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Cargo Transportation Solutions (WIP)


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Oh, right. I just double checked and yes, I did take out Firespitter, had to get rid of all mods and reinstall everything to hunt down a bug that (after hours) lead me to reverting to tweakscale 1.44 after some research on the forums :D

Thanks a lot MeCripp! ;D

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  • 2 weeks later...
Is someone able to help me? Is this mod compatible with FAR so that the cargo payload is shielded? Very nicely made mod, very practical to use with MKS.

If Talisar correctly labeled the parts as a cargo bay, which he did, than yes. Be advised, this only holds true for the actual cargo bay and you'll need to use inline fairings if you intend to use the frames. Also, I believe someone in this thread made a modulemanager patch that applies procedural fairings properties to the adapters.

EDIT: strike that, the procedural fairings version is actually a part of the main DL.

Edited by Captain Sierra
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Actually, no. The right-click menu isn't working, so there's no way to close the cargo doors. Is there an easy way to fix that?

Actually, yes. The right click menu is working. You're missing a dependency. The fix is easy, you are missing a dependency which was listed on the first post: Firespitter. (all you need is the plugin dll, not the entire mod)

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

OK, I don't get it. I'm obviously missing some important concept here. They look cool and all, but what functionality do they provide? I can attach stuff to them, but can't take anything out. (once I'm actually out in the world). I can carry, but not unload. (If the answer is "docking ports", then why do I need cargo bays?)

What am I missing? What do these things *do*? Can somebody give me a practical example? Yes, this question really is that stupid.

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OK, I don't get it. I'm obviously missing some important concept here. They look cool and all, but what functionality do they provide? I can attach stuff to them, but can't take anything out. (once I'm actually out in the world). I can carry, but not unload. (If the answer is "docking ports", then why do I need cargo bays?)

What am I missing? What do these things *do*? Can somebody give me a practical example? Yes, this question really is that stupid.

It has the same purpose of the Mk3 cargo bays

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  • 3 weeks later...

Is this mod still being actively maintained? I'd like to make a few changes as well as have it published on CKAN. Here's what I'd like to do:

Remove Pod - Doesn't really fit in with the theme

Balance masses with stock parts and other mods

Fix collision strength - These things are nearly indestructible

Make hollow separators work as a decoupler

Add 6 meter cargo bays

Assign tech tree locations

Remove Firespitter dependency

Publish to Github and CKAN

Edited by TCFirebird
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OK, I don't get it. I'm obviously missing some important concept here. They look cool and all, but what functionality do they provide? I can attach stuff to them, but can't take anything out. (once I'm actually out in the world). I can carry, but not unload. (If the answer is "docking ports", then why do I need cargo bays?)

What am I missing? What do these things *do*? Can somebody give me a practical example? Yes, this question really is that stupid.

You can put a docking port/decoupler on one end, and struts on another (they'll disappear on undock/decouple, and if you strut from the bay to the payload, then you won't even have a mess on the payload after reload. Which is great or terrible, depending on what you decide to obsess about). So they make it easier to make a more stable payload. Also, you can put RCS on the frames instead of the payload, which is super neat (I do always have KAS, but not all mods have KAS RCS stuff, and anyway, KAS on RCS is a bit on the weird side).

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OK, I don't get it. I'm obviously missing some important concept here. They look cool and all, but what functionality do they provide? I can attach stuff to them, but can't take anything out. (once I'm actually out in the world). I can carry, but not unload. (If the answer is "docking ports", then why do I need cargo bays?)

What am I missing? What do these things *do*? Can somebody give me a practical example? Yes, this question really is that stupid.

What you are missing is decouplers or docking ports.

I'm not understanding from your post why you think docking ports obviate the need for cargo bays. I can think of tons of uses for these

  • Inline storage where your payload is in line with your thrust instead of throwing your center of mass off
  • If you use FAR or NEAR then cargo bays shield your payload from airflow.
  • They shield your payload from reentry if you use Deadly Reentry. (even more effectively if used in conjuction with FAR or NEAR)
  • In the near future, SDF may be able to offer the same functionality to cargo bays that NEAR or FAR do.
  • Use the cargo bays as landers by mounting engines and legs on the outside with the open end facing down so that you can unload your payload onto the surface
  • Use with a decoupler to have an inline drop tank that you can jettison. (in fact, I'm pretty sure these were inspired by the GRC saddletruss on the conceptual Mars Crew Transport Copernicus)
  • 69,105 other uses that I haven't even thought of or begun to list.

Edited by Starwaster
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Why do I need cargo bays? :) To make something like this:


Carry the load internally and a service compartment that hides ugly parts. ;)

EDIT: Docked those modules in there with the little RCS drone lander can.

Edited by Snarfster
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Is this mod still being actively maintained? I'd like to make a few changes as well as have it published on CKAN. Here's what I'd like to do:

Remove Pod - Doesn't really fit in with the theme

Balance masses with stock parts and other mods

Fix collision strength - These things are nearly indestructible

Make hollow separators work as a decoupler

Add 6 meter cargo bays

Assign tech tree locations

Remove Firespitter dependency

Publish to Github and CKAN

Check if there's a license file - I didn't see one in the OP. If there is none, then it's ARR so a no-go as far as derivative works

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Check if there's a license file - I didn't see one in the OP.

What do you mean there's no license in the OP? :wink:

For anyone who's wondering, the license in the download is CC-BY-SA 3.0. As long as you adhere to the terms of the license and the [thread=87841]Add-on Posting Rules[/thread], you are free to make and post your own updates. Of course, it's polite to ask for permission first, anyway.

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For anyone who's wondering, the license in the download is CC-BY-SA 3.0. As long as you adhere to the terms of the license and the [thread=87841]Add-on Posting Rules[/thread], you are free to make and post your own updates. Of course, it's polite to ask for permission first, anyway.

Right, I saw the license in the OP. I'm trying to be polite by asking Talisar here (and I sent a PM).

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OK, I don't get it. I'm obviously missing some important concept here. They look cool and all, but what functionality do they provide? I can attach stuff to them, but can't take anything out. (once I'm actually out in the world). I can carry, but not unload. (If the answer is "docking ports", then why do I need cargo bays?)

What am I missing? What do these things *do*? Can somebody give me a practical example? Yes, this question really is that stupid.

That's not a silly question. Right now, in stock, nothing. People like them for roleplay, and with the mods that add aerodynamics and reentry damage, they serve their proper purpose.

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