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35MN thrust and a 30min burn...


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Bailed Out? What does that mean?

Wait I looked it up and apparently one xonameter is the size of the observable universe

Jesus H. Christ, man, you left the universe!

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Bailed Out? What does that mean?

Wait I looked it up and apparently one xonameter is the size of the observable universe

Jesus H. Christ, man, you left the universe!

So in theory the game would have space to fit other star systems if Squad should decide to explore the option one day?

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I have a question - how do you hold your ship together with an engine(s) that has 35 million maximum thrust? I just edited an engine to have 9 million thrust, put it on a probe body and power source, lowered the thrust limiter to 5.5, and it took off insanely fast. Problem is, if I increase the thrust by a hair, the ship flies apart. Do you have an edited sas unit or something that holds the ship together?

Edited by turkwinif
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If a Xonameter is the size of the universe, and you're 1000 Xonameters away from Kerbol, why is it still so big? Shouldn't it have shrunk to a sub-pixel level long before then?

It's a bit... broken is the best way to describe it.

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So in theory the game would have space to fit other star systems if Squad should decide to explore the option one day?
There's already mods that have done it.

The thing is that having stuff too far away is bad for gameplay. At best, you'll have interstellar missions taking so much longer than interplanetary that you wouldn't really be able to run some of both at once: if you want to complete your interstellar mission you'll have to ignore the Kerbin system for decades. At worst, the engines that make interstellar travel possible will make interplanetary travel trivial, defeating the whole point of KSP.

The only practical solution, I think, is what the modders have done, which is to make the new star systems binary companions of the Kerbin one, justifying bringing them accessibly close.

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I have a question - how do you hold your ship together with an engine(s) that has 35 million maximum thrust?

It's only 35,000; the game's thrust units are kilonewtons.

EDIT: so 35 MN is 23 1/3 Mainsails. Or 10.93 of the new KS-25x4 engine clusters.

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I have a stion - how do you hold your ship together with an engine(s) that has 35 million maximum thrust? I just edited an engine to have 9 million thrust, put it on a probe body and power source, lowered the thrust limiter to 5.5, and it took off insanely fast. Problem is, if I increase the thrust by a hair, the ship flies apart. Do you have an edited sas unit or something that holds the ship together?

Yeah, I Think I calculated something wrong. I edited a kw-rocketry engine to have 5000 N (what I thought were kN), and used 5 of them. :)

EDIT: NERVAfan explained it quite well.

Edited by StratoK
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If a Xonameter is the size of the universe, and you're 1000 Xonameters away from Kerbol, why is it still so big? Shouldn't it have shrunk to a sub-pixel level long before then?

Because the game isn't programmed for missions so far out. The furthest is something behind Eeloo and that's where Kerbol is the smallest.

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Actually, "X" on the altimeter means "Exameters", not "Xonameters" :-)

Wrong. The Si prefixes and their associated letters are:

Giga(G), Terra(T), Exa(E), Peta(P), Zetta(Z),Yotta(Y), Xona(X)

(Even though Xona isn't considered an Si prefix)

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Wrong. The Si prefixes and their associated letters are:

Giga(G), Terra(G), Exa(E), Peta(P), Zetta(Z),Yotta(Y), Xona(X)

(Even though Xona isn't considered an Si prefix)

Oh. Well, that explains that. I still think it's Exa though, since "Xona" isn't actually a valid prefix for SI systems.

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They could add wormhole science to the game. Then there could be a wormhole out past eeloo that can take you most of the way to another star system with the engines already in the game. It wouldn't break anything, and wouldn't add FTL.

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That's Xona, I've done experiments with a kraken-drive and it goes something like "m-km-gm-pm-em-zm-ym-xm" and I never travelled beyond 10 exa meters (not high enough for the altimeter to change) and Danny has travelled in yottameters.... Congrats you beat Danny to travelling farther than the observable universe...

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