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[0.23/24.x] Rover 'N' Others Set 1 - mini H series - The rise of the rovers !

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Rover 'N' Others

The rovers lives harder with a vengeance !

Set 1 - mini H series

Hello to all rover fans,

if you're tied of playing with stock structural parts to build rovers which looks like rover and not assembly of rusty parts found in the local dump, these sets will be for you.

Rovers'N'Others is a set of rover bodies designed to build rover without a crazy structural parts amount in weird shapes with lot's of part clipping.

The bodies comes in various shapes and sizes and hold a few resources to make them as useful as possible.

This first set include three small flat H shaped bodies and a bonus body called "robottom" or Robot-Tom for its friend (I have had the bottom part of a rolling robot in mind when I've made it).

Instead of releasing lately, or never, a very big set of parts which can potentially cause severe memory issues, I have chosen to release small packs in an almost regular basis, so you can pick the one which fit your needs at best without dealing with a lot's of parts you don't want.

These rover bodies have not been designed to be cute but functional and they offer plenty of spaces to put everything you need for your missions.

If you think this four pieces will not really help you to design crazy things ? Let me prove you're wrong, take a look at this album:

(lots of examples made during my intensive testing time)

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1.2 changes:

colliders issue fixed, thanks to lo-fi for the hint,

multiple colours added (Firespitter by snjo REQUIRED and NOT INCLUDED)

set 1 1.2 - download

templates and default textures - download

More sets to come, stay tuned ! T series on its way, Y will follow and more after.

Edited by Justin Kerbice
add 1.2 download link + post updated
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  blackheart612 said:

:) Rovers (like many things) in KSP are seriously lacking so it's not a surprise many people have more or less similar idea.

But as opposite to this hibernating (or dead ?) mod, I'm fully focused on rover bodies themselves, I let transportation feature to someone else (by transportation I mean everything which is use to carry or deliver a rover like cargo bay or skycrane).

  Woopert said:
This is pretty cool, nice work! :)


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  • 2 weeks later...
  TouhouTorpedo said:
For each part place multiple colliders in different game objects in Unity and you aren't limited by the convex colliders. Theres a huge number of mods that get on with non-convex spaces just fine.

What do you mean exactly ? Could you be more specific please ?

As I understand, this means use n unity gameobject, one for each convex pieces, each one with its own convex collider then all parented by a dummy gameobject (kind of meta-object or even a KSP craft/sub-assembly I may say, ie a tree of objects linked together)

I have already an idea to avenge the poor rovers.

Any example of such mod ?

(regarding your signature, are you willing to pay of the hosting and all needs of spaceport ? :P What will prevent Squad even to mess up with KSP or stop it one day ? As I witness the evolution of the releases, I'm quite pessimistic, I can't believe people could blindly applause the 0.23.5 and its poor overall quality)

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  Justin Kerbice said:
What do you mean exactly ? Could you be more specific please ?

As I understand, this means use n unity gameobject, one for each convex pieces, each one with its own convex collider then all parented by a dummy gameobject (kind of meta-object or even a KSP craft/sub-assembly I may say, ie a tree of objects linked together)

I have already an idea to avenge the poor rovers.

Any example of such mod ?

(regarding your signature, are you willing to pay of the hosting and all needs of spaceport ? :P What will prevent Squad even to mess up with KSP or stop it one day ? As I witness the evolution of the releases, I'm quite pessimistic, I can't believe people could blindly applause the 0.23.5 and its poor overall quality)

Of course I'm not willing to pay for Spaceport's hosting needs but it seems very shortsighted of Squad to have started this for it to barely last over a year. And I'm all too aware of Squad's mistakes over time, so any day they drop the forum or the game wouldn't surprise me in the slightest, though I'd still feel disappointment over what was lost.

what I do is

Gameobject <- this one has the exporter

|- Gameobject <- part of the model mesh with a collider

|- Gameobject <- part of the model mesh with a collider

|- Gameobject <- part of the model mesh with a collider

or sometimes

Gameobject <- this one has the exporter

|- Gameobject <- model mesh

|- Gameobject <- collider (box or mesh)

|- Gameobject <- collider (box or mesh)

|- Gameobject <- collider (box or mesh)


far as examples go, Any Cargobay equiped mod. MK4 Fuselage and MK3 Expansion have this (mine, and gone in 7 days) MK2 Spaceplane expansion, B9 aerospace, Tiberdyne Shuttle pack, etc. Theres more but I don't know all of them.

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Squad won't drop KSP, anyone that says so is delusional. As far as dropping your mod, you know that's your choice but TT has clearly showed you how to make it work, blaming your inability to make your mod work is not squads fault.

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  • 2 months later...

Set 1 updated, now works finally well.

  Woodstar said:
Squad won't drop KSP, anyone that says so is delusional. As far as dropping your mod, you know that's your choice but TT has clearly showed you how to make it work, blaming your inability to make your mod work is not squads fault.

Thanks for your incredible help, it was very great and useful !

Next time, don't waste your so valuable time writing such comment and spend it worshipping your gods of perfection.

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