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DarkMultiPlayer [KSP 1.12.0]


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Hey guys,

I just downloaded and installed the DMP server and client, with the intention of running and connecting to a local server. Apparently, DMPServerSettings.txt was supposed to be generated upon first launch however, no such file was created. Therefore, I can't edit the server settings.

I tried to create the file and without knowing the exact syntax, added a couple of lines to run the server in career mode and allow mods etc. When I ran the server again, it deleted DMPServerSettings.txt.

Any ideas?



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Some weird stuff is happening whenever me and my friends have some part drop off our spacecraft (i.e. BDArmory missiles). The part sometimes appears correctly, but more often than not spawns a stationary copy of the parent craft that immediately falls to earth.

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Toyotawolf.. (lol.. klingt nach deutschsprachig?)

Player must not have the same mods installed. But when a PARTmod is missing,

you can not control that vessel. Mods without parts are not affected by this check.

You also can disable modcontrol in DMP settings file.

RemoteTech works fine with DMP. Also if just one of the kerbals.. ähm.. players

use it. Of course non-RT-player dont see/cant control/connect to rt-sats.

Edited by Jansn
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How do I make the safety bubble smaller? I want to have fights inside KSC but the bubble prevents it, and going far away is a hassle

I never seen that you can adjust the safe bubble size at front end.

So another stupid question, is there a way to do career mode on a DMP server?

Yes, of course. I only play Career with my friend.

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I never seen that you can adjust the safe bubble size at front end.

Yes, of course. I only play Career with my friend.

Cool i found it finally, so how does one adjust the difficulty for custom IE trying to adjust reward levels on contracts, starting funds, re-entry heat etc? thanks you guys this is awesome

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Tested well done!

can you develop a mission manager built into the gui to allow players to post persistently viewable mission goals that they or others could check off when completed?

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Is there a list of known bugs/problems somewhere? I've been testing this with my friend and while it has mostly worked just fine, we've had some issues:

1) Ships are sometimes unable to dock. On a few occasions, when I tried to dock with his ship, the docking ports just wouldn't connect. This seems to happen regardless of whether anyone is controlling the other ship or not.

2) The first time I docked with him, my ship disappeared the instant the two craft connected. It didn't explode or anything, it just vanished completely.

3) We were doing a co-op Mun landing mission (he flew the lander, and I piloted the transfer stage that stayed in orbit) and his ship spontaneously exploded when I was trying to dock with him after he returned from the surface. I'm quite sure I didn't hit him.

Other than that, great work! I really like this, I'm surprised the syncing thing doesn't bother me at all. It actually seems like it's the best way to implement multiplayer.

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Hello everyone!

I've recently started working again, and I've mostly lost interest in KSP/DMP for now - so I'm going to go ahead and mark this as inactive. I'll likely still keep porting to new versions of KSP when they come out, but I've been quite inactive for a while :-/

I still do spent a lot of time in #DMP on esper if you need to get in contact, I'll also try to make more of an effort actually paying attention to this thread :P

Reposted from OP:

I've had a lot of fun over the last year, I've learned quite a lot (and how bad some of the early DMP code is that's still lingering around!), but I've mostly lost interest in KSP/DMP. I've also started working again so that's going to cut into my downtime too :P

It's been a pleasure playing with everyone (when the krakens decided to stay away!), but It's really worth being honest about my actual activity on DMP hehe. I'm a little surprised that nobody has tried to overthrow DMP quite yet, I'm very pro-fork, and will totally not get into arguments about playing with my crayons.

Have fun everyone, I'll definitely be back every update to port DMP until squad releases their multiplayer, but we'll see how it goes ;)

Note to any mod developers: When you start modding the game, you stop playing it and start working on it in monodevelop. Be warned it's a little trip down insanity lane. They also say writing about a traumatic experience helps you recover.

@CaptainKorhonen: Docking is a little strange, it works by killing one of the vessels and then updating the other with a combined ship. But KSP does not like it when the active ship goes boom, so what DMP does is first spawn a no-clipped copy, tries to switch, and then kills the old copy. The old copy should remove without exploding, but there's a few funky things that can happen.

Also, if KSP gets into a NRE flood, docking will almost surely not work. Sometimes the vessel reloads don't work reliably. *shrugs*. KSP :P

DMP also turns the explosions up to 11 when duplicates accidently spawn in. Krakens. Krakens everywhere *rocks back and forth*.

@Toyotawolf: I've never actually really used mechjeb - but it shouldn't be fighting with DMP (unless you're a spectator). Also, auto-warp *may* act funny with DMP, I believe I handle warping via looking at the current rate - though so they shouldn't really clobber each other too much.

Edited by godarklight
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Well, I'd enjoy being a minor contributor, but I have to agree that the MonoDevelop workflow is a total mess and every time I try using ILSpy to look at what stuff does the program gets overrun by some strange "while (true) break;" code and dies. Not to mention the obnoxious loading times and lack of in-game debugging.

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Well, I'd enjoy being a minor contributor, but I have to agree that the MonoDevelop workflow is a total mess and every time I try using ILSpy to look at what stuff does the program gets overrun by some strange "while (true) break;" code and dies. Not to mention the obnoxious loading times and lack of in-game debugging.

Well, there's nothing wrong with MonoDevelop. It's a decent program that does it's job. The problem is that once you really get involved in modding the game, you generally completely stop playing it. At least, that has been the effect for all of us who contribute to DMP; out of Darklight, RockyTV, VITAS, and myself, none of us really play KSP anymore.

I know RockyTV is still doing some work, and I'll be doing some stuff in the upcoming months - so DMP isn't completely dead/inactive. Whether or not this work gets continued in the main repo or in a fork, well only time will tell.

To clarify a bit, all of RockyTV's work and improvements will probably go into unstable/master, so you will get these updates like any other. This is assuming RockyTV continues to work on DMP, which I am inclined to believe is true. The work that I'm planning to do will mainly involve GUI code improvements/new features/very obvious bugs/coding horror reversal. RockyTV has been working on immediate issues with the 1.0 release and some bugs with scenario modules. I'm not sure what he plans to work on next.

While I haven't discussed this with darklight yet (I'm just coming up with it now), there are a few possibilities we have from here, with darklight taking a (temporary?) bow:

  • We can start a new fork of DMP. Pros: New fork? We screw over Darklight and steal all his work. Screw that guy anyway, who even cares about 'em? Cons: Some. Darklight wouldn't really care though, incase you didn't realise the last line was a joke :) Please make your own fork! Go for it! Hack it up! Do... stuff!
  • We can start a new set of branches of DMP in Darklight's repo. Pros: Some. Cons: Not a whole lot, but we need to make some changes to the updater/build bot or something, and the current system requires Darklight to keep it going.
  • We can continue to code into Unstable/Master Pros: Nothing changes for you. Cons: We code into Unstable/Master, and the current system requires Darklight to keep it going. We also diverge from the current codebase (maybe only slightly though?) in the main repo, but the git history is always there.

In the end, we will probably be picking the last option, unless RockyTV/someone else wants to start a new fork/Darklight wants us to move on XD Anyone is free to do so, and several have been in the works before, but none have come to fruition as far as I'm aware. I hope this calms the minds of anyone who might be worried about the future of DMP. As Darklight said, there hasn't been a great deal of work done on it for a while (I know I sure haven't contributed anything in a long time), so nothing is really changing with the state of the mod. And of course, anyone is free to make pull requests or suggest features in the github issue tracker. However, I would suggest discussing your ideas for contribution/bug fixes with us in #DMP/the issue tracker first so we can make sure your pull request will be accepted to the main repo :)

Finally, again, anyone can feel free to fork the mod and start your own version/whatever of DMP. You can even use the code in commercial, closed-source projects, provided the actual DMP code used is still open-source :)

Edited by dsonbill
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Good wishes to GoDarkLight for his new job and challenges at work and in real life.

Thank you very much to all for getting KMP/DMP on life and for the mass of fun we still have with it.

Nice to see that the rest of the crew will take care of that must-have-mod.

How (and when) you do is not that important. Its a game and having fun is priority #1.

So just keep calm and do what you can (or must) do. We will se and (for me) we will be very

surprised and excited when u gift us with new functions/versions/fixing.

Sure, we/i would like to see updates to resolve the last few tricky things in DMP, till Squad itself

bring the Multiplayer-Part to KSP. Specially because i think (am afraid of) there own MM-Part

will NOT have same functionality like DMP.

Keep up that good work, fire up your passion, but never forget your real life and having fun.

Greets from Austria.

Edited by Jansn
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Well, there's nothing wrong with MonoDevelop. It's a decent program that does it's job. The problem is that once you really get involved in modding the game, you generally completely stop playing it. At least, that has been the effect for all of us who contribute to DMP; out of Darklight, RockyTV, VITAS, and myself, none of us really play KSP anymore.


While I haven't discussed this with darklight yet (I'm just coming up with it now), there are a few possibilities we have from here, with darklight taking a (temporary?) bow:

  • We can start a new fork of DMP. Pros: New fork? We screw over Darklight and steal all his work. Screw that guy anyway, who even cares about 'em? Cons: Some. Darklight wouldn't really care though, incase you didn't realise the last line was a joke :) Please make your own fork! Go for it! Hack it up! Do... stuff!
  • We can start a new set of branches of DMP in Darklight's repo. Pros: Some. Cons: Not a whole lot, but we need to make some changes to the updater/build bot or something, and the current system requires Darklight to keep it going.
  • We can continue to code into Unstable/Master Pros: Nothing changes for you. Cons: We code into Unstable/Master, and the current system requires Darklight to keep it going. We also diverge from the current codebase (maybe only slightly though?) in the main repo, but the git history is always there.

When I meant MonoDevelop workflow, I meant the specific workflow of DMP development that involved MonoDevelop. It's just one-click compile, but the amount of time that it takes to test is incredibly high. :huh:

I would not prefer a fork of DMP. I'll give you a few reasons:

  • The fork would require the development of a completely new set of logistical resources, such as a website, GitHub repo, build server, KerbalStuff/CKAN entry, email, etc. We should make good use of the resources that we have already been given by darklight. We would have to find funding, unless Majiir wants to donate another chunk of his personal datacenter :wink:.
  • Asking people to fork would Balkanize the DMP/KMP codebase as we'd have a bunch of people willing to pick up the code and become "leaders" of their own fork. Then they'd race each other over who can update the mod as quickly as possible to gain popular support and become the "successor". Heck, what if Squad decided to fork it and charge money for it?
  • Features that were being worked on in the DMP branches would be mostly lost.
  • We'd essentially be asking to change darklight's leave into a permanent resignation from the project.

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  • Asking people to fork would Balkanize the DMP/KMP codebase as we'd have a bunch of people willing to pick up the code and become "leaders" of their own fork. Then they'd race each other over who can update the mod as quickly as possible to gain popular support and become the "successor". Heck, what if Squad decided to fork it and charge money for it?

Please, don't try to discourage people from forking. While me and RockyTV will probably continue to work out of Godarklight/DarkMultiPlayer, we want people to fork DMP. Maybe some people in the community think otherwise, but forking has classically been essential to open-source, libre software. Balkanization is almost never a problem, as one dominant version always takes precedence - usually the original repo. Darklight himself has been waiting (READ: begging) for another dominant fork to appear and take over, but this has not happened yet. He's expressed this opinion as far back as when I first got on the project.

Also, Squad is entirely free to do so. The code is under a license which allows you to use it in closed-source, commercial projects. At least me and Darklight also wanted to go public domain with DMP when we switched licenses, which would have allowed people to use it in commercial projects without even being required to provide source code. Having multiple versions of DMP is a good thing. We are not a closed-source commercial project with a restrictive license, we do not accept donations (nor will we accept them any time in the near future), we do not have funding, and we are not making a product.

This project was made for fun, and if people can have fun with their own forked, hacked-up versions of DMP, then that is exactly what we want to happen.

Finally, remember - there are already 65 forks of DMP out there ;)

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Basically, what dsonbill says. I haven't exactly been begging but I thought we'd at least have a competitor by now - but I'm a big believer in survival of the fittest, which is why I linked to that awful crayons post in my inactive reason spoiler and said I wouldn't get upset in the OP ;).

I'm also completely open to adjusting PR's and merging them into DMP master or unstable, I did that yesterday. If I have a regular contributor I'll just give them access to my repo as well. I haven't left the community, I just haven't been playing* KSP/DMP that much lately. I have been helping other modders occasionally though, and will probably continue to do so - the last one was SilverFox adding support for ConfiguredContracts in their contract filter mod.

*playing = debugging :P

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Also, Squad is entirely free to do so. The code is under a license which allows you to use it in closed-source, commercial projects. At least me and Darklight also wanted to go public domain with DMP when we switched licenses, which would have allowed people to use it in commercial projects without even being required to provide source code. Having multiple versions of DMP is a good thing. We are not a closed-source commercial project with a restrictive license, we do not accept donations (nor will we accept them any time in the near future), we do not have funding, and we are not making a product.

This project was made for fun, and if people can have fun with their own forked, hacked-up versions of DMP, then that is exactly what we want to happen.

Finally, remember - there are already 65 forks of DMP out there ;)

If darklight insists, then so be it. We'll set everything up and call it OMP (OpenMultiPlayer) or something like that. :)

But how do you define a fork? Can a fork be just a single line of code fixed up (or no change at all), or must it be a genuine derivation that is continuously maintained and hacked up?

By all means, if you're going to fix up the source, add features/hacks to it, then fork! But if the fork is not substantial and doesn't change the current state of DMP one bit, it cannot be considered a fork; it's just somebody else's workspace.

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Can a fork be just a single line of code fixed up (or no change at all)

Yes and yes. People are free to fork(make their own repo) or clone(download code), compile, and distribute compiled objects of the source code with absolutely no changes. This is a basic right you have with the software.

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I am a moron, i was using the server with mods and they wouldn't load for anyone else, and then i stumbled upon the faq here, i am stupid.

Don't think that badly of yourself, It's actually quite reasonable to think that mods are loaded on the server as this is what minecraft does, but that's not the case with DMPServer - it's dumb as thumb tacks, it's basically a text file saver and relay.

The only thing that slightly horrifies me is nearly 70 thousand people have watched me drag and drop a folder on linux as a tutorial for windows :)

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