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DarkMultiPlayer [KSP 1.12.0]


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@joker169: DMPServer should run on any potato with a decent internet connection, bandwidth is nearly exponential as it's a message relay. Mods are controlled with DMPModControl.txt.

z0n's server run on a raspberry pi too.

@longbyte1: Which is exactly what the plugins folder is for, but I think the only plugin uses it is RockyTV's IRC connector :)

In 0.1.6 plugins will have the ability to hook into DMP's network, which makes many more things possible.

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@Rabidsimon: The thing is I've never seen the bug, nor have I heard about it before yesterday - So I wouldn't know where to start fixing it. I'll need a few things to track this down, the most important thing is to upload the KSP_Folder/KSP_Data/output_log.txt file to a site like pastebin (or if it's too big, drop into the IRC channel and I'll give you ftp details). A few screenshots will also help, along with any reproduction steps - Try to be as specific as possible :)

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Awesome. Got it working, and thanks.

I do have one more question, then I should be able to stop pestering you lol

Is there/will there be a feature in the future that allows password protected logins to prevent any yayhoo from taking over your stuff?

Doesn't bother me any, but after doing a second player login just to test things out, I found I could pretty much do whatever with everything like it was mine.

Anyways, thanks.

Gonna keep'r runnin anyway. :)

Also, not sure if it's just me, but it seems to have broken subassemblies. Crashes my game every time, when trying to save one (not really a problem with a simple file copy from the 'puter).

I am running it from an Ubuntu server, though. Could just as easily be the mono runtime.

Lovin' your work man.

Edited by Methlon
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  godarklight said:
@joker169: DMPServer should run on any potato with a decent internet connection, bandwidth is nearly exponential as it's a message relay. Mods are controlled with DMPModControl.txt.

Thanks godarklight, Just getting the hang of the DMP server mod. I had it in my head that it ran like a Dedicated server w/ all the files, folders and such ON the server itself. I appreciate the clarification.

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@Methlon: User accounts themselves are protected by a player token, and whitelisting the server will only allow certain players to connect, but there isn't an option for server passwords yet.

Pacemaker: All good, I'll have to visit the server sometime :)

In 0.1.6 I'll add vessel permissions so you won't have to worry about greifing.

I'll check on subassemblies, but DMP doesn't touch things in that area (outside of craft sharing) so it shouldn't be breaking things :-/

@joker169: All good, I should write a more clear readme or quick start guide....

@Everyone: When I get some time off work I'll start making more appearences on the public servers. I need to actually *play* DMP for once. Feel free to drop into the IRC channel too, it is for everyone, perhaps you can get me on a server :)

EDIT: Possibly tomorrow!. If that's the case, I'll be streaming at 2200 UTC, People are also invited to join my mumble server so we (I?) don't bore any twitch viewers to death :P

Edited by godarklight
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  StarDrive85 said:
Hi. i am trying to make a modded server with the Voyager mod (from StarVision). but the modcontrol.txt file makes no sense!. plz how do i install mods on to the server?

Add the names of the parts to the parts list.

There may be easier ways but you can put modded parts on a craft, launch it and add the names that will show on the screen to the list of parts allowed by the server.

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  tetryds said:
Add the names of the parts to the parts list.

There may be easier ways but you can put modded parts on a craft, launch it and add the names that will show on the screen to the list of parts allowed by the server.

I still don't understand :(

could you not just make a update that makes it generate something like a gamedata folder? then i can just put the mods in to it. like i would on the client.

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@no2ironman1100: It's probably had between 10,000-20,000 downloads (I'm unsure as I don't track build server downloads), but the bugs probably keep people away :-/

@StarDrive85: DMPServer doesn't exactly know what KSP even is - It's mainly a message relay that you can sync a persistent.sfs (basically text files) file from. Mods aren't used on the server, they are simply controlled in DMPModControl.txt. There was a very good reason I took this approach from KMP :)

In the client, Options -> Generate DMPModControl.txt will create a DMPModControl file that's setup for your client, just move it into the server folder.

EDIT: is available, if fixes 2 sync bugs and an undocking problem.

Edited by godarklight
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  godarklight said:
In the client, Options -> Generate DMPModControl.txt will create a DMPModControl file that's setup for your client, just move it into the server folder.

So basically open game, go options, select to generate that file.

Then open your game folder, copy the generated file, open the server folder and put such file in there (replacing if needed).

Great, thanks for the advice I didn't know that before.

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  godarklight said:
@no2ironman1100: It's probably had between 10,000-20,000 downloads (I'm unsure as I don't track build server downloads), but the bugs probably keep people away :-/

@StarDrive85: DMPServer doesn't exactly know what KSP even is - It's mainly a message relay that you can sync a persistent.sfs (basically text files) file from. Mods aren't used on the server, they are simply controlled in DMPModControl.txt. There was a very good reason I took this approach from KMP :)

In the client, Options -> Generate DMPModControl.txt will create a DMPModControl file that's setup for your client, just move it into the server folder.

so after doing that. i join the server and the mods should be on it?
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  godarklight said:
@tetryds: I definitely need to write a quick start readme.

@StarDrive85: Yeap, DMPServer doesn't load the mods, it only passes the things around that are in persistent.sfs :)

awesome. just gotta sort out a phew issues and he server will be ready :D.

quick question thou. do i need to port forward o.0

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@Godark, I've finished early releases of the bash updater, distro-agnostic daemon, and installer.

Next step will be to get a working interface... is there any specific reason CommandHandler kills itself upon seeing a null input? I can't seem to attach a named pipe to stdin.

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@dsonbill: There's certainly no *good* reason, so that's certainly a bug :)

@crunch: I haven't decided whether to go for to fix the surface position / rotation / angular velocity bug - along with any bugs that come up in HOCGaming/ChickenKeeper/EnterElysium DMP videos, or if I should go straight for 0.1.6 (which would mean a release could take a month), but if I do go for 0.1.6 now I can do groups (server backend mostly completed), vessel permissions (haven't started but should be relatively trivial), provide an interface for hooking into the DMP network (already done but I haven't decided if the current way is correct enough), and have some type of deterministic way of doing docking.

I might do another youtube announcement video announcing DMP's plans - I believe the duping is mostly fixed since, it wasn't KillVessel's fault :D.

I know I'm not all that great at youtube videos (That installation tutorial was supposed to help someone else do the video, but now it has 20k views). Youtube videos are fun to do though :)

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  godarklight said:
@dsonbill: There's certainly no *good* reason, so that's certainly a bug :)

@crunch: I haven't decided whether to go for to fix the surface position / rotation / angular velocity bug - along with any bugs that come up in HOCGaming/ChickenKeeper/EnterElysium DMP videos, or if I should go straight for 0.1.6 (which would mean a release could take a month), but if I do go for 0.1.6 now I can do groups (server backend mostly completed), vessel permissions (haven't started but should be relatively trivial), provide an interface for hooking into the DMP network (already done but I haven't decided if the current way is correct enough), and have some type of deterministic way of doing docking.

I might do another youtube announcement video announcing DMP's plans - I believe the duping is mostly fixed since, it wasn't KillVessel's fault :D.

I know I'm not all that great at youtube videos (That installation tutorial was supposed to help someone else do the video, but now it has 20k views). Youtube videos are fun to do though :)

How long would 1.5.5 take then?

Btw, is there a way to set precision positioning always on? It's much needed for dogfighting.

Always off could be a thing too, since when flying together if you go too close the vessel will change modes and disapear.

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