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[0.23.5]Stockalike Aeronautics (2.0) New Engine, FX fix


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Blackheart, I have a role for you to fill with an engine: A Merlin 1-D workalike, that is able to be attached radially at the top node to allow F9 style clusters. However, it would have to not have a "Thrust Plate" because the 1.25m parts wont cluster without sticking out with that plate. A clever thing you could do would be to do it like your HG-10B in Aerojet Kerbodyne. You could have two nodes, one at the top of the engine, and that point would also be the point where it radially attatches, and then another node, slightly higher, that would spawn in the thrust plate. It should be slightly more efficient ALS than the LV-T45, but worse at higher altitude, and I was thinking thrust around 250-300 kN.

Whadaya think? I think it would fit perfectly with either this mod if it was made stockalike, or maybe be a nice part for the Stock Launcher Overhaul instead.



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I was going to try my hand at stockalike "superdraco" engine pairs, with a low poly shroud for aerodynamics, and two of the 24-77 engines sticking out the bottom. Don't suppose you would feel inclined to whip up something like that?

Stretch goal - integral RCS in aero-shroud.

Edited by Gryphorim
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I was going to try my hand at stockalike "superdraco" engine pairs, with a low poly shroud for aerodynamics, and two of the 24-77 engines sticking out the bottom. Don't suppose you would feel inclined to whip up something like that?

Stretch goal - integral RCS in aero-shroud.

Maybe it should be on KSLO and not here? I dunno :P


2.0 - Fixed the FX being fireworks

Added Rockomax "S-Quad" Liquid Fuel Engine (Four Nozzles)

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Whoa Dude/ette, slow down or you might burn out of creative juices. You've already got four other projects!

Not that I wouldn't love to see more of your awesome stuff, though. :)

Dat post time

Along with SPUE, this is the next RLA/KSPX! Excellent work man, you just keep on giving! :D

As long as I can :)

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Something that might help attract more attention: The first post should include a description of what's included in the download.

Hmmm, I'll add that

hate to be pissy and a bore but you (blackheart) are investing in too many projects... i'm just worried you'll (or one of your projects) will get left behind because you haven't time to update them all (or whatever the reason may be)

Yeah, I'm worried about that too, I just don't wanna forget the ones I got planned. And I swear I can't sleep thinking about what I am planning until I do it. lol

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  • 2 weeks later...
Not a lot checks it out tho :P

Me and my son love your stuff i actually use every mod you have on one install or another. Thats just how it goes in the modding game great stuff like yours go by the waste side sometimes while mediocre is praised. I've never understood that I think you and Lack are so underrated. Ive saw people play modded for 2 years and not see you and lacks stuff, but as long as your making stuff me and my son will be DL'n your stuff. Some of the best out there.

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Me and my son love your stuff i actually use every mod you have on one install or another. Thats just how it goes in the modding game great stuff like yours go by the waste side sometimes while mediocre is praised. I've never understood that I think you and Lack are so underrated. Ive saw people play modded for 2 years and not see you and lacks stuff, but as long as your making stuff me and my son will be DL'n your stuff. Some of the best out there.

Don't worry, I'll continue as I can. Thanks. But if you see me not updating much on a thread, I might be on another :)

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Hey Blackheart just wanted to say I absolutely love your mods and retextures, in fact i have them all installed :)

Took forever to find this one though you might want to add it to your sig?

Keep up the excellent work mate:wink:

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