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Permadeath on, Kerbonaut Memorial Gardens inaugurated.


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So I turned on permadeath (a little edit in the persistence file, forgot what it was), and then two brave souls, Chad and Kendon, decided to ride an asteroid down to Kerbin.


So I decided I should set up a memorial, where all my foolishly brave kerbonauts will not be forgotten. I know there's a mod to send their remains into space in a little space-coffin, but I wanted something on the ground at KSC. So I set up some markers in front of the Astronaut Complex. The hearse can be seen in the background.


Who else has permadeath on? And do you do anything to memorialize your lost kerbals?

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I plant a flags around the launch pad flagpole in memorial.

There's also the Jebediah Kerman Memorial Space Station for Science and Other Stuff (a terrible ssto experiment gone wrong) and the Patdon Kerman Memorial Space Telescope for Seeing Far Away Things and Stuff (munar landing "accident") on the current play through.

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Permadeath here too.

I never did anything to memorialise them before ARM. However, now that we have asteroids that can be named, this seemed the appropriate way to memorialise fallen komrades.

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I did put permadeath on for my .23.5 save. A combination of unmanned testing, abort procedures, and a bit of luck has kept everyone alive and well so far, but then I've yet to land on any planets or moons (apart from Kerbin).

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I launch them into space. It's a sad occasion.

Also, how do you turn on permadeath? It's more realistic that way, but I don't know how to turn it on...

Load up your persistence and quicksave files in a text editor for the save in question and change MissingCrewsRespawn to False instead of True. It has to be done on a save-by-save basis.

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If I werent in constant fear of PC-resources-loss, I would pick up Scott's (?) planting flags for lost Kerbals at the flag pole of KSC.

But with every flag being a craft and close to launching rockets and all ... :P:wink:

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Permadeath on here. I have too many dead Kerbals for a space program that's only existed for 17 Kerbin years.

I'll probably memorialize them with a flag. As it is, my space center is named after Keldan Kerman, one of the first Kerbals to walk on another planet (he's dead now. He died in a training accident.so yeah). I also have Gregbal Space Station (but I don't think he's dead... yet). And I try to memorialize all of my landing sites by marking them with flags.

Edited by Gojira
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Anyway, since when did that mean anything about memorialising them?

It should (hopefully, but apparently not) indicate that I don't find value in such sentiment within the confines of a video game. Anyway, OP asked two questions and I answered them since I figured the fact that I play with permadeath enabled was significant to their thread.

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