working and fps is manageable while using active texture management and forcing Dx11.

Just asking though, what would I need to change in order to get Eve back to its original purple colour? Right now it looks to me much like real life Venus (or in game Duna).

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Does anyone know what the particle effects that show up at the space center and in flight are? It kind of looks like snow...it seems to cause a huge FPS drop as well? Is there any way to get rid of it? img]The mod looks fantastic but the game runs at 12 FPS. I'm running KSP in OpenGL and have 64RAM. Thanks for any help.

Here's an screenshot of what I'm talking about:


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Ok.. becouse i see a lot of players complaining becouse of fps isue, i will post here a link or document how to manage to have BEAUTIFULL graphics and have A LOT of fps and A LOT of mods (like me 42) and still have awesome graphic and fps... (in my recent post UP, was talk a little about that). But ONLY if you come minimum 3-4 players ask me how,becouse it will take some time to write the steps- step by step.. i glad to help (that's why i make a post, up) but apears just 1 person interes to help him,so i "quit". Still the "offer" remains. :) And when i say "beautifull graphics and fps" i say graphic like KSPRC/64 bit with unity 4.6 and 85 fps + (sure..depends on graphic card too to manage to hold ksprc graphic). +  I have i5 3570 and gtx 660, and i have 55-65 fps on Kerbin with ALL max and last scatterer,boulder CO,EVE,etc) and 90-100 fps up to 150/200km from any planet. When we have a ship with over 100 parts, in that point we talk about procesor,it's a diferent point there.

Edited by Istrati
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1 minute ago, Istrati said:

Ok.. becouse i see a lot of players complaining becouse of fps isue, i will post here a link or document how to manage to have BEAUTIFULL graphics and have A LOT of fps and A LOT of mods (like me 42) and still have awesome graphic and fps... (in my recent post UP, was talk a little about that). But ONLY if you come minimum 3-4 players ask me how,becouse it will take some time to write the steps- step by step.. i glad to help (that's what i make a post, up) but apears just 1 person interes to help him,so i "quit". Still the "offer" remains. :)

This would be of great help, if you can find the time. Thumbs up!

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4 hours ago, Istrati said:

Ok.. becouse i see a lot of players complaining becouse of fps isue, i will post here a link or document how to manage to have BEAUTIFULL graphics and have A LOT of fps and A LOT of mods (like me 42) and still have awesome graphic and fps... (in my recent post UP, was talk a little about that). But ONLY if you come minimum 3-4 players ask me how,becouse it will take some time to write the steps- step by step.. i glad to help (that's why i make a post, up) but apears just 1 person interes to help him,so i "quit". Still the "offer" remains. :) And when i say "beautifull graphics and fps" i say graphic like KSPRC/64 bit with unity 4.6 and 85 fps + (sure..depends on graphic card too to manage to hold ksprc graphic). +  I have i5 3570 and gtx 660, and i have 55-65 fps on Kerbin with ALL max and last scatterer,boulder CO,EVE,etc) and 90-100 fps up to 150/200km from any planet. When we have a ship with over 100 parts, in that point we talk about procesor,it's a diferent point there.

That would be great, but please, without the 64 bit hack.

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13 hours ago, Avera9eJoe said:

I removed them and it didn't improve FPS. The drop is most likely from other portions sadly.

Just curious how you removed them? Thanks! 

6 hours ago, Istrati said:

Ok.. becouse i see a lot of players complaining becouse of fps isue, i will post here a link or document how to manage to have BEAUTIFULL graphics and have A LOT of fps and A LOT of mods (like me 42) and still have awesome graphic and fps... (in my recent post UP, was talk a little about that). But ONLY if you come minimum 3-4 players ask me how,becouse it will take some time to write the steps- step by step.. i glad to help (that's why i make a post, up) but apears just 1 person interes to help him,so i "quit". Still the "offer" remains. :) And when i say "beautifull graphics and fps" i say graphic like KSPRC/64 bit with unity 4.6 and 85 fps + (sure..depends on graphic card too to manage to hold ksprc graphic). +  I have i5 3570 and gtx 660, and i have 55-65 fps on Kerbin with ALL max and last scatterer,boulder CO,EVE,etc) and 90-100 fps up to 150/200km from any planet. When we have a ship with over 100 parts, in that point we talk about procesor,it's a diferent point there.

Yes please! Thank you!

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46 minutes ago, OzEtkin said:

Just curious how you removed them? Thanks! 


When in game around Kerbin, on Windows, hit ALT + 0 (that's zero), on Linux, it's something like Right Shift + ALT + 0. This will open the EVE GUI. You should see an area with layer names, find and select the particles layer then delete it. Sorry I can't be more descriptive of exactly how but it's been a while since I played with the interface. As mentioned though, deleting the particle layer alone will probably not gain much performance. I feel the performance loss isn't any one thing in particular but a cumulative effect of how all the visual mods render their candy.




Oh yeah, you have to refresh the EVE config after deleting. Don't panic too much about messing things up because you can always drag the original files from the KSPRC archive back in.

Edited by Manwith Noname
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1 hour ago, OzEtkin said:

Just curious how you removed them? Thanks! 

Yes please! Thank you!

The cloudlets should be in one of the Kopernicus config files. You can locate and remove the line for any cloud to remove it. I only did it once and it was more of fiddling around until I got it to vanish so I sadly don't have more instruction than this. It also might be in EVE.

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8 hours ago, Istrati said:

Ok.. becouse i see a lot of players complaining becouse of fps isue, i will post here a link or document how to manage to have BEAUTIFULL graphics and have A LOT of fps and A LOT of mods (like me 42) and still have awesome graphic and fps... 

I've managed to kluge together something also with KSPRC and bits from SVE, but I can't seem to re-create it on another save!


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21 hours ago, Istrati said:

Ok.. becouse i see a lot of players complaining becouse of fps isue, i will post here a link or document how to manage to have BEAUTIFULL graphics and have A LOT of fps and A LOT of mods (like me 42) and still have awesome graphic and fps... (in my recent post UP, was talk a little about that). But ONLY if you come minimum 3-4 players ask me how,becouse it will take some time to write the steps- step by step.. i glad to help (that's why i make a post, up) but apears just 1 person interes to help him,so i "quit". Still the "offer" remains. :) And when i say "beautifull graphics and fps" i say graphic like KSPRC/64 bit with unity 4.6 and 85 fps + (sure..depends on graphic card too to manage to hold ksprc graphic). +  I have i5 3570 and gtx 660, and i have 55-65 fps on Kerbin with ALL max and last scatterer,boulder CO,EVE,etc) and 90-100 fps up to 150/200km from any planet. When we have a ship with over 100 parts, in that point we talk about procesor,it's a diferent point there.


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On 10.02.2016 at 11:23 AM, KBM said:

This would be of great help, if you can find the time. Thumbs up!


hm.. i'm on win 7 64 bit... and  i manage to make ksp work beautifull with unity 4.6 without bugs releated with 64 unity....so .. why the h@ll not 64 than ? :)





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On 10.02.2016 at 11:23 AM, KBM said:

This would be of great help, if you can find the time. Thumbs up!

ok.. i will start today to make the video i think?... i think will be video.. i stop record videos since 2005 so.. :)) it will be 1 hour to search/download/make a good video recorder. post (if you can) here a good program to record the desktop (remember that i dont have SSD(for speed)..a program with low resources on rec.





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On 10.02.2016 at 3:27 AM, OzEtkin said:

Does anyone know what the particle effects that show up at the space center and in flight are? It kind of looks like snow...it seems to cause a huge FPS drop as well? Is there any way to get rid of it? img]The mod looks fantastic but the game runs at 12 FPS. I'm running KSP in OpenGL and have 64RAM. Thanks for any help.

Here's an screenshot of what I'm talking about:


:)) and i used to have 23-30 fps with that particles,yes.. just whait to reach the Eve surface :)).. if i used to have 23-30 fps on kerbin,when i reach Eve surface.....SURPRIZE ! 10-12 fps ! definitely is a beauty there with sandstorm and tornado ! but...to much clouds leyers ! .. is 5? i think, you can remove 4 off them and improve 15 fps.... i dont even want to imagine what fps you will have there :))... so that's why i remove EVE (from ksprc) and put another EVE and now where i used to have 10-12 fps, now i have 55 ! on eve surface. Yep it is posiblle, i removed sometime and improve from 23-to 35-40 fps..(that sparckle?) but i dont like fps under 85 (becouse of my crt dell 85 hz) so.. i deleted EVE from ksprc and i put another EVE with MUCH MUCH better fps-like 75-80 on Kerbin, and the difference is not much...

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17 hours ago, Avera9eJoe said:

The cloudlets should be in one of the Kopernicus config files. You can locate and remove the line for any cloud to remove it. I only did it once and it was more of fiddling around until I got it to vanish so I sadly don't have more instruction than this. It also might be in EVE.

Nope is not ! is not in ksprc folder..it is in EVE (from ksprc) i tweaked this KSPRC past over 7 HOURS, and If you delete cloud..let say - from boulderCO from clouds/textures/eve.png you will end with no clouds at all, becouse that eve.png is linked to kerbin to,or another like Lathye.... so i deleted from EVE shaders config i think,if i remember well( i do this tweaking a 4 mounths ago...... it's just an example.

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