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Community Mun Base

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I think recently first timing landing on the mun makes me ready for this, so add me to the stock list plz

Seanoog could you put me on that stock list? I\'m more than ready when 0.14.2.

Added you both. :)

Won\'t be long until released.

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trbinsc, I have a mod part ship from ages back I\'d like to contribute to the Mod base so can you add me to your list as well please.

I\'m not making a list until I make the new thread. I\'ll put you on it though.

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Sign me up for the stock base please. :D

I\'m game, stock parts are great fun.

Sign me up for the stock base, I\'ll be happy to add one there as well as the mod-allowed one!

In the meantime, it\'s time to start designing a stock lander I can be proud of I guess.

All added.

khyron42 why dont you create a small lander, initially.

Your always welcome to book a secound/third.... flight, after launching your initial one.

The other flights can be used, to land larger mun craft.

I am starting with a small-ish, then in later flights, try landing bigger craft..

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Seeing as 0.14.2 is supposed to be released today, I guess I\'ll start a new topic soon. Seanoog, I\'ll send you a PM when I do, so you can get the second post.

Great too know trbinsc. :)

Now back to perfecting my lander + Not crash...

Ohh, the new terrain... 'Must Resist' 8)

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i would do it but i would have to use this design to land :( :\'(


Does that mean your interested in booking a flight to the Mun, Dannyboy?

Sign me up for the stock part base please!


Next i think we should be considering Mun Bases!

Any got any idea\'s?

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Next i think we should be considering Mun Bases!

Any got any idea\'s?

As in, location? Noobs will want one on the equator where it is flat and the pros will want one near an interesting feature. Have one of each. :)

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Add me for both!

And that means Danny hasn\'t preordered.

Added to the stock list.

trbinsc, isn\'t taking bookings yet, for the Mod Community Mun Base.

So be sure to request a position, when he creates the new thread.

As in, location? Noobs will want one on the equator where it is flat and the pros will want one near an interesting feature. Have one of each. :)

Agree\'d, the new members will want it easy.

Where the experianced members will find any landing spot, relatively easy (Depending on there lander size).

I am thinking of a flat area, located beside a mountain, or beside an astroid crater. Either way with 10+ members landing in the stock mun base.

Where either going to hit the NAN big again, causing ships to become corrupt. Or some one with a poor performing laptop, is going to have a 1FPS landing approach. 8)

So we may have two Mun bases, very quickly.

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Finishing work shortly.

Will create a new thread, in The Space Craft Exchange section.

Will include my first mission to the Mun.

An our first Stock Community Mun Colony, with KSP 0.14.2 Build.

Let\'s pray the NAN bugs are fixed.

Please keep a look out.

Any more flight requests, I ask you to wait, an put them on the new thread.

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Hey, can you let me make the thread or do it while I am online? I want the two munbases to be the first posts. Also, I\'ve doing some recon, and I found a lot of amazing locations.

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Hey, can you let me make the thread or do it while I am online? I want the two munbases to be the first posts. Also, I\'ve doing some recon, and I found a lot of amazing locations.

Well I am only downloading the newest build, for the secound time. :\'(

Plus, my internet has been on/off/reset more times, the past two hours...

Will create the thread now, but be sure to PM you before i press Post. ;)

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Does that mean your interested in booking a flight to the Mun, Dannyboy?


Next i think we should be considering Mun Bases!

Any got any idea\'s?

maybe i was interested in nabbing a free copy? lol idk im just sad i dont have the game and i dont know when i can get it

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So.. what\'s the status on the new thread?

Waiting on myself or trbinsc, to create it.

However we are both waiting until, were both online at the same time.

As trbinsc wants us both to have the first two posts. one for Stock Persistance file, an MOD persistance file.

- I was for pressing Post yesterday creating the thread, but my computer crashed 8 times yesterday. :( (Power Failures in my area - Looks at new UPS system)

As for the Stock Mun colony, had several flights all ended badly. I am getting awful torque steer, with 14.3 build.

so just sat down with a sandwich, an will try again shortly.

I do apologise for the daley, an if members are getting frustraited...

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