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The Open Part Mod ~Week 5/9 Project Started


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Another noob question, where is the thrust transfer in part tools or unity?

You add it in Unity, its just an empty gameobject named "thrustTransform" or whatever you like, it just needs to match the name you use in the part config.

In Unity, go to GameObject (on the top menu) then Create Empty. This will place an empty object in the scene (it has no other properties by default except its location within the scene.)

You'll want to click on it then go to the properties panel for it on the right and rename it.

Then you'll want to move and rotate it so that it is setup like the "Transform Example" link in the 1st post of this thread.

This post: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/26118?p=343215&viewfull=1#post343215

It is especially important that the blue arrow (Z) be pointing down, that is the direction the thrust will travel.

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Since my thrusters will be angled I'm assuming that only the vertical component of thrust will actually propel the stage. So I'm wondering if it's a good idea to compensate by doing some trigonometry and increasing the thrust.

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Since my thrusters will be angled I'm assuming that only the vertical component of thrust will actually propel the stage. So I'm wondering if it's a good idea to compensate by doing some trigonometry and increasing the thrust.

Unfortunately no, the thrust stats are fixed. Couldn't you adjust the angle of your rockets though? 20 degrees is enough to clear the hull in most cases.

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Here is the current model. I'll probably mess with the textures a bit more, and maybe angle the engines. I'm using an emissive as well to make the engines glow. The idea is that it will blow up the part below it, reducing debris.

Blowing up something to reduce debris huh...

Like the Armageddon approach to asteroid avoidance.

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Here is the current model. I'll probably mess with the textures a bit more, and maybe angle the engines. I'm using an emissive as well to make the engines glow. The idea is that it will blow up the part below it, reducing debris.


A possible issue I see with this (As a possible end user) is what if I have an engine (Or some other stage) above it? Will it act as a stack separator, or am I going to have to fiddle with things to get it to work?

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A possible issue I see with this (As a possible end user) is what if I have an engine (Or some other stage) above it? Will it act as a stack separator, or am I going to have to fiddle with things to get it to work?

The way it is now it has thrust coming from the top and bottom. I'll probably have to mess with it to make to work better though. It pushes down while also heating up the part below it.

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The way it is now it has thrust coming from the top and bottom. I'll probably have to mess with it to make to work better though. It pushes down while also heating up the part below it.

Ah, OK. That's...an interesting execution. I could see your part getting used for interplanetary staging.

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Has to be 1.25m

whoops, missed that - i'm going to use this opportunity to learn the workings of unity! woohoo

ps i really like these open part challenges, great to watch

Edited by skbernard
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Would it be alright to add a parachute to the part? Also, is there anything else I need in the unity scene besides the model, texture and the thrustTransform GameObject?

i'm still learning unity myself but i think perhaps a collision mesh as well, then if you want emmisives, theres a way to do that in unity also

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Wasn't really interested in this part so started working last moment (well, more like last couple hours). Supposed to be animated but it didn't work and there is no time now, so posting as it is.

EDIT: Seems like submission deadline is pushed back so I'll put some more work in it, not submitting yet.

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You still have two more days. You can make it prettier if you want. Ven changed the submission date.

I like how your exhausts are hidden away.

Yeah, I noticed that when I went to the submission thread, unfortunately at this point changing things is pretty much equals redoing everything.

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