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How many times has the kraken happened to you?


How many times has the kraken happened to you?  

  1. 1. How many times has the kraken happened to you?

    • Not much (Also can be Never)
    • Alot (Also can be a few or Little)

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As the title says... How many times has the evil kraken attacked you.

I'll tell my story first, Actually if you want to remember my 2 veteran stations and all the kerbals aboard, Go to the link in my sig.

They had a long and merit filled carreer of 3-4 Kerbal Years.

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I almost never encounter any bugs in the game of any sort.

I would be a bad tester... I marvel at the people who can figure out how to break the game... especially Danny. I was proud of myself when I saw the one and only bug of significance I've ever experienced shown in one of his videos. (Time warping through a planet)

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I almost never encounter any bugs in the game of any sort.

I would be a bad tester... I marvel at the people who can figure out how to break the game... especially Danny. I was proud of myself when I saw the one and only bug of significance I've ever experienced shown in one of his videos. (Time warping through a planet)

That happened to me when i was watching an asteroid hit kerbin because we lost time to rendezvous with the asteroid and redirect it... So i time warped full and it was a hit trajectory with kerbin, So it kept flying through it and staying on an orbit until i slowed time down a bit..

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Only a few times, and I've been playing for quite a while. Let's see...

Definitely experienced Warp Shakes before those were fixed.

I never had the original flavor Deep Space Kraken.

During some of the old Experimental versions, I had the bug where hitting an SoI change would cause orbit reversal.

Phantom forces causing ship rotation, maybe one or two times.

The last Kraken-like thing I experienced was in v0.18, where I was flying a kethane jet around Duna, and my base exploded right as it hit the 2.5km physics load distance. Pretty sure that one's been fixed.

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Only a few times, and I've been playing for quite a while. Let's see...

Definitely experienced Warp Shakes before those were fixed.

I never had the original flavor Deep Space Kraken.

During some of the old Experimental versions, I had the bug where hitting an SoI change would cause orbit reversal.

Phantom forces causing ship rotation, maybe one or two times.

The last Kraken-like thing I experienced was in v0.18, where I was flying a kethane jet around Duna, and my base exploded right as it hit the 2.5km physics load distance. Pretty sure that one's been fixed.

Yeah, I think I experienced the phantom force one, Luckily it didn't do anything but twirl me a little...

But the kraken decided when I was going to burn to redirect an asteroid so the kraken decided I will not save kerbin today, So when I fired engines the class E asteroid sent me and the asteroid (Still grabbed on luckily) started twirling and would NOT stop even with SAS!

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Twice. Once waaaaay back in the 0.17 (I think) when I tempted fate with a Minmus kethane refining station that had two external tanks and three or four other craft docked to it. I'm not sure what I tried to do exactly, I think I just switched to it from the tracking station, but the Kraken looked at it and said "no", so it exploded.

The second time was a few days ago. While trying to get a B class asteroid to Duna the Kraken decided that said asteroid and tug combination should not be allowed to turn. Then it also thought it would be funny to amplify the RCS thrusters to the point where my attempts to turn said asteroid became a deorbit burn.

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ive been whacked by the Kraken a few times. Sometimes the Hell Kraken, sometimes the "I think the ship needs to go in 5 directions at once kraken" and then one Kraken that refused to let a space station DIE or be Edited Kraken. All told, it can be fun to waltz with the Kraken and his family!

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In my KSP main save there a 2 campaigns ongoing

1-Our Duna & Eve khetane extraction

2-The war againist the evil Kraken! He took the life of 14 Kerbals who were just travelling to Duna!

It had attacked me many times during time warp!

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I had a few minor issues earlier today. A no part, no mass ship "frozen" in Munar orbit, with the Space Centre button non-functional but not oranged out. I closed the game by X-ing the window, restarted, and terminated the phantom ship from the tracking station.

Then later on I found Kerbin seemingly missing from the Space Centre after leaving a flight, with the night sky background filling the screen. I exited the save normally and restarted the game.

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Quite a bit, but I do tempt them with lots of Kraken bait. :wink:


Were you trying to build an imperial star destroyer?! xD What is that?

Also it has happened to me on one occasion, affecting two craft: both were on their way to Duna, a couple of weeks apart... And then the game screen went black with madly scrolling altimeter. Confused, I reloaded the game, to find that every single part on both craft had experienced such personal space issues they had flown apart, some of them at several times the speed of light! They were both only about 80 part ships too D: Obviously the kraken wanted a couple of bitesized snacks.

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And another glitch today, on re-entry Kerbin's ground failed to load visually, it still looked like a blown-up version of what you see from orbit and I started seeing the blue orb below it. Then the parachutes failed to fully deploy (despite VOID correctly reporting the surface altitude) and the ground though invisible was still solid. kaboom.

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As an Ex Kraken drive engineer and an active designer of Kraken weapons (See my weapons thread) I can't remember the last time I played without encountering the kraken. Still hunting for a way to reproduce the one that launched everything on the body (kerbin) several Km into the air.

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And another glitch today, on re-entry Kerbin's ground failed to load visually, it still looked like a blown-up version of what you see from orbit and I started seeing the blue orb below it. Then the parachutes failed to fully deploy (despite VOID correctly reporting the surface altitude) and the ground though invisible was still solid. kaboom.

Ah, the Big Blue Spot bug, I've had that... in fact, was my first bug, unless you count the phantom forces ripping apart a space station or two...

Last night I got my first Hell Kraken attack... was on a stupid little rover I was just testing out quickly, made it in SPH, attached a pod to the back so Jeb would be able to get out and try the rover, was going fine until... Spawned on runway. forgot to hit brakes, decoupled pod - rover started moving away slowly, thought 'oh well, Jeb can catch up :)' got him out... all of a sudden, black display except for HUD, altimeter goes mental and stops at '66666666'. I wonder if I should bother trying to re-test that rover >.<

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