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[1.12.X] Tantares - Stockalike Soyuz and MIR [28][15.02.2025][Mars Expedition]


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the D2 gives me game crashes :(

I don't know why, sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't

- - - Updated - - -

also is there any chance that you could make it deadly re-entry capable?

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It flies very well and i think that it has the right delta-v, but maybe the engine is a bit overpowered.

It is a very good ship, and it is fun to fly! :)

I see, I'll take these points on board for next release :) . Yeah I think 170KN is a lot, maybe down to Apollo levels ( ~ 90KN if I remember) would be better.

Thanks for the feedback!

the D2 gives me game crashes :(

I don't know why, sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't

- - - Updated - - -

also is there any chance that you could make it deadly re-entry capable?

Bah :( No good.

How do you mean, like when loading game or in-game?

I would try clean install first.

Maybe you are running into memory issues? How many mods do you run? I had the RAM problem recently (constantly hitting 3.5GB while flying around Kerbin in an airship), until I installed ActiveTextureManagement .

Though all my textures are compressed, some are still over 1MB, so maybe this is something I can improve on... Downsizing to half-size doesn't seem to affect quality too much.

Deadly re-entry has been requested a few times, so I will add configs for it next release! :)

- 100 Posts! - Where's my medal? -

Edited by Beale
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here is your medal:


Haha! That was unexpected. Thanks for this.

Suggestion: use ModuleSAS as your dummy module, rather than ModuleRCS. Less confusing.

Hey thanks!

This is a good idea. It hadn't crossed my mind. The only slight issue is that even with 0 torque, the "contains SAS" is still going to appear in the VAB right? I might consider using the dedicated "dummy module" plugin...


I think some people may dislike this, but I am designing the Salyut to end with 0.625m docking port, to fit with Tantares.

So its max diameter is 2.5m (back section) thinning to 1.25m with a cone and docking port at the end.

Thoughts? Tiny ships seem to become my niche.

(I reason that docking ports on the ISS seem to be pretty tight for a human, so with Kerbals being about 0.4m in diameter, the tiny size seems good for them.)

(Another fun (maybe even in the Dwarf Fortress sense) twist might be: Alternate fuel tank, alternate engine and POW; instant interplanetary ship).

Edited by Beale
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made you a signature for people to click on:


to program it, do this:


and it shold work like this: (click it)


I would reccomend saving the image to your imgur account. once you do that, just change the link inside the IMG tags.

also, this is my 300th post. do I get a medal?

Edited by ZodiaK
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TACLS adds per default resources to the orbital and the crew module. And DR has matching heatshields and adapter too. So I see nothing missing for this two mods.

I launched some of my 2m rescale koyuz and docked them to stations. The crew capsule has 3 crew capacity now, but I had to remove the IVA from it, to get no strange two-kerbals-chare-one-seat-bugs.


Guess I'm fine with that :)

Edited by acc
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TACLS adds per default resources to the orbital and the crew module. And DR has matching heatshields and adapter too. So I see nothing missing for this two mods.

I launched some of my 2m rescale koyuz and docked them to stations. The crew capsule has 3 crew capacity now, but I had to remove the IVA from it, to get no strange two-kerbals-chare-one-seat-bugs.

Guess I'm fine with that :)

Please post a MMconfig for that rescale! I relay like the Tantares optical, but its too small for my opinion.

Same on the KSO, its looking beautiful but its too small either.

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Please post a MMconfig for that rescale! I relay like the Tantares optical, but its too small for my opinion.

Same on the KSO, its looking beautiful but its too small either.

I only have edited part configs yet. but I can upload it if it's ok with Beale :)

Btw. for the 2m rescale version I used factor 1.6 (because 2 / 1.25 = 1.6) on the engines thrust (maybe still overpowered), resources and mass. For DR I use a 2m heatshield from procedural parts and the DR 2m decoupler (funny, DR has a 2m decoupler but no 2m heatshield). As parachute I use a clipped realchute on the top node of the crew module. As decoupler between crew and orbital module I use one from procedural parts. orbit injection stage is a 2m procedural parts tank and the 2m resized libra engine.

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made you a signature for people to click on:


to program it, do this:


and it shold work like this: (click it)


I would reccomend saving the image to your imgur account. once you do that, just change the link inside the IMG tags.

also, this is my 300th post. do I get a medal?

This is really nice, I don't want to be rude with you put the effort in, but I prefer just the text signature :)


For the 300th post, there is only one thing :wink:


I only have edited part configs yet. but I can upload it if it's ok with Beale :)

Please do! It looks great.

I can put them on the first page if you want :)

And good to hear about how TAC works, maybe it's all good then?

Edited by Beale
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I am not at all familiar with TAC life support (I like the idea of "hardcore" mods, but after hours to create a totally broken remoteTech network I gave up)

, so in that case maybe / maybe not. What changes do I need to make to support it?

Deadly re-entry I would like to do and shouldn't be too hard. I haven't really used it, but doesn't it come with heat-shield / separators in the DR pack?

I think my craft is a bit "odd" in the hardcore scene? It is too small, maybe that is where the kind word by acc comes in...

Progress like craft - definitely!

Salyut - next up!

Well, I guess you would need to write a config which would add TAC resources to the pods. I think that orbital modules could be perfect to hold lot of consumables.

And if you thought that Remote Tech is too complex, I would suggest you to try AntennaRange mod. It is way less complex than Remote Tech but it make you think about which antenna to use.

TACLS adds per default resources to the orbital and the crew module. And DR has matching heatshields and adapter too. So I see nothing missing for this two mods.

Problem with TAC is that it adds consumables only for one day and I think that especially orbital modules should hold much more. And yes, you can use the DR heatshield but it does not match perfectly. Added ablative resource directly to the bottom of the pods would be better in my opinion.

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It seems unless you have an extra module in the .CFG there's a huge VAB bug where the engine just inflates and takes up the whole screen.

Couldn't you replace the RCS thruster with a power generator module? Think of it as including a small fuel cell. You could even use the RTG settings, but cut the power generation in half so it isn't too OP.

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Ok, here it is...


- Installation
- Contents
- Versions
- Credits
- License


1 :: Get and install "Tantares - Stockalike Soyuz and LK Lander".
- URL: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/81537

2 :: Extract folder "Tantares" into "PATH_TO_KSP/GameData/Tantares".

3 :: Done.


1 :: LDL Landing Propulsion System (
- Thrust * 1.6
- Mass * 1.6

2 :: TST Crew Module (
- Mass * 1.6
- CrewCapacity +1 (3)
- IVA removed

3 :: TST Orbital Manouvering System (
- Thrust * 1.6
- Mass * 1.6
- LFO & Mono * 1.6
- ModuleRCS removed

4 :: TST Orbital Module (
- Mass * 1.6


0.1 :: 2014/06/17 :: First release for "Tantares - Stockalike Soyuz and LK Lander" version 1.0


Original by Tantares, modified by Acc.


Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported


Edited by acc
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Ok, here it is...


- Installation
- Contents
- Versions
- Credits
- License


1 :: Get and install "Tantares - Stockalike Soyuz and LK Lander".
- URL: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/81537

2 :: Extract folder "Tantares" into "PATH_TO_KSP/GameData/Tantares".

3 :: Done.


1 :: LDL Landing Propulsion System (
- Thrust * 1.6
- Mass * 1.6

2 :: TST Crew Module (
- Mass * 1.6
- CrewCapacity +1 (3)
- IVA removed

3 :: TST Orbital Manouvering System (
- Thrust * 1.6
- Mass * 1.6
- LFO & Mono * 1.6
- ModuleRCS removed

4 :: TST Orbital Module (
- Mass * 1.6


0.1 :: 2014/06/17 :: First release for "Tantares - Stockalike Soyuz and LK Lander" version 1.0


Original by Tantares, modified by Acc.


Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported


Absolutely awesome! I've added this to the front. :)

ditto. I don't know why beale is keeping us in the dark

Hey now, I have a full-time job :wink:

But as promised, current WIP


I'm thinking it should use the same Solar Panels as Tantares. Maybe something a bit larger.

That is three parts:

A 1.25m Hab, a 2.5m Hab and an Adapter Hab.

As for others questions, I'm probably just doing Salyut 1.

Edited by Beale
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Absolutely awesome! I've added this to the front. :)

Hey now, I have a full-time job :wink:

But as promised, current WIP


I'm thinking it should use the same Solar Panels as Tantares. Maybe something a bit larger.

That is three parts:

A 1.25m Hab, a 2.5m Hab and an Adapter Hab.

As for others questions, I'm probably just doing Salyut 1.

Ah, please? At least also do Salyut 6/7.

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