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[Discontinued] AdaptiveDockingNode 1.7 - Make Your Awesome Docking Port Models Universal!


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  Cpt. Kipard said:
Just to let you know: The non-androgynous ports work ok, but the universal don't.

Cpt. Kipard's universal docking ports won't dock to themselves or to the stock ports. If I set one on another vessel as my target, KSP says "No Target Selected" or something like that.

Just a confirmation about the universal ports. I love using these parts and am anxiously waiting.... Both of you (Cpt. Kipard and toadicus) keep up the good work!

@Toadicus I discovered that AdaptiveDockingNode as available on CKAN was throwing a LOT of "FixedUpdate" errors on KSP 1.02. I rebuilt from source and the problem seemed to go away. I only know enough about KSP mods and Mono to be dangerous, but I assume it was a simple matter of compiling against the new version of KSP.

Edited by Teslamax
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  Teslamax said:
Cpt. Kipard's universal docking ports won't dock to themselves or to the stock ports. If I set one on another vessel as my target, KSP says "No Target Selected" or something like that.

Just a confirmation about the universal ports. I love using these parts and am anxiously waiting.... Both of you (Cpt. Kipard and toadicus) keep up the good work!

Have you updated the parts? My tests before the last quickfix turned up no problems.

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  Cpt. Kipard said:
Have you updated the parts? My tests before the last quickfix turned up no problems.

I am using the version that was released after the node bug was fixed for the 1.0 parts. Perhaps I need to start a new save or something.

I had removed all craft in orbit with the unfixed 1.0 version. I only made small adjustments to pre-existing craft files with the 1.0 parts. If I need to remove all traces of the non-node-fixed 1.0 parts then I have some work to do.

I assumed the issue was with the toadicus' dll and not your models since you stated "universal docking ports don't [work]".

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  Teslamax said:
I am using the version that was released after the node bug was fixed for the 1.0 parts. Perhaps I need to start a new save or something.

I had removed all craft in orbit with the unfixed 1.0 version. I only made small adjustments to pre-existing craft files with the 1.0 parts. If I need to remove all traces of the non-node-fixed 1.0 parts then I have some work to do.

I assumed the issue was with the toadicus' dll and not your models since you stated "universal docking ports don't [work]".

If it's a craft you made earlier you might need to remove the docking ports in the editor and replace them and relaunch the craft. I don't know why this happens.

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  Cpt. Kipard said:
If it's a craft you made earlier you might need to remove the docking ports in the editor and replace them and relaunch the craft. I don't know why this happens.

That's exactly what I did.

I am also confused. I don't mean to assign blame, just to express confusion and curiosity to those who might be able to help.

Thanks for your prompt response. I didn't know whether this thread or the UniversalDockingPorts one was the place for this post.

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OK you loaded the craft in the editor, removed ALL the docking ports, dropped them in the parts list, and picked new ones?

Are you sure you updated the part after 2nd of May?

I JUST did another test with a few permutations and I'm still not seeing any problems. Everything started working fine after applying the changes toadicus mentioned in the release thread.

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Teslamax, you're correct in noting some Exceptional behavior during FixedUpdate with the currently-live version, and also in that it is corrected in the latest source. I've got one more set to go before I release; hopefully will get to it today.

If indeed you confirm that with the very latest of Kip's parts and the latest version of my code things are not working, compile it again with the DEBUG flag on, run your tests, and post the entire log that results. ADN in DEBUG mode will cause performance issues and result in a very large log file, but should give me useful information regarding your issue.

Like Cpt. Kipard, I can't duplicate docking failures with basic lab tests, and can dock Kip's ports to everything they're supposed to dock to.

EDIT: I've added a sarcastically-annotated features video to the OP, which coincidentally shows ADN working in its current form in laboratory tests.

Edited by toadicus
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I made a new craft just as a testing rig where I drop one docking port on another, then switch on hack gravity and let them "kiss". it works for the stock parts. but does nothing for the large Universal Docking Ports.

I just rebuilt 1.6 of the DLL with debug on. I'll try that next along with a re-download of the most recent of "Universal Docking Ports" to verify that's what I was using.

Regarding setting the Universal Docking Ports as targets, it does say onscreen that they have been set as target for a split second, then onscreen it says "No Target". I don't know if this helps.

This may be a totally unrelated issue, but sometimes loading a craft in the editor causes parts to disappear... they are still in AGExt's action groups list, but refuse to either appear or function.

P.S. btw I am using KSP 1.0.2 64-bit on Ubuntu Linux 15.x (04 I think it is).

EDIT: toadicus, I loved the video!

- - - Updated - - -

  Teslamax said:
I just rebuilt 1.6 of the DLL with debug on. I'll try that next along with a re-download of the most recent of "Universal Docking Ports" to verify that's what I was using.

Apologies to all... I re-downloaded Universal Docking Ports and it worked. I feel kind of foolish now.

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Lol, "I'm not very good at this".

Anyway the "No Target" issue sounds exactly like the thing Toadicus fixed. Are you absolutely sure you have the latest parts?

  Teslamax said:
Apologies to all... I re-downloaded Universal Docking Ports and it worked. I feel kind of foolish now.

OK cool.

Edited by Cpt. Kipard
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  • 3 weeks later...

My KSP is being terribly slow; when I loaded craft with some ADN-enabled parts in VAB, in log I see this repeating fast:

[LOG 00:36:54.331] Updating SSC3
[LOG 00:36:54.397] Updating SSC3
[LOG 00:36:54.741] Voxelization Time (ms): 343
[LOG 00:36:54.789] ---Docking : 3
[LOG 00:36:54.789] ---Docking : 3
[LOG 00:36:54.790] ---Docking : 3

What can be the culprit?

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The "Updating...*\nVoxelization..." lines are from FAR; if they're repeating often then you may have a mod that is falsely indicating to FAR that your ship has changed when it has not. TweakableEverything did that for a while, but doesn't anymore. ADN has never caused that issue in my testing.

Sorry I was absent here; apparently my forum subscription to this thread fell off the wagon. :(

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AdaptiveDockingNode has been updated to version 1.7! This update belatedly brings formal KSP 1.0.x support, resolves the null reference issues during start up, and includes various code optimizations to speed things up.


v 1.7 [2015-05-25]
* Updated for KSP 1.0.x!
* Corrected a scenario where vessels with multiple parts would cause Exceptional conditions during FixedUpdates happening before Start has concluded.
* Various code optimizations behind the scenes.

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  • 2 months later...

I don't believe I saw this in it, I'll look again... *looking*

Nope, no "adapti" anywhere.

5 "Docking", none of them this mod.

1 "Node", precise node.

Oh... There it is, in the incompatible uninstallable area. Can't be installed if it's marked incompatible.

Edited by Vas
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