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Programs to do texturing?

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Gimp,Photoshop. Today there's no difference...only in price. Go with the free ones first and stick to those your most comfortable with. A skilled artist doesnn't need extra fancy software.

As for me, I prefer to create textures,especially for planets as a combination of shaders and bake them. 2D postprocessing later.

But that depends on what you want to create.

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I almost forgot Crazybump and Pixplant.Both are cheap and useful if you want to make height/bump/disp,normal and spec maps quickly. you can also polish the diff. texture. There is also Photoshop plugins(from nvidia if i remember correctly) that do the same.(i think there may be more)

Ndo2 looks to be a fine tool.(no experience with that)

(too many brackets)

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