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Moon Bases

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So, just prior to the first 0.14 experimental being released, I send a scout mission to find a suitable spot for a lunar base.

On my first orbit I decided on the general area and on the second I landed there and found a neat, flat area on the edge of a big crater.

Next day I grabbed the experimental and launched four missions to deploy my first modules there, starting with a couple of BACE habitation modules and a power unit, launched aboard three of my Rigel II rockets and then a sort of communications and refuelling station on my Rigel III, of which I slung together a video:


I\'ll be adding to this in the future as more suitable modules are made.

Post yours!

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I practiced landing two landers near each other for the first time yesterday. I got pretty close.

When I switched back to the first ship it broke though... So I may need to alter my design...

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Awsome, you have managed to land them pretty close to eachother and the bace modules are in the same line. I also tried to build a base, but my first module ended up floating above the ground thanks to a bug, so I decieded I to wait till the final release.

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