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[0.23.5] ReStock Reloaded for Kerbodyne parts.


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PolecatEZ has given permission for others to update his ReStock cfg pack from way back in 0.21. It all still works in 0.23.5 but lacks tech tree integration and support for the new Kerbodyne parts.

I've edited the Bigger Badder bi/tri/quad couplers into Bigger Beastlier ones to plump them up to Kerbodyne size, and upsized the nodes on those and the ThunderMax parts from 2 to the new 3 size, except for where they attach to Rockomax parts, left those nodes at size 2.

Increasing the node size on those large parts helps a lot, and should (possibly) keep the 9 engine mount from sliding around or falling off.

There's just one more new part to add, a ThunderMax to Kerbodyne adapter. Upscaling the ThunderMax to Rockomax one results in the ThunderMax end becoming grossly enlarged - and to thoughts of a ThunderMaximer size and enbiggening the 9 engine mount to hold four Kerbodyne and five Rockomax engines... No! Must resist the temptation of power... and because I've no idea how to adjust that big mount if a simple scale up wouldn't make it fit the larger engines. But... sooo big rocket...

A scale factor of 1.45, 1, 1.45 on the new Kerbodyne to Rockomax adapter has its top end exactly Kerbodyne diameter. (Kerbodynamter?) But the bottom still hangs over the edge of a ThunderMax tank. Later I'll try scaling up the other stock adapters and see how/if they'll come closer. A little bit small on the bottom will be better than sticking out over the edge.

Anyone want to participate in the updating for Tech Tree integration? I figure all the Badder/Beastlier/ThunderMax parts and the lengthened Rockomax tanks and the huge Rockomax diameter SRB should go into the same node as the Kerbodyne tanks and engines. I'm not doing anything to the plane parts since there's nothing new they need to adapt to or to have adapted to them. They just need tech treed.

Tweakables? Nothing much that needs tweakabled, at least not on the simple tanks and adapters.

One other part that may need attention is the 5-way RCS block. For larger than Rockomax parts it's a bit anemic on thrust unless a lot of them are used, though two rings of 8 can swing a ThunderMax 64 around rather smartly.

It's almost 6:00 AM here. Going to bed. Will twiddle with those adapters later and if I get a good fit will release my mods to this pack to someone to add the other things. PolecatEZ said he'd upload it to Spaceport. I want to have it all done so it can just be updated there once.

Just one of the many possibilities... shot with the first part I adjusted then of course immediately stuck some tanks and engines on and launched.

14225178423_86343eb781_z.jpgKerbodyneDouble by g_alan_e, on Flickr

This easily made it to a 71KM orbit, with the double booster cutting off just before the coast phase. Without any RCS or reaction wheels other than in the 3 man pod, it was sluggish maneuvering to land so I just cut the upper stage loose after high deorbit burn.

14189005566_19592d8000_z.jpgReStockReloaded by g_alan_e, on Flickr

Why yes, I did have a big grin on my face while launching this one. (Didn't even need any struts anywhere.) Then I realized there must be more parts. Kerbodyne sized mono tanks, batteries, an RGU, Extra Crispy Large reaction wheel, perhaps even a six Kerbal command pod.

I then attempted to replace that massive Kerbodyne engine in the middle with a Skipper, necking it down with adapters above and below. That... did not go well at all. Not even with 8 quantum struts bridging across the engine. KJR held it together for a while but with it shaking violently sideways and around in a circle it was doomed. I didn't try strutting the bottom stage engines and tanks.

14212152925_3e7466e9d0_z.jpgReStockReloaded by g_alan_e, on Flickr

Stubby rocket to orbit! I didn't expect it to make it with the short tanks but these double engines are quite efficient. MechJeb backed the throttle off even more than this until getting up to thinner air.

No Kerbals were killed in any of these tests.

Edited by Galane
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ReStock Reloaded initial Kerbodyne Kompatibility release. Just resized some parts and gave the larger ones new names and descriptions, upsized nodes on some parts to 3, put together one new part to adapt ThunderMax tanks to Kerbodyne tanks and engines.

Masses haven't been adjusted, only sizes and node sizes.

Download ReStock from the spaceport http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/0-21-restock-parts/

Download ReStock Reloaded (Link? What link?) and extract into GameData\ReStock Yes, you want to overwrite all. (Click link in my signature.)

I haven't done anything with tech tree. No idea what costs should be or what levels, other than the ThunderMax and Kerbodyne parts ought to be in very heavy rocketry.

I'd appreciate feedback and suggestions for mass adjustments on the resized parts and tech tree info. I should also move the adapter parts PolecatEZ put into Propulsion over to Structural - if it won't break existing saves.

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To notbreak existing saves:

- PART names need to remain the same (not the catalog name, you can change that all you want).

- Nodes need to remain in roughly the same place and keep the same name. Small location adjustments are ok.

- Any parts that allow surface attach should remain roughly the same shape/size. Again, micro adjustments are ok.

- Some changes you make to the .cfg will not be adjusted for vessels in flight, I think node sizes and fuel amounts fall into this category (maybe).

Other than those points, go nuts.

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Suggestion: divide out the rescaleFactor on all parts (or at the very least the parts that are likely to be used as root parts) since a non-1.0 rescaleFactor on a root part will break things on revert.

Example (fixed cockpitMk2B)

model = Squad/Parts/Command/Mark2Cockpit/model
position = 0.0, 0.0, -0.13823
scale = 1.131, 1.131, 1.0053
rotation = 8.0, 0, 0
texture = model000 , Squad/Parts/Command/Mark2Cockpit/model000
texture = model001 , Squad/Parts/Command/Mark2Cockpit/model001
texture = model002 , Squad/Parts/Command/Mark2Cockpit/model002

model = Squad/Parts/FuelTank/mk2SpacePlaneAdapter/model
position = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
scale = 1.25, 1.25, 1.25
rotation = 0, 0, 0
texture = model000 , Squad/Parts/FuelTank/mk2SpacePlaneAdapter/model000
texture = model001 , Squad/Parts/FuelTank/mk2SpacePlaneAdapter/model001

scale = 0.1
rescaleFactor = 1.0

// --- node definitions ---
// definition format is Position X, Position Y, Position Z, Up X, Up Y, Up Z
node_stack_top = 0.0, 9.443, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0
node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -9.38277, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0
node_attach = 0.0, 0.0, 6.1987, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 1

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I didn't change rescale factor, just the scale line above that (which adjusted the node positions) and the 3 scale numbers in the model section.

The one needed the most work was the ThunderMax to Kerbodyne adapter.

[box] <-suggestion box for tech tree info, mass/drag changes etc to add. I wouldn't think the mass should go up too much on the Kerbodyne 1-to-2/3/4 adapters since they'd be mainly empty shells.

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Galane: I know you didn't. You asked for suggestions, and I made one: fix the issue with ReStock that comes from a non 1.0 rescaleFactor for its parts. I then provided an example of how to fix the CockpitMk2B, hoping you would follow that example and fix the other parts too.

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OK, made those changes to that cockpit. I inserted a credit line in the comments for your fix. :)

Checking others for non-1 values for rescaleFactor... mk2DualAdapter.cfg is the only other one.

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I also made the RockoOKTOClampo Rockomax Brand Decoupler with the reaction wheels, control and battery of an OKTO2 probe core plus a standard clampotron docking port. I put that together to have a way to dock a lander back to the same spot it decoupled from, and to have built in control on any stage with it for deorbiting (provided it has a bit of fuel and power left).

Then there are the 3-in-1 and 2-in-1 docking ports I made from cfgs posted somewhere on the forum before KSP got career mode. I think those would be good additions to ReStock.

In looking through these cfg files, my olde BASIC programming bubbled up and whispered to me that it would be a good thing to tidy them up where some have rescaleFactor = 1 and some have 1.0, delete the comments to reduce size, some have a space between the last two } lines and some don't. Some have the scale line above rescaleFactor, some below. Choose one way and stick to it... Looks like a structured language, with a rather flexible structure where several ways of doing a thing will work, and just as many that won't.

It's been since before the turn of the century since I've done any programming, but it did help me figure out algebra since that's an actual use for it. ;) There's a zero cost way to teach kids computer programming, use some of the free emulators of 1980's micro computers. An easy one to setup is Win99/4A with TI Extended BASIC and a wide variety of other programming languages for it, including assembly language.

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Update! Kerbodyne and ThunderMax sized parts added to Very Heavy Rocketry, Rockomax sized parts added to same nodes as those parts. Masses ticked up a bit on the up-sized parts. Also added Kerbodyne sized RCS tank, RGU control pod and Inline Reaction Wheel parts.

So now, except for a manned pod, this pack contains everything one needs for an all Kerbodyne diameter rocket, without needing any other parts packs or plugins. I test flew the new parts in a vanilla KSP setup to make sure they'd hang together without needing KJR.

Download here. Due to the imminent demise of Spaceport, I've included all the ReStock CFG files I haven't done anything with so this is the only download you need for ReStock Reloaded. (Just click link in my signature.)

Should be pretty well set for new parts, unless you really really want the ThunderMaximer size. Depends on if the TMax tanks will scale nicely to fit the size the bottom of the TMax to RMax adapter increases to when its top is scaled to Kerbodyne size.

That would be a limited kit of parts, the two tanks, a ThunderMaximer to Kerbodyne adapter and that massive 9 engine mount, which I don't know if I could upsize it. It's a complex assembly.

Anyone want to take on adding tech tree info to the rest of the files?

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Download now includes a Z-5K battery, my RockoOKTOClampo combo decoupler, probe core, clampotron and the two-way and three-way docking ports from somewhere on the forum, updated with tech tree info.

Click the signature link or other links in this thread.

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Download now includes the Z-5K battery pointing to the correct model :P plus the two new ThunderMaximus fuel tanks, 9 engine mount and Kerbodyne adapter. Since the scale of the adapter had to be 1.25 greater than the ThunderMax to Rockomax adapter, that's roughly how much I scaled up the fuel capacity, mass and torque.

Adding four LV and one Rockomax engine with four Kerbodynes may be a bit superfluous but it sure looks neat.

14243093504_a69ecfa8d6_z.jpgThunderMaximus by g_alan_e, on Flickr

Pre-Production assembly mockup with the short tank.

14254473694_f376bfe41a_z.jpgThunderMaximusBigTank by g_alan_e, on Flickr

All the ThunderMaximus parts together for their first official flight test. This showed that more RCS thrusters were needed so the next flight doubled up from 16 to 32 5-way blocks which made it turn quite nimbly in orbit on the second test flight. The enlarged capacity of the monopropellant tank was more than adequate. Both times a 71KM orbit was achieved with just a bit of fuel left.

In the second test the Mainsail and LV engines were shut down after liftoff. The dead weight resulted in reduced efficiency. It is recommended that unless a launch vehicle need the extra thrust in the boost stage that only four Kerbodyne engines be fitted.

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I see there's some demand for it. I'm currently procrastinating on a beta release for the D12 pack by toying with a good design for over-sized ship parts. Maybe just a 5m round is all that's necessary.

Also, when you change the scale, if you multiply in 3d you need to take each dimension into account - 1.25x bigger in 3D means ~2x bigger fuel capacity (and raw mass tonnage). The only thing to be careful with is that the base part never exceeds ~10 tons dry weight, I think KSP still has an issue with that. For the thruster blocks, you can scale them up with a simple resize factor and increase the thrust power and mono usage accordingly if you want to use fewer parts.

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The ThunderMax to ThunderMaximus is only a diameter increase. Length stayed the same. Since the 288 is 2x the length of the 144 it has 2x the capacity and mass, same as the ThunderMax 64 and 128.

The 9 engine mount did get larger in all dimensions but I didn't want to go crazy on the mass. That part took some time fiddling with the node locations to get them right. The Kerbodyne and LV spots are set out a bit extra to align the edges of the engines with the edges of the mount.

One thing that is a bit of a problem is thin parts tend to sink into the surface of the big tanks. More faces needed on the collision mesh? 'Course that would require a different part model. Sooo, enlarge the RCS blocks...

What is nice to see is that these severely stretched parts hang together with no wibbly-wobbly without KJR.

What I'd love to see is someone put together an IVA space for a Kerbodyne scale up of the 3 man pod. How many Kerbals would fit?

More crazy thinking, ThunderMax and ThunderMaximus sized inline decouplers - but that would need a special engine mount with an extended center 'peg' with a node to connect to the decoupler, with a fairing to surround four engines tucked inside. Possibly with two scaled structural fuselage parts put together like I did with the ThunderMax to Kerbodyne adapter?

Is it insane to want one of these massive tanks in a second stage?

Edit: Yesssss. It IS insane but I'm going to try and do it anyway. I want these huge tanks in orbit without asparagus or radial mount engines. I may scrap the booster and transfer stages of my waiting to go to Eve mission since using these giant tanks will enable a major parts count reduction.

Also, uploaded another update with the 5-way RCS block tech treed and a 2X larger, more powerful Mk2 version, and I updated the readme and license file with notes on the new/updated parts.

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  • 1 month later...

Added a MK8 nose cone upscaled from the MK7 to fit the Kerbodyne tanks, a Clamp-O-Tron Grandpa size docking port and a Clamp-O-Tron Omni Grandpa quad docking port so you can dock any port size to the end of a Kerbodyne tank using only one part.

Still has the issue of when two omni ports are docked together, the undock command must be given as many times as the lesser omni port has sections. Is there a way to fix it so a single undock command will cut them all loose?

Here's the cfg for the Clamp-O-Tron and Jr. port.

name = OmniDockingPortSmaller
module = Part
author = NovaSilisko, KSP-forum

position = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
scale = 1.0, 1.0, 1.0
rotation = 0, 0, 0
position = 0.0, 0.145, 0.0
scale = 1.0, 1.0, 1.0
rotation = 0, 0, 0

rescaleFactor = 1

node_stack_top0 = 0.0, 0.2828832, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1
node_stack_top1 = 0.0, 0.2828832, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1
node_stack_bottom = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1
node_attach = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0

TechRequired = metaMaterials
entryCost = 12200
cost = 900
category = Utility
subcategory = 0
title = Clamp-O-Tron Omni Docking Port S

description = Invented after a less-than-peaceful protest against the lack of spacecraft attachment systems that could make buiding multi-purpose symmetrical bases possible, the Clamp-O-Tron Omni Docking Port S allows for the firm attachment of two separate vessels regardless of the other dock's type. After docking, vessels can be just as easily undocked. Supports regular and jr. ports.

attachRules = 1,0,1,0,0

mass = 0.1
dragModelType = default
maximum_drag = 0.25
minimum_drag = 0.25
angularDrag = 0.5
crashTolerance = 15
maxTemp = 3400

name = ModuleDockingNode
referenceAttachNode = top0
nodeType = size0
name = ModuleDockingNode
referenceAttachNode = top1
nodeType = size1


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  • 2 weeks later...

A note to thread visitors. Check GameData\NASAmission\Parts\Size3Decoupler\part.cfg for the line PhysicsSignificance = 1

Either change the 1 to a 0 or delete the line completely. 1 causes the mass = 0.8 part to be treated as "massless" in flight just like a Cubic Octagonal Strut... and it really @#%@es up using it in dual/tri/quad configurations under the Bigger Beastlier adapters.

For even more malFUNctions, flip the decoupler upside down and use it to (try to) drop a Kerbodyne tank (use many sepratrons to kick it away) off the top of an asparagus side booster. Not only will the seps (usually) not light, if you're asparagusing below a Beastlier, Badder or even stock 1-to-n adapter they won't all go at once.

What happens is it appears the decoupler force gets all shunted downwards (to the top of the upside down decoupler) and destroys the part it's on top of.

Change that 1 to a 0 and the Kerbodyne decouplers behave just like all the other inline decouplers.

I built all stock test rockets that looked positively weird with giant Kerbodyne boosters clamped onto the sides of LV diameter core parts to verify that the problems were not with the rescaled stock parts. Only then did I come to the conclusion that it *had* to be something wrong with the decouplers, so I looked in the part.cfg files and noticed that one difference. Then I posted a "WTH?" on the forum about it... ;)

Amazing how just one wrong byte in one text file can cause so much trouble.

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  biohazard15 said:
Any plans for this to be properly balanced for 0.24?

Got ideas on that, and tech treeing the parts, share them. Mostly I've just been changing things as needed for my own use and experimentation, then sharing the results.

I'm still not sure about the mass and capacity on the ThunderMaximus parts' due to their increased diameter but same length on the two tanks, and making a nice looking interstage adapter for the ThunderMax and ThunderMaximus tanks... you can see/use the functional yet ugly one included.

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  • 1 month later...

The multi docking ports work, but to undock you have to rightclick and click as many undock buttons as there are matching ports. They make for very secure connections. I'd like to figure out how to have just a single undock button while retaining the any combo connections and the multi-link docking.

Any of them with the standard Clampotron size will dock to the Rockomax decoupler with the Clampotron in it, but only as that single connection. There's also "Grandpa" sized versions to stick on the Kerbodyne tanks.

If you use TweakScale some of these parts are redundant due to having the same size/capacity as parts scaled up with that. Easy to trim ReStock down to just the parts not replicable with TweakScale by deleting the cfg files.

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  Galane said:
The multi docking ports work, but to undock you have to rightclick and click as many undock buttons as there are matching ports. They make for very secure connections. I'd like to figure out how to have just a single undock button while retaining the any combo connections and the multi-link docking.

Any of them with the standard Clampotron size will dock to the Rockomax decoupler with the Clampotron in it, but only as that single connection. There's also "Grandpa" sized versions to stick on the Kerbodyne tanks.

If you use TweakScale some of these parts are redundant due to having the same size/capacity as parts scaled up with that. Easy to trim ReStock down to just the parts not replicable with TweakScale by deleting the cfg files.

Yes true. I paired it down to about a dozen parts. Would have kept more but quite a few of the parts are duplicated in other mods I have (like the really nice 5 way RCS).

I've kept all the plain wings, the docks, the hub, the nuke engines and the small cupola. All those parts are very nice to have though so thanks for your work on this.

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