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[24.2] Asteroid Recycling Technologies [0.4.2 - 2014.08.24]


Let's name the mod! Pick as many as you like  

398 members have voted

  1. 1. Let's name the mod! Pick as many as you like

    • Hollow Asteroids
    • Asteroidal Resources
    • Asteroid Utilities
    • Asteroid Repurpose Systems
    • Asteroid Recycling Technologies
    • Asteroid Harvesting Tools
    • Asteroid Utilization Pack
    • Mineable Asteroids
    • Asteroid Kerbalization System

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  RoverDude said:
Working on it now ;) The aweesome bit... is that you can use it WITHOUT an asteroid. So you can build rock-powered ferries, etc.

This idea leads me to some questions. The idea is that different asteroids would have different conversion rates for resources, right?

If that is the case and you could take rock out of asteroids for this purpose, could someone take rock out of an asteroid with a bad rate for one material and put it into one with a good rate?

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  E.I.G. said:
This idea leads me to some questions. The idea is that different asteroids would have different conversion rates for resources, right?

If that is the case and you could take rock out of asteroids for this purpose, could someone take rock out of an asteroid with a bad rate for one material and put it into one with a good rate?

huh.... good question. Actually... yes... So thanks for the catch :)

The dynamic rates are being kinda a pain anyway so I may just launch with static rates to get something out there.

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  BrutalRIP said:
RoverDude i think i may as well just make your dropbox folder my homepage:cool: nice work

Oh... it gets better.


So here we go! After a ton of work (and a LOT of patience from my modding partner WaRi), we are pretty much code complete with the core features. This has been an absolute blast to code!

So here's the rundown on how things work. Some slight variation from the video, but not much.

1. The probe when attached determines the asteroid composition. This is critical, gotta do this. What it determines is the presence of three kinds of rock: Frozen, Basic, and Enriched.

2. The Jaw converts mass into rock (plain rock).

3. The Probe automatically converts a tiny amount of plain rock into one of the special kinds of rock (frozen, basic, and enriched) based on the asteroid's makeup. Makeup is tied to the asteroid.

4. The converters take the specialized rock and turn it into stuff (fully configurable) such as ore, minerals, water, karbonite, etc. based on type. Yes, someone could cheat by moving a bunch of rock, but the type makeups are so close, and the cost so heavy that it would not be very possible. Plus you're stuck converting all three types whether you like it or not (if you try to move simple rock). So in the end, pretty much not worth the trouble.

5. The Karbonite converter can also convert plain rock into rock dust. This is fuel for the mass driver.

the last two bits I am working on are the tank to hold rock dust, and the mass driver engine itself. The mass driver engine will be a higher thrust lower ISP ion drive, but not nearly the thrust of a traditional rocket engine. Basically in the same neighborhood as the nuke. Worthless in atmospheres, only work in a vacuum, and run off of rock dust.

I'll post whatever I have done tonight - no promises on the mass driver, and I am pestering WaRi for a bit of model work ;)

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Watch the video... see the notes above. And yes, there's a mass driver. I just need to find a better particle effect.

This is pretty much showtime code barring any bugs, possibly some small model changes.

Go forth and have fun

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  Temporal Wolf said:
Just started testing... the probe's icon in the VAB, when you hover over it, expands to super huge for some reason. Really quite interesting.

Whoops - missed that one, will have a fix tonight. Still works tho :)

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I played around with 0.1 a couple of weeks back (already under 0.24.x) and even in that state, it was a blast. Looking forward to test the new version.

Tiny consistency thing: This thread is called Asteroidal Resources, your sig calls the mod Asteroidal Cities (which could also cause confusion with Klockheed Martian's Asteroid Cities). In the Karbonite release thread, you mention "Resources" in reply to a query from an user.

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Captured an Asteroid, on track to put it in orbit around Minmus. Three things:

-I setup to convert enrichedrock -> karbonite -> LF/O... but my asteroid didn't have any (I hit it with the probe first). I also couldn't figure out how to convert Rock into anything else (FrozenRock/CommonRock/etc), so I just vented it all. Not sure if I just didn't figure out how to do it, or something isn't working right.

-While running the Jaw, I gain mass on my ship. I'm guessing Rock weighs more than what is removed from the asteroid.

-I haven't hooked up a tank yet (That's the next bit once I get it into orbit around Minmus) but there seems to be a volume issue: my single tank ship can hold more than my considerably larger half empty asteroid. I did a little napkin volume calculation, and it's looking like there should be 3-5x as much space for LF/O(depending on how I ballpark the volumes). I'm not sure if there is a tank space ratio of some sort (as volume wise, 700 Oxidizer != 700 MonoPro != 700 Xenon, etc), but it would be cool.


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  Alastair412 said:
I played around with 0.1 a couple of weeks back (already under 0.24.x) and even in that state, it was a blast. Looking forward to test the new version.

Tiny consistency thing: This thread is called Asteroidal Resources, your sig calls the mod Asteroidal Cities (which could also cause confusion with Klockheed Martian's Asteroid Cities). In the Karbonite release thread, you mention "Resources" in reply to a query from an user.

Whoops! That's what I get for changing a mod name and a sig and checking for compatibility at the same time ;)

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  Temporal Wolf said:
Captured an Asteroid, on track to put it in orbit around Minmus. Three things:

-I setup to convert enrichedrock -> karbonite -> LF/O... but my asteroid didn't have any (I hit it with the probe first). I also couldn't figure out how to convert Rock into anything else (FrozenRock/CommonRock/etc), so I just vented it all. Not sure if I just didn't figure out how to do it, or something isn't working right.

-While running the Jaw, I gain mass on my ship. I'm guessing Rock weighs more than what is removed from the asteroid.

-I haven't hooked up a tank yet (That's the next bit once I get it into orbit around Minmus) but there seems to be a volume issue: my single tank ship can hold more than my considerably larger half empty asteroid. I did a little napkin volume calculation, and it's looking like there should be 3-5x as much space for LF/O(depending on how I ballpark the volumes). I'm not sure if there is a tank space ratio of some sort (as volume wise, 700 Oxidizer != 700 MonoPro != 700 Xenon, etc), but it would be cool.


hmmm.. if your right click menu on the asteroid showed no analysis that's odd. The asteroid itself will just have rock though. Right click on the probe and see what's up, it should suck in rock and turn it into a distribution of the three types.

I'll look into the mass thing.. that should in no way be happening. If anything you're going to lose mass.

Volume wise I'll redo some numbers. May be tied into your same mass issue. Let me know about the other bits. Also let me know if there's anything in your debug log.

Oh! And before I forget and this is probably it... This will not work on old asteroids, it would be brand new ones that spawn so please check that.

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  Olympic1 said:
Is it on purpose that you called the Crewhatch: CrewHatch.cfg_ or a mistake

On purpose - Squad totally broke dynamic crew capacity so I have to figure out something new.

Side note for the thread - current title is a working name. Suggest some names, WaRi and I will pick a bunch, and we'll do a poll :)

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  RoverDude said:
Side note for the thread - current title is a working name. Suggest some names, WaRi and I will pick a bunch, and we'll do a poll :)

Explore, Expunge, Exploit - acronym "Eee..."

Mineable Extraplanetary Habitats.

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  RoverDude said:
On purpose - Squad totally broke dynamic crew capacity so I have to figure out something new.

Damn you squad! Because of this, I made a MM config for a docking port to attach them on asteroids for refueling the tanks of passing ships.

Side note for the thread - current title is a working name. Suggest some names, WaRi and I will pick a bunch, and we'll do a poll :)

Mineable Asteroids

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  RoverDude said:
Oh! And before I forget and this is probably it... This will not work on old asteroids, it would be brand new ones that spawn so please check that.

The asteroid in question was tracked, but not interacted with, prior to installing the most recent version... I'll try to get the mission up for a newer asteroid later today.

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My vote would be for Trojan Asteroids as a reference to several things but mostly the Troy class battle station from Live Free or Die that are made from hollowed out asteroids.

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  dak180 said:
My vote would be for Trojan Asteroids as a reference to several things but mostly the Troy class battle station from Live Free or Die that are made from hollowed out asteroids.

Ahhhh John Ringo, the 'Man who doesn't know what numbers mean'.

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  Omez said:
nice update.

Btw rover, you should update the github repository too.

Seems like it is linking to dynamictanks, not hollowasteroids.

That's the working DLL ;) It does more than asteroids so there will be some refactoring pre-launch

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