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DarkMultiPlayer [KSP 1.12.0]


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The game runs a bit more smoothly now with the subspace cap lowered... but thing is, it won't go lower than 0.305 and I want to set it to 0.300 so that the +20ms/s error will stop accumulating.. And it's sad because I have a decent computer too: HP Pavilion 500.

If I had the option to manually set the subspace speed that would be awesome!

Edited by wased89
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I'm having a problem with joining modded servers and I was hoping someone could help. All the mods are installed but when I try to join I get this HUGE error message that says all of the dll files are missing and they are all non-whitelisted resources on the client. no clue what this means but when I restart it says they were installed incorrectly. they work in single player though. Plz help!!

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I randomly get disconnected, i can play for 1 hour before getting disconnect but sometimes i get disconnected after 5 minutes of connecting, totally random. My friends dont have issues with this and ive checked my firewall and antivirus. Anyone has any idea or suggestion on what i should do to stop this random disconnect from happening?

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@wased89: Manually setting the speed won't gain you all that much, DMP requests the speed it *thinks* it can run at, but the server now selects the slowest player in the subspace as the subspace speed. The 5 second jump was causing many problems for people, and this is the only way to avoid it :-/. It's basically automatic "cheat engine" (the time warp mod that DMP is most definitely incompatible with) so you don't lag.

@blainer98: The instructions should come up saying what you need to do. If the server is whitelisted, you'll need to remove any mods from GameData that the server doesn't allow. You'll also need to download mods that the server requires.

I intend to port KMPModClient into the actual DMPClient itself so it can sort out GameData for you.

@Arrowstar: SUBSPACE_SIMPLE will work exactly like subspace, but instead of syncing in the player window, you use '>' to sync. MCW_LOWEST is bascially "You warp to the lowest common warp factor", which basically means you'd never be able to warp if even 1 person does not want to (I think it's a terrible idea, but I may still implement it)

@inigma: Have fun with the mod ;)

@Joshwoo69: The server list is entirely user-generated, If a server admin adds a server to the list, and my computer can query the HTTP port, it shows up as online.

@4j25: Problem? :-/

@Frijolez: This hits some players worse than others - Perhaps try to catch me on IRC, I'd like to get a rough idea about what is going on with the disconnects. I've managed to stay connected overnight before, but I have decent-ish internet.

@viotech: Most likely there's a space or enter in the address box. You either need to type just the IP, or the domain name (for example, dmpservers.chickenkiller.com).

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  godarklight said:
@Trailers/wased89: DMP subspaces require everyone to be in sync, but I've obviously underestimated how badly KSP lags on other computers (as I have a GTX760).

After came out, the first changes in dev were how the subspace rates were requested (DMP guesses a little better now), how slow a subspace can run (Down from 0.5x to 0.3x), and changing from the average rate to the slowest rate in the subspace.

Basically, in the next verison, your game is going to have to be able to run at least 0.2x (0.3 subspace rate/1.5x warp) real speed, instead of 0.44x speed (0.66x due to a bug in request subspace speed / 1.5x warp).

  wased89 said:
The game runs a bit more smoothly now with the subspace cap lowered... but thing is, it won't go lower than 0.305 and I want to set it to 0.300 so that the +20ms/s error will stop accumulating.. And it's sad because I have a decent computer too: HP Pavilion 500.

If I had the option to manually set the subspace speed that would be awesome!

  godarklight said:
@wased89: Manually setting the speed won't gain you all that much, DMP requests the speed it *thinks* it can run at, but the server now selects the slowest player in the subspace as the subspace speed. The 5 second jump was causing many problems for people, and this is the only way to avoid it :-/. It's basically automatic "cheat engine" (the time warp mod that DMP is most definitely incompatible with) so you don't lag.


Not quite following this thread of discussion. Can you explain what subspace speed is and why it's important for client to be at the same speed?

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@Gristle: Under normal circumstances, you'd probably expect a second in the game to match a second of real time. This is complete lies with KSP, the planetarium clock ticks all over the place between realtime and (apparently) something slower than 0.3x for some people.

It's not important that the games are running at the same speed, it's important that when you're in a subspace with someone, that your clocks are synchronized. DMP does this by skewing the unity clock (aka: physwarping).

When I originally implemented this in KMP, the initial code was going to keep the game running at 1x speed as I thought it wasn't too much of an ask, but I was very wrong. Even for people with decent computers, people kept getting the 5 second time skip. The solution was to let the subspace run slower than real time so the lagging players didn't get time skipped constantly.

All of the warp modes require the subspace system to keep everyone in sync, it works like this:

* The client constantly knows the server system clock time by doing an NTP-style sync during the handshake.

* The subspace is locked to the server system clock, the planetarium time, and the subspace speed as an epoch.

* The client can then figure out exactly what time it should be compared to the subspace lock, and skew its clock accordingly. If the error gets larger than 5s, it "jumps" - which is where most people seem to be having troubles.

* Every 30 seconds, your DMP client tells the server how fast it *thinks* it can run (which is subspace speed / current skew). The server then relocks the subspace to the speed requested by the slowest player.

Before NTP-sync hit KMP, it used to constantly jump the player, and it used to kick players for running too slowly if they couldn't keep up. That's not something I want in DMP :).

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Feature request: shared flags. Like craft file uploads. Game should synch flags. I'd really like my cool spiffy SSI flag to show up on SSI vessels in game when visitors check out the SSI Universe server for the first time. This would also help give each server a "branded" feel.

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I'm on Mac and after copying the GameData folder's contents into my KSP's Game Data folder and starting the game, no connection screen/option/clickable button appears. Am I blind or is this usual/are there any recommendations?

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@inigma: Already planned for 0.1.5 ;)

@SemperDarky: It should definitely work on mac - JohannesMP runs it fine. Make sure you copy the DarkMultiPlayer folder and not the DMPClient folder from the zip into GameData. If that's correct, then there might be some other strange bug - I'd need the player.log file (which will be at ~/Library/Logs/Unity/Player.log)

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No need anymore, all is well. I think I was using an unupdated version of KSP (I noticed when the nasa file was missing). Also, the public servers are kind of empty, are there any large (player base) servers you or someone else knows of that one might join? (If allowed, ofcouse). Or do the public servers fill up at a later hour? (Not sure if many people know of DMP yet, that may have such results)

PS: Awesome work with the mod, you should be getting a letter from squad soon by this rate.

- Semper

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So I did call it... :)

Nice work on this mod, godarklight. I like the new feel it has. Solved some performance issues that I was having with the dev builds of KMP, and being able to limit the number of untracked asteroids has to be one of the smartest things anyone has ever done for a mod of KSP (I used to have dozens in KMP, completely cluttered the tracking station view).

Quick question though. I only fired up the mod for the first time last night and went to work on bringing up a space station. I may have just been too tired to notice, but is the undocking bug still present? I know you've been putting a lot of work on "p2p-docking", but from what I recall seeing I docked and saw that one of the docking clamps had only the uncouple node option and not the undock one. Afraid to undock anything now if that means I will have two large chunks of SS floating in orbit...

Thanks in advance for the help, and thank you godarklight for keeping this project alive and kicking!

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@kidSwift: I haven't come across the undocking bug yet in DMP, but I do handle things in roughly the same way as KMP, so the bug could still be a possibility. I'll probably have to compare a singleplayer and DMP docking and check if there is anything missing or different.

Also there's a bug with the asteroids, sometimes they spawn in anyway due to a time paradox, but I'll work out those kinks eventually ;).

I look forward to seeing how KSPM (Squad's official multiplayer) does things.

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