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Loneliest mission


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I sent a Kerbal to Eeloo, all by his lonesome. He didn't seem too disappointed about the many-year trip out there, or the many-year trip back.

There was also a mission where Jeb spent about 8 years (our-years, mind, not Kerbal-years) on a mission to the Jool system and back. He really liked finally being able to get the heck away from Bob and Bill, I think.

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First moon mission. As many people i completely misjudged the time acceleration, shot over the target and went to sun SOI. No clue about maneuver nodes or actual interplanetary travel.

A single Kerbal, orbiting 5 Years around the sun.

But damn, really learned the value of nuclear engines. Countless burns, just trying to get somehow closer to kerbin in the next circulation. And at some point, the beautiful SOI-markings appeared around kerbin, and Jebediah finally got home.

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I too sent Bob on a solo mission to Eeloo. Trajectory was not efficient, so he went beyond Eeloo orbit. At that point closest Kerbal-made obiect was a small probe orbiting Dres. Boy, I felt lonely looking at tiny Kerbol in the distance. Good thing i had Chatterer installed, so at least Bob was not completely cut off from the rest of the world. Since then i've never sent lone Kerbal that far away.,

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I sent Jeb, Bill and Bob on a mission to Gilly. While Jeb went out to plant a flag, the Kraken struck the mission and when I quickloaded Bill, Bob and their spacecraft were MIA. Jebediah is now alone on a space potato, out of snacks and without a way to get home. :(

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Due to a botched intercept coming home from Jool, I had a Kerbal in a 'Science Return Pod' stuck in space for 25 years until he had another Kerbin encounter. I still bad for him... stuck in there for a quarter-decade surrounded by moon dirt and goo.

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In my first save, Bill landed all alone on eve - stayed there for 72 Kerbin years - I imagined him getting on just like "Robinson Crusoe on Mars/Eve". Then I ended the save when .23 came out. I expect he's still there - hanging with some alien dude named Friday.

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"Landing" on the Mun with a craft designed for a high-space suborbital hop left Jeb stranded alone for about 2 Earth years due to unplanned explosive disassembly of the ship's engine on impact. Eventually, he was rescued.

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I sent a manned ship to Orbit Eve... everything was fine until I lost power in the ship, with the engine still on... luckily it ran out of fuel fairly quickly, but it had put me in a low enough orbit that I entered Eve's atmosphere... their were no parachutes on the craft as it WASN'T SUPPOSED TO LAND ON EVE! ( come to think of it... how was it going to land on Kerbin...) Seeing no other choice, I remembering watching a few Scott Manley/Danny videos and remembering that you can sometimes save the kerbal by jumping out of the pod before it hits the floor and go flying away!

So now my lone Kerbal is trapped on Eve of all places... I have absolutely no idea how to get him home. over time I've learned the game, I've dropped a rover to him so he can get to the highest point on Eve. But other then that...

I see this as my "End Game Goal" :P

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That would be that MechJeb pod I sent out of the solar system way back in 0.15. I have never gone that far since. The loneliest of my "modern" missions would be the Hydra probe I inserted in a low orbit around Eeloo.


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Interestingly, that would probably be a spaceplane mission that I sent to Minmus, even though I already had two ships there and waiting.

The reason why it was so lonely is that Aldrid Kerman overshot the landing site by something like 1/8th of the planet. I managed to land him safely enough, and was using RCS to push the ship along on its landing gear (this was before rover wheels). I made it something like a quarter of the way to the other ships when I lost control, took a tumble, and the cockpit disconnected. At first I debated sending a ship to him, but decided that the terrain was too rugged for a safe landing. Aldrid would have to go to the ships on his own.

So now we have a poor little kerbal trekking across the icy wastes of Minmus towards a purple circle in the far distance. No friends, no vehicle, no hope of resupply, and a dwindling supply of backpack fuel--it was the loneliest I had ever felt in the game, so I'm sure that Aldrid was nervous as well.

I still consider seeing the other ships begin to render in the distance as my favorite moment in KSP, and my sense of relief upon loading him into the return ship was a serious weight off of my shoulders.

Edited by EndOfTheEarth
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Either Bill and Milbert's Eve flyby gone wrong that had to park in orbit and wait seven Kerbin years to finally land again, or my Explorer 10 unmanned Eve lander. Just the fact that nothing else I have will land on Eve any time soon (read: before the next patch in all likelihood) is what makes that little probe so lonely.

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I'd say my Eeloo mission. The landing and re-orbiting worked great, but there wasn't enough fuel for the trip home. So my dude had to wait for another launch window from Kerbin, for a rescue ship to be sent. And with how long the Eeloo transfers take... well... that poor guy was stuck out there by himself for a very long time.

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