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Community Mun Base

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Thanks, I was just thinking about terrain below you being at a different level of detail than the stuff far off to the sides - if the explosions only happened when you came in low and fast it could have been the ships coming off rails, adjusting to the terrain, and then the terrain under them changing as the focused ship got closer - I guess that\'s not the case. Oh well!

Put my name down for a turn at placing a lander. I will limit myself to whatever mod parts have already been used by others before me!

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Just as when several ships get beached in one place and people end up making a town out of the hulls, here we have a village made of the wrecked hulls of unfortunate spaceships, their inhabitants trapped and having to make the best of things.

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I suggest the BACE moonbase modules (or alternative) + the rover + stock (of course).

This will allow some very interesting moonbase configurations without forcing us all to d/l a gazillion mods.

It should also be noted that those that don\'t want to \'ruin\' their stock game with modes can copy/paste their game into a new folder and use that second copy of the game (with mods) for the community moonbase. That way they can have two copies installed and people can use which ever version they wish - there normal stock game or the modded version for the moonbase. :)

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In several test landings (with a clean stock install of 0.14.1) I\'ve seen hard bounces or worse on resuming control of a landed craft. The most impressively bad was the one that resumed about 20m underground - far enough that it just froze up there and I couldn\'t do anything but close the game if I switched to that craft. I\'ll be doing further testing tonight, but I think there\'s definitely something wrong still.

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