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[0.90] TweakScale - Rescale Everything! (v1.50 - 2014-12-24 10:40 UTC)


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If it's your mod, I would suggest just adding the TweakScale module to the configs. It's not like superfluous MODULEs cause any problems, as far as I'm aware. That way, you don't need to prod me about updating TweakScale should your nose cones change, and users who download an updated version of your nose cones would not also need to update TweakScale, which might happen a few days after your update.

That said, if it's what you want, I'll of course add the cfg.

You're right thanks, better not to create too much MM config everywhere, I'll add the module to the parts themselves.

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I admit I'm not sure what you're talking about here. The sliders controlling resource amounts are exactly the same with TweakScale as without - the only difference is the maximum amount. Changing the maximum amount changes the size of each step, as the number of steps is simply the width of the slider in pixels.

Possibly a bug, then. What I found was that installing TweakScale made the tweakable fuel increments extremely small to the point where I had trouble maintaining a correct ratio of LF/O when bringing anything but the maximum amount. Removing it corrected that behaviour.

I believe Bomoo's referring to a side-effect of KAE. KAE changes the default step size of resource tweakables to 0.01, whereas in stock it's usually around 15-20.


If you don't like it, try reporting it in the KAE thread.

If you know which .cfg that variable is stored in, I'd be happy to apply a fix myself.

Edited by Bomoo
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If you know which .cfg that variable is stored in, I'd be happy to apply a fix myself.

I am afraid it isn't in any .cfg. KSPAPIExtensions replaces the default sliders and as far as I can see, offers no customization of this aspect.

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It shows b9 under supported mods, but it doesn't work for me... Help?

Does it work with stock parts?

Not all parts make sense (to me) to be scalable, so if you've only tried one or two parts, the problem might be that I've deemed them to be of the right size. To see if this is the problem, try rescaling an MSR Multipurpose Stacked Booster, a CF34 Turbofan Engine or an M27 Overview Cockpit. If these are not scalable, something is wrong.

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I can't tell who is replying to whom about what issue, but I just tested 1.36 and I still get negative return on solid rocket boosters.

You's right! The calcubulation is all off! Damn my brain-sized brain. More correctly, the calculations are right for the part they're scaling, but they're not taking resources correctly into account.

Edited by Biotronic
Accidentally a whole word.
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Does it work with stock parts?

Not all parts make sense (to me) to be scalable, so if you've only tried one or two parts, the problem might be that I've deemed them to be of the right size. To see if this is the problem, try rescaling an MSR Multipurpose Stacked Booster, a CF34 Turbofan Engine or an M27 Overview Cockpit. If these are not scalable, something is wrong.

All parts from most mods and all stock parts work correctly.

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I just had the same problem, i use to work and now does not i'm assuming another mod (installed a few) is conflicting? currently deleting mods to see what the problem mod is...

Hmm i just uninstalled the Wayland Mods for the oblivion ship, which has infernal robotics dll's that seem to clash with tweak, and is now working again...

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It's hard to tell without your logs, but it sounds like you have another mod using KSPAPIExtensions that hasn't been updated. There's a full list here.

In case you missed it, I took a look at your log from yesterday and replied here.

I saw your reply but was confused because I definitely have IR installed, I can place the parts and they work but I can't rescale them.

I have IR, PF, and tweak scale out of the list above, all 3 are using the same version of the .dll. I'm perplexed at this point because I get no crashes and everything works as expected except the tweak scale option is missing. I will happily post a log if someone lets me know which file is needed.

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The log (output_log.txt) you provided was the right one, just make sure you cause the problem and quit KSP immediately before uploading it. That log is overwritten every time you start KSP.

First, make sure all the mods you have on this list have been updated since this post. Hopefully, the update will mean you won't have to do that anymore. Also, I don't remember seeing Procedural Parts in your log, but it has issues at the moment. NathanKell is working on it.

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The log (output_log.txt) you provided was the right one, just make sure you cause the problem and quit KSP immediately before uploading it. That log is overwritten every time you start KSP.

First, make sure all the mods you have on this list have been updated since this post. Hopefully, the update will mean you won't have to do that anymore. Also, I don't remember seeing Procedural Parts in your log, but it has issues at the moment. NathanKell is working on it.

I deleted the logs I had, and the game isn't crashing so I'm not getting a new output_log.txt. I have double checked and I only have the 3 mods I mentioned and all 3 are using the same version of the .dll, I even searched my gamedata folder to make sure I didn't miss any. I'm about ready to give up on IR and tweakscale for now. I've used them both before and they were great, but at this point I'm troubleshooting more than getting to play ksp. I only have so much time to play and waiting for every single part to load everytime you restart to try a fix really cuts into your time.

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@mostlydave: output_log.txt is created with each run of KSP, like Master Tao says. It resides in ksp_folder/ksp_data/output_log.txt.

When the game crashes, it copies this file to the crash folder, which is likely where you found it before.

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