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[0.25/0.90] Better Atmospheres [V5 - June 14th, 2014]


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Yargnit! so THIS is where you hang out...

Anyways, why is it called RSS when it isn't actually replacing the planets? I've gotten a bit confused...


The RSS plugin is there just to remove certain textures from the planets, and a few other things IIRC.

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I'm getting weird cutoffs for the atmospheres when I fly through them.

Ie high in Kerbins atmosphere, half of the sky is deep blue, and the other half is black with a very distinct line between them.


Edited by Sof
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I'm getting weird cutoffs for the atmospheres when I fly through them.

Ie high in Kerbins atmosphere, half of the sky is deep blue, and the other half is black with a very distinct line between them.

Don't worry, the new and improved GUI will fix this silly "Doesn't save my tweaks for everyone." nonsense. In the mean time, hit ALT+N in flight, go down to layer 3, then hit advanced settings then under SETTINGS(Not scaled settings) change FadeDist to 100.

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To start with, love the mod! It makes everything look way better.

I have a problem though. About half of the night time city lights on Kerbin disappear when the planet is viewed from certain angles. When I view the planet from a certain angle everything is ok. But if I then move a few degrees to the side some of the lights disappears. I'm not sure, but I think this happens for 180 degrees and then they come back.

Do you know what might cause the problem? Do you even get what I mean?

Edit: Also, it's quite a hit on my performance, especially the volumetric clouds. Any tips on tweaks for increasing performance?

Edited by cooflar
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Just installed this sweet jewel and i gotta say, wow. I love all of the new textures. Especially for the atmosphere bodies. Jool and Kerbin are my 2 favorites but what's with the Mun having a fog layer? I can't see the blackness of space at all when on the surface. Same with Ike. Is there anyway to turn that off?

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To start with, love the mod! It makes everything look way better.

I have a problem though. About half of the night time city lights on Kerbin disappear when the planet is viewed from certain angles. When I view the planet from a certain angle everything is ok. But if I then move a few degrees to the side some of the lights disappears. I'm not sure, but I think this happens for 180 degrees and then they come back.

Do you know what might cause the problem? Do you even get what I mean?

Edit: Also, it's quite a hit on my performance, especially the volumetric clouds. Any tips on tweaks for increasing performance?

That's an EVE bug. It's getting fixed in V8 of EVE.

I recommend hitting alt+n and turning off volumetric clouds. Going into GameData/boulderco/clouds and then resize all the textures would also be a great idea.

Just installed this sweet jewel and i gotta say, wow. I love all of the new textures. Especially for the atmosphere bodies. Jool and Kerbin are my 2 favorites but what's with the Mun having a fog layer? I can't see the blackness of space at all when on the surface. Same with Ike. Is there anyway to turn that off?
Don't worry, the new and improved GUI will fix this silly "Doesn't save my tweaks for everyone." nonsense. In the mean time, hit ALT+N in flight, go down to layer 3, then hit advanced settings then under SETTINGS(Not scaled settings) change FadeDist to 100.
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I prefer option B, option A just looks too bright to me.

I seem to be alone in my preferences, but I thought A looked nicer, and fit more with the atmospheric color at the surface of Laythe. You can see the ground a lot easier as well.

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Auroras incoming! I think you guys are really going to like these (was inspired by the ones in space engine). Just handed over the new texture to Thesonicgalaxy for him to work his magic.

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Auroras incoming! I think you guys are really going to like these (was inspired by the ones in space engine). Just handed over the new texture to Thesonicgalaxy for him to work his magic.
Since A and B all seem evened out, I think I'll just include a separate config for A.

Just opened up the textures in paint.net. You know, one of these days EVE and BA are gonna make you open up KSP and think you actually opened up Space Engine.

Sounds promising :) Yeah definetely KSP looks Space Engine Style with your EVE config

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Here's an album of them all. Would like some feedback.


the jool aura looks sorta out of place. Maybe try making it a light pink to match with jool's sunrises and sets. and since laythe gets battered with radiation from jool, make laythe's auras 4 TIMES BIGGER:cool:

otherwise :D

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I might be wrong because i'm a bit colorblind, but this doesn't look like a good match.

Also maybe because it looks more fine inflight than from the mapview. Would you be able to make it way less visible from very far / mapview ? :)

In any case the aurora by itself looks very pretty, though I would only say the geometrical shape seems strange but i'm no specialist.

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I might be wrong because i'm a bit colorblind, but this doesn't look like a good match.

Also maybe because it looks more fine inflight than from the mapview. Would you be able to make it way less visible from very far / mapview ? :)

In any case the aurora by itself looks very pretty, though I would only say the geometrical shape seems strange but i'm no specialist.

Yeah, Jool's is going to be the hardest by far.


How about this?

I would also like color suggestions for this:


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