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Talk Like A Politican!


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On 6/6/2014 at 10:51 AM, Prof. Endwalker said:

A: It's a disgrace what you did to your own people. Your daddy beat you like a dog and now your evil.


Oh, the answer, yes. Atleast 3.1415926...

Q: When have you found yourself in a theater with a woman screaming at you?

ERB reference FTW!

A: I'm neutral.

Q: How will you try and reduce train delays?

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A: How do we speed up trains and reduce delays? We the people in order to form a more perfect train delay free environment, Make Rocket powered trains, and remove the word delay and make it ON time. Your late for work? Your ON TIME. Being late from the train is not OK and should not be why you get fired!


Q:What is your policy on rockets

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A: As the democratically elected leader of this great nation, i believe that freedom and dignity must be achieved in any way possible. Now i'm not going to say this in a braggadocious way, but in order to truly benefit every citizen of this proud nation, like our proud forefathers would have wanted, we must not allow ourselves to be persuaded by the foreign corruption that seeds itself in this great nation. Indeed, we must start a political revolution, and use all forces in our power to achieve peace and justice for every citizen. Now, my father always told me "Son, ya don't kill a pig when ya shoot it", and i believe this recommendation stands true for every citizen of this great nation. Wether it be through the fireworks that go up in the sky on the day of our independence, or through the middle class taxpayer just looking for a break for his two daughters, we must stand for liberty and look to the powers that be within this great nation to guide us through these troubled times, so help me god.


Q: Did you or did you not have relations with that woman?

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A: A so called 'woodchuck' (correctly speaking, a groundhog) would chuck-that is, throw-as much as the woodchuck in question was physically able to chuck (ibid.) if woodchucks in general had the capability-and, presumably, the motivation-to chuck wood.

(Thumbs up if you get that reference.)

Q:What is your stance on being asked questions?

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A: Going into space is dangerous business. It takes millions of people to orchestrate launches, by inventing the technologies, designing and building rockets, and those brave few who must fly them must be trained with complex equipment. It's hard to do so much as we have, and for this we should be proud of ourselves.

Q: What will be your plan on regulating the use of the dangerous, addictive chemical Dihydrogen Monoxide? Right now it is not illegal in any state, and can be obtained for free anywhere.

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A: Well obviously it's a matter of coming up with the right legislation to regulate the production and distrubution of such an additive. Rest assured, I will confer with a committee that will be designated to the additive, and I think we may be able to discontinue its use very soon.


Q: Do you have any words for the underrepresented demographic of young adults that are interested in the sciences?

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A: Well, our engineers have actually dug up some ancient technology codenamed End Flight. This will bring great prosperity to the fields of grass currently covered by debris!

Q: How will you contain the fallout from the use of this new technology?

Edited by Hobbes Novakoff
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4 minutes ago, Hobbes Novakoff said:

A: Well, our engineers have actually dug up some ancient technology codenamed End Flight. This will bring great prosperity to the fields of grass currently covered by debris!

Q: How will you contain the fallout from the use of this new technology?

A: This crisis will be solved in due time. You can trust me.Hancock Worir4, of the people, for the people! Fallout 4 reference, also I am not a synth


Q: How will you respond to the egg thrown at you yesterday?

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2 minutes ago, worir4 said:

How will you respond to the egg thrown at you yesterday?

I think that eggs are certainly a major problem in America today. We need to put a stop to illegal immigreggtion. *Mumbles something about arming border patrol agents with electric mixers*

Q: How do you think your recent remarks regarding banning bacon from entering the country have affected your standing in the polls?

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16 minutes ago, Hobbes Novakoff said:

I think that eggs are certainly a major problem in America today. We need to put a stop to illegal immigreggtion. *Mumbles something about arming border patrol agents with electric mixers*

Q: How do you think your recent remarks regarding banning bacon from entering the country have affected your standing in the polls?

A; I think my scores have gone bacon track :cool:. There is no telling who will win though, we just ham to wait and see. I think David Cameron might come out on top though. :wink:

Q: How do you feel about the alarming rise in pizza delivery impersonators?

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A: I find these inexplicable acts atrocious.  To impersonate a pizza delivery person is an act of absolute neglect for pizza rights, and for human life.  If we are to rise again, we must crack down on pizza delivery impersonations.  Would you want your child to be home alone when there is an unplanned pizza delivery?  One must remember that there is no pizza being delivered.  I certainly would not like a fake pizza delivery.

Q: Recently, there has been a rise in booster theft.  What is your plan, if any, to combat this threat?

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A: Simple.  We raise booster taxes ten fold, and since the plan to combat boosters is moar boosters, we'll make a huge profit!

Q: What is your plan for the salaries of KSC staff?

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A: Interesting proposal. I will have to get with my staff to see if something like that is feasible. After all, we all know how important flea collars are...

B. How do you plan to address thrust inequality between the .625 and 25 engines?

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