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[0.90] TweakScale - Rescale Everything! (v1.50 - 2014-12-24 10:40 UTC)


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AlmightR, Rakird,

Could at least one of you provide a log file? Cause the problem, then quit KSP and find your output log:

  • Windows (32 bit): KSP_win\KSP_Data\output_log.txt
  • Windows (64 bit): KSP_win64\KSP_x64_DATA\output_log.txt
  • Mac OS X: Open Console, find Unity on the left side, and click on Player.log. It's also located at ~/Library/Logs/Unity/Player.log.
  • Linux: ~/.config/unity3d/Squad/Kerbal\ Space\ Program/Player.log

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I don't think you need the logs either, but as requested, here is the output_log.txt.

In this case, the log showed exactly what RedAV8R said. TweakScale couldn't load RealFuels because of the RealFuels update. If you have a solid reason to believe in a conflict, then please just say so. "TweakScale is incompatible with the new RealFuels update (R7.3), but it still works with RF R7.2" is a lot more helpful than "TweakScale and RealFuels don't work anymore." The former confirms that you know what you're doing and it's really just incompatible versions.

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I do have a problem. It seems that I can resize many parts, like fuel tanks, but when I right click on an engine and some other types of part, I don't have the option to rescale anymore.

If I right click on an engine, I have the option to adjust the trust limiter and lock gimbal but I can't resize. However it works fine with fuel tanks.

Any idea what is causing this??

It's the first time I install Tweakscale. I'm on Windows 7 64bits.

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Odd bug with the Firespitter drop tank - the original appears with dry mass 0.75 (correct) but only 50 liquid fuel (should be 100), while the mirror has dry mass 0.05 and liquid fuel 50 with room for 50 more. This didn't happen before I installed TweakScale.

Looking into this. If it's reproducible I will try and have it fixed in 1.42.

Well, yes and no... just the tanks are in the karbonite pack, not all the great work you did for the engines. Seems like you and them should work it out, as not having larger engines to match the larger tanks means your just moving karbonite around to make fuel, which you could have just moved around... :)


That was a lol moment when I went to go find out why I suddenly had tiny engines...

Sorry about that, but I think it'd be better to poke the karbonite guys about it. Since they have taken one step in the direction of doing TweakScale scaling themselves, I'd rather not interfere. (btw, I *love* that they have)

Ok so different track then. Would it be possible to specify the multiples instead of using a exponent?

Not now. I'm nearing the point where I want to implement something like this:

name = TweakScale
type = stack
name = part
mass = original(mass) * pow(__SCALE__, 3);

But the design is not yet ready in my head, and I foresee many, many problems.

I've noticed, after digging into the TweakScale configs for some of the mods I have, that quite a few of them haven't been updated to reflect recent updates to the mods themselves. NovaPunch, Klockheed Martian, KW Rocketry, Spaceplane Plus, and several other mods that I can't remember right now - ooh! RLA StockAlike! - have relatively recently either added new parts and/or CHANGED THE NAMES of some (or all) of their already existing parts. The devs warn that these changes can and will be save-breaking, but a side-effect is that we can also lose TweakScale functionality too. Some of the TweakScale MM configs haven't been updated since as far back as March of this year, as I recall.

I'm not saying it's TweakScale's responsibility to keep these things up to date, but someone created the original MM files, so why aren't they being checked periodically to see if they need updating?

I can't say it's anybody else's responsibility. I very much appreciate hearing about these problems, as I don't use all the supported mods every day myself.

I do have a problem. It seems that I can resize many parts, like fuel tanks, but when I right click on an engine and some other types of part, I don't have the option to rescale anymore.

If I right click on an engine, I have the option to adjust the trust limiter and lock gimbal but I can't resize. However it works fine with fuel tanks.

Any idea what is causing this??

It's the first time I install Tweakscale. I'm on Windows 7 64bits.

If you can resize some parts but not others, the problem is that those parts have no .cfg. You can either make your own config as specified under 'Example Configurations' in the first post, or tell me which mod and which parts, and it will likely be fixed in the next update.

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I'm having a problem with solid rocket boosters and TweakScale. Whenever I add any solid rocket boosters to a craft, the debug log gets spammed with ArgumentNullExceptions. This is happening on a clean install of KSP with only TweakScale, KWRocketry, Toolbar, and ModuleManager-2.2.2.

Here's the beginning of the spamming:

KWsrbGlobeX2(Clone) added to ship - part count: 2

(Filename: C:/BuildAgent/work/d63dfc6385190b60/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 49)

stage count is: 0

(Filename: C:/BuildAgent/work/d63dfc6385190b60/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 49)

ArgumentNullException: Argument cannot be null.

Parameter name: key
at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[KSPParticleEmitter,TweakScale.EmitterUpdater+EmitterData].ContainsKey (.KSPParticleEmitter key) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at TweakScale.EmitterUpdater.UpdateParticleEmitter (.KSPParticleEmitter pe) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at TweakScale.EmitterUpdater.OnUpdate () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at TweakScale.TweakScale.Update () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

(Filename: Line: -1)

And heres' my output_log.txt

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"TweakScale is incompatible with the new RealFuels update (R7.3), but it still works with RF R7.2" is a lot more helpful than "TweakScale and RealFuels don't work anymore."

Well, I didn't simply say "TweakScale and RealFuels don't work anymore."

Although I didn't do it in the clearest possible way, the text clearly states that it's a conflict between the mods, implies that a new version of one of them has broken compatibility, implies that the same problem has happened before, and I even specify the exact conditions and results of the issue.


It seems that I can resize many parts, like fuel tanks, but when I right click on an engine and some other types of part, I don't have the option to rescale anymore.

The base of the problem is as Biotronic stated. But I'd like to add one info I think is relevant: If you are using RO (RealismOverhaul), it intentionally removes TweakScale resizing for some parts. Mainly engines. If you want to have TS back, go to the RealismOverhaul folder inside GameData, and, on the '.cfg's, delete the MM patch lines that remove the TweakScale module from the parts that you want to have TS...In case you don't know what those are, they look like this:




Noether posted he's issue as I was writing the above....Let me test he's issue real quick...Since I have a debug install with just TweakScale too...Well, after I remove RealFuels...BRB

[EDIT 2]

Confirmed. But it's just the new "S1 SRB-KD25k" SRB...At least for me...

[EDIT 3]

I'll make a pass on the other parts too...See if there is any other parts with problem...After I close KSP I'll put the log here too...

[EDIT 4]

Stock KSP wise, it's just that one part...I'll spare you from a mile-long log resultant of all my effort of putting a capsule on the VAB, then taking all the parts and sticking them in and then sticking them out one by one... (That's what she said!)

I'll plug KW in and have a go at that...

[EDIT 5]

Yep...With exception to the "Globe I SRB", and the "Ullage Motor", all other KW's SRBs are also spamming ArgumentNullExceptions as soon as you pick them from the VAB's part selector.

Edited by AlmightyR
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Actually, until I implement a version of ModuleEngineConfigs that allows for rescaling, RealFuels *itself* disables engine scaling. It's not Realism Overhaul at fault.

As of the next RF, RF itself will bundle the tweakscale API so there won't be version conflicts anymore.

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Havent downloaded this mod yet. Does it eliminate the redundant part(s) from the part list? I think that is the biggest advantage of this mod -- it will reduce the number of parts in the parts list, so i wont have to sift through sheets and sheets of parts looking for the right size fuel tank or decoupler. I just select "fuel tank" or "decoupler" and can change its size or type with a tweakable....

What do you think?

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TweakScale doesn't change the number of parts, but you could certainly eliminate any parts you no longer want after installing (might break many things). It's also set up to scale in all dimensions at once, so having just one fuel tank will be very limiting.

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TweakScale doesn't change the number of parts, but you could certainly eliminate any parts you no longer want after installing (might break many things). It's also set up to scale in all dimensions at once, so having just one fuel tank will be very limiting.

True, if it works in one dimension i.e. "scale" it will be limiting. Is it possible to make tweakscale work in two dimensions (diameter and aspect ratio) for fuel tanks, thereby, requiring only one part? Is it possible to investigate what will break/why if i delete redundant parts? I really like the idea of this mod, because it adds more options/creativity without adding too much options. In addition, it will also help collapse the part list, so that it is more manageable. Also, is it possible to have the available options for the tweakable parameters depend on whats unlocked in the tech tree?

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Is it possible to make tweakscale work in two dimensions (diameter and aspect ratio) for fuel tanks, thereby, requiring only one part?

If TS works the way I think it does (I haven't actually looked at the code), no, but Biotronic could explain it better than I could. Separating the dimensions would also lead to texture stretching.

Is it possible to investigate what will break/why if i delete redundant parts?

You'd need to watch out for parts the reference other parts for models or configuration. Some mod parts, for example, reference SQUAD's textures for a stockalike look. Others partly copy existing part configs (especially the RO mods).

Also, is it possible to have the available options for the tweakable parameters depend on whats unlocked in the tech tree?

Yup. See Adding Module Support in the first post. In the example, scales become available this way:

  • 0.625m: basicRocketry
  • 1.25m: start
  • 2.5m: generalRocketry
  • 3.75m: advRocketry
  • 5m: heavyRocketry

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If TS works the way I think it does (I haven't actually looked at the code), no, but Biotronic could explain it better than I could. Separating the dimensions would also lead to texture stretching.

Yes, i assume it wouldnt work the way it is now, but i was wondering i the dev would consider modifying it based on what i am saying, since i think it will improve the overall intuitiveness and symmetry of the game. I realize stretching it in two dimensions separately will causing texture problems. Maybe it would be best if the part is merely a placeholder for the other stock parts i.e. you select which part you want in tweakable, and the part becomes the corresponding stock part? This will allow for the reduction of the number of parts in the part list. What do you think?

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I have considered a scheme for rescaling in separate dimensions. It is described in some of the early posts in this thread. Your solution might also work. If you want to just click 'fuel tank' and choose a size, I suggest Procedural Parts.

It's possible with module manager to hide a part by placing it in a nonexistent category, and I've considered doing that when there are multiple parts with the same models. Ultimately, I feel that might better be done by a separate mod, that might also use something like firespitter's texture changing stuff to allow some variety in looks, and probably modular fuel tanks so you don't need a separate part for jet fuel or monoprop. I should probably just sit down and do it some day.

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Hey guys, hoping to get some help here with a scaling issue with a near future part, mainly the VASIMIR-10k engine.

Recently a powerslide was added to all engines, with the steps 0% 25% 50% 75% 100%, each step ups the thrust by a small amount, and reduces the isp.

Now if I scale this engine up one step(bit weird scaling in this case as it goes from 2.5 to 5m in one step, where the 2.5 is designated as 1.25) and put it with a tank on the launchpad, it'll show me 133kn, and 160-180kn in space. As soon as you toggle the engines on/off or move the powerslide, the thrust is set to a miniscule amount like 22-24kn.

The 5m engine before the powerslide was introduced used to have a 240kn thrust with its 17500 isp and a 17.100 electricharge consumption. A 100% powerslide should see it to 450-480kn with about 5000 isp.

Is there anyone here willing to look into it? The problem is sure to be inherited in more parts me thinks. Thanks!

This is the code being tweaked from the part.cfg

EnergyUsage = 1980

Mode1ThrustMin = 70

Mode1ThrustMax = 190

Mode1IspMin = 9500

Mode1IspMax = 3500

Mode2ThrustMin = 41.6

Mode2ThrustMax = 133

Mode2IspMin = 16000

Mode2IspMax = 5000

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anyone knows how to fix this?

System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not load file or assembly 'Scale_Redist, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' or one of its dependencies.

File name: 'Scale_Redist, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'

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Not without knowing which mod does that. However, the solution in any case is to copy scale_redist.dll from TweakScale/plugins to whatever mod is misbehaving.

thx i alredy fixed it i turned out i was mising one Scale-redist.dll thx anyway

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I got a problem. When i rescale something ie. a Beam, in flightmode somehow it gets rescaled to its original size. Kinda looks weird

Is there a fix to that yet? Or am i the only one having this issue?

In the error log i found this:

AssemblyLoader: Exception loading 'TweakScale_RealFuels': System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException: The classes in the module cannot be loaded.

at (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Reflection.Assembly:GetTypes (bool)

at System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at AssemblyLoader.LoadAssemblies () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

Additional information about this exception:

System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not load file or assembly 'RealFuels, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' or one of its dependencies.

File name: 'RealFuels, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'

Got the newest Version. Did i miss something?

edit: I got modular Tanks installed, no realfuels thought. Does TS conflict with modular Tanks too?

Edited by mJrA
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My issue: everything scales properly but the mass stays the same. If I rescale a 5m fuel tank to .65m then the mass and amount of fuel is still the same as the 5m version. This wasn't always the case.

Are you using Modular Fuel Tanks by chance? I think I'm having an issue between MFT/TweakScale interaction with the latest TS version and trying to see if it's just me. I get something similar: Scale up a tank with MFT installed, mass goes VERY high. Remove all tanks and replace with MFT: mass back to normal.

However, I'm not having the same mass issue when tanks are scaled down. Instead, scaling down a tank radically reduces the amount of LF/OX/whatever in the tank: think 25,920 for a big tank becomes 0.824 Liquid Fuel (not a typing error) when scaling from 5m to 3.75 after having replaced the tanks while the part was scaled to 5 meters so the mass corrected itself.

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Are you using Modular Fuel Tanks by chance? I think I'm having an issue between MFT/TweakScale interaction with the latest TS version and trying to see if it's just me. I get something similar: Scale up a tank with MFT installed, mass goes VERY high. Remove all tanks and replace with MFT: mass back to normal.

However, I'm not having the same mass issue when tanks are scaled down. Instead, scaling down a tank radically reduces the amount of LF/OX/whatever in the tank: think 25,920 for a big tank becomes 0.824 Liquid Fuel (not a typing error) when scaling from 5m to 3.75 after having replaced the tanks while the part was scaled to 5 meters so the mass corrected itself.

No MFT here. Tweakscale used to work properly then I found the latest cfg files and the masses and fuel sizes are still vanilla.

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