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[Showcase] Showoff Your Rep-Worthy Crafts

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Thought this worthy of a share following a comment by Yukon0009. Starting big didn't work, so the R+D department directed by Dinklestein came up with this nifty little 77 part, 66.4t microshuttle, capable of high Kerbin orbit (~1MKM) and return. Just Press 6 (turn off RCS ports), R, T, and Z before launch, then hands off the wheel until staging time! Press 1 after the R.A.P.I.E.R changes to closed cycle (to close the intakes) and throttle back to zero just as the fuel in the Rockomax Jumbo-64 get's dry so you don't burn the shuttles fuel supply. Then stage and watch how beautifully the jumbo separates!

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I think that this thing is worth a few points of +Rep :wink:

My personal favorite thing that I've done in stock KSP is creating a fully functional...

Claw Game

...complete with lights, labels, eight Kerbals to choose from, and a fair deal of difficulty!



Here's the Claw Game, ready for action! Doesn't it look cool?


The Claw is ready to drop upon the unsuspecting Kerbals below (with the help of 4x Time-Warp.)


The Claw has captured a Kerbal! Time to time-warp back to 1x and take Bobger to the Victory Bin on the other side.


You're free, Bobger! Now you can be taken home by the lucky winner...

I spent too much time making this thing look nice, and work properly. Still, though, it's not that bad of an idea, right? :)

...and now for a video explaining how the thing works!

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Are we all only posting stock craft here? I have a SSTO, an aircraft, a lander and a spacestation which I am rather proud of, but I don't think i have built a fully stock craft since 0.18 or sth like that :s would really like to share but I haven't seen anything non stock on the last 20 pages or so, so I thought I'd ask beforehand

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I thought my version of the F-22 might be worth some rep, took me only about two day to make but I think it's my best aircraft so far.

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Befor you get your hopes up, this is not a spaceplane, mainly because I wanted it to be as close to reality as possible (spaceplane would mean more engines).

The only mods this uses are B9 Aerospace (Many Parts) , bac9's B9 Procedural Wings (3 Parts) , BahamutoD's Mk II Lightning Cockpit (1 Part) and Ferram Aerospace Research. If you're into aircraft, and you're not a stock hardliner you should get these anyways :D

It was built to not only look similar to the real F-22, but also to have similarily incerdible maneuverability. As such it is capable of pulling up to ~9g in a low altitude subsonic turn, without breaking apart.

In the low supersonic region it can still do up to 6 or 7g, depending on how thick the atmosphere is.

This version lifts of and lands best at about 120 m/s. Best Maneuverability is achieved just below mach 1.

I find this to be the most fun and easiest to fly aircraft I have built so far, also the best looking, but please let me know what you think.

Download the craft here

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