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The unofficially official 0.24-Kerbapalooza Thread - Now extra #HYPETRAIN!


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That was the idea :) they set up a donation button, leave it open for like 48 hours or whatever, anything over a set amount to buy even the guys abroad a slice or two, gets donated to charity. Everybody wins :)

I'm clearly psychic or something :P

I love it. It'd be great if that materializes!

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Just as a reminder people of the Hypetrain. The charity people were speaking about is http://www.childsplaycharity.org/

Donate your would-be pizza money here and make-sure your message says "Love from the kerbal HYPETRAIN - Fans of Kerbal Space Program" or something along those lines

can we track how much was donated from everyone together?

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It was obviously a secret message inserted by Squad into the image that they knew only the hype train would decode!

which means they are working 24/7 (which is the release date too...) :kiss:

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Just as a reminder people of the Hypetrain. The charity people were speaking about is http://www.childsplaycharity.org/

Donate your would-be pizza money here and make-sure your message says "Love from the kerbal HYPETRAIN - Fans of Kerbal Space Program" or something along those lines

I've donated once today and if the devs put up a donate button id do it again, but i think they deserve some pizza as well

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