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[1.12.X] Tantares - Stockalike Soyuz and MIR [28][15.02.2025][Mars Expedition]


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Hey Beale, or anyone else really,

As much as I love these parts, the section of my brain that demands realism is bothered by cramming so many Kerbals into tiny ships. I don't think you should change the mod; this is the niche you fill, and you do it wonderfully. But I have been playing around with resizing the parts using "scale = 2 rescaleFactor = 2". While it seems to work fine in most respects, the connection points hang out far above or below the part. Do you (or anyone) know what I have to change to move the connection points?



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Hey Beale, or anyone else really,

As much as I love these parts, the section of my brain that demands realism is bothered by cramming so many Kerbals into tiny ships. I don't think you should change the mod; this is the niche you fill, and you do it wonderfully. But I have been playing around with resizing the parts using "scale = 2 rescaleFactor = 2". While it seems to work fine in most respects, the connection points hang out far above or below the part. Do you (or anyone) know what I have to change to move the connection points?




I would try first:



let me know! :)

For Tantares at least, a user called "acc" very kindly made a pre-configured 2.5m Tantares that I link on the first page. Nothing like it for Spica currently though.

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I am right now working on an art renovation for existing parts, some areas were lack-luster.

Also working on the new Polaris / Fuji.

Can't wait! Well, I will, but I don't want to! Its funny, I had never heard of the Fuji concept until this thread - it is so interesting looking. I wonder why they opted for such a squat capsule.

Well, whenever you get a chance to make it, I will definitely play with it! :)

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I would try first:



let me know! :)

For Tantares at least, a user called "acc" very kindly made a pre-configured 2.5m Tantares that I link on the first page. Nothing like it for Spica currently though.

Hey Beale! Thanks for the advice. It works! The auto-shroud around the engine looks a little funny, but that is a negligible concern.

T minus 10:


Space bullet:


Kerbal for scale:


In the orbital module:


In the command module:


Thanks again for these great parts, and the advice. I think I'll use the D2 more at this size. Of course it's so spacious that it probably could hold 3 in the CM and 2 in the OM! I guess my Kerbals are lucky to have so much leg room! I think I'll mess around with the weight a bit though - a total mass of 3.3 seems a little light, so the OM can probably be increased.

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Can't wait! Well, I will, but I don't want to! Its funny, I had never heard of the Fuji concept until this thread - it is so interesting looking. I wonder why they opted for such a squat capsule.

Well, whenever you get a chance to make it, I will definitely play with it! :)

Hey Kitworks,

This great blog has a write-up on the Fuji, as well as some other alternative spacecraft. http://falsesteps.wordpress.com/2012/10/10/fuji-bringing-the-mountain-to-the-masses/

In this paragraph it talks about the design of the ship:

"The strange shape was driven by one of Fuji’s design goals. The proposal specifically describes the original astronauts and cosmonauts of the 1960s as “supermen†because of their ability to withstand and even work while experiencing high-g forces. Fuji’s designers considered this unacceptable as they wanted to defray the cost of running the system by allowing for commercial passengers of average health. By re-entering at a high angle of attack the Core Module could generate lift and keep the stress on its crew down to 4 gravities."

It's a really neat blog!

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Hey Kitworks,

This great blog has a write-up on the Fuji, as well as some other alternative spacecraft. http://falsesteps.wordpress.com/2012/10/10/fuji-bringing-the-mountain-to-the-masses/

In this paragraph it talks about the design of the ship:

"The strange shape was driven by one of Fuji’s design goals. The proposal specifically describes the original astronauts and cosmonauts of the 1960s as “supermen†because of their ability to withstand and even work while experiencing high-g forces. Fuji’s designers considered this unacceptable as they wanted to defray the cost of running the system by allowing for commercial passengers of average health. By re-entering at a high angle of attack the Core Module could generate lift and keep the stress on its crew down to 4 gravities."

It's a really neat blog!

Thanks for the info! Funnily enough, I just saw your post as I was about to post a link to that very blog post! It seems like a cool idea... Going to poke around a try to find some concept art showing the interior space. Don't think that actually, exists, unfortunately... Oh well. Gives OP room to be creative. Shame it sounds like the real-life Fuji has been left on the drawing board.

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Yeah, that capsule shape has a far higher hypersonic L/D ratio than the Apollo's, IIRC. I mean, there's a reason it looks more like a frisbee than a blunted cone. :)

So instead of the Launch Escape System pulling the capsule up and away, it instead spins it and flings it off to the side?? Kerbal Disc Golf?

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So instead of the Launch Escape System pulling the capsule up and away, it instead spins it and flings it off to the side?? Kerbal Disc Golf?

Well we just got Kerbal Space Soccer (football), so why not disc golf!

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So there are some crazy concepts for the Fuji...

Not implying I have immediate plans, but still.



At least the proportions are now correct.


One small change: Salyut core module (big one) now has "Make Detailed Observation" rather than crew report. This one allows you to do a bit more different science. There are different messages (Grammar and English checked) for orbits of different planets.

Ex. "Detailed Observation From Space Near Kerbin"

"You look down and can begin to make out coastlines. Overall the planet is very blue."

Ex. "Detailed Observation From Space Near Laythe"

"From some angles, you think Laythe is indistinguishable from Kerbin. From others, you think you'd rather stay in the safety of the capsule."

Again, I'm not really a creative writer. If anyone can throw ideas for short second-person logs, I'll probably add them.

The definition of "detailed" here is by Kerbal standards.

Big Question!

Can anyone point me to information on flag decals?

I can barely find anything!

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The one that looks like a distorted Soyuz is hilarious. Ugly as sin, but funny! Can;t wait to see what you come up with.

It's honestly the silliest thing I've ever seen in the sometimes too serious world of spaceflight. :D All of those concepts look very "Japanese" and quirky (sorry to stereotype :wink: ).


Yeah...i am your fan!!!

Coming soon! :)


I'm happy, it seems much better than the old one (below).



Also here is the new experiment definition, I put it here in-case anyone can find errors in grammar / English. Nothing spoilery in them (Information similar to tracking station), don't worry.

// situation bits:
// SrfLanded = 1,
// SrfSplashed = 2,
// FlyingLow = 4,
// FlyingHigh = 8,
// InSpaceLow = 16,
// InSpaceHigh = 32

id = longReport
title = Observations Report
baseValue = 10
scienceCap = 10
dataScale = 1

requireAtmosphere = False
situationMask = 48
biomeMask = 7

default = You make some detailed observations.

SunInSpaceLow = The heat from the sun is intense at this altitude. You calculate how much lower you can go.
SunInSpaceHigh = You struggle to make any observation. Having two large eyes does not making looking at bright objects easy.
SunInSpaceHigh = You estimate that the Sun is... Big.

KerbinInSpaceLow = You confirm that Kerbin is not flat.
KerbinInSpace = As your home planet comes into full view, you begin to make out coastlines. Overall the planet is very blue.
KerbinInSpace = You estimate Kerbin to be about 1,200km in diameter.

MunInSpace = The incredible amount of craters makes you think the Mun is incredibly unlucky. Or maybe it's just geologically dead, too early to tell.
MunInSpace = You estimate the Mun to be about 400km in diameter.
MunInSpaceHigh = You confirm that the darker areas are really huge impact craters.

MinmusInSpace = Minmus' origins are unclear, could be a captured asteroid, but up close it looks more like a ball of ice-cream.
MinmusInSpace = You doubt that Minmus could be much more than 100km in diameter.
MinmusInSpaceLow = You note that the flats are, funnily enough, perfectly flat.

GillyInSpace = Gilly is far too small to take on a regular shape. You struggle to make out any level ground.
GillyInSpace = You try to estimate Gilly's diameter. But give up, it's too lumpy.
GillyInSpaceLow = After a very close look at the surface, you decide Gilly is a solid object rather than a mass of loose material.

MohoInSpace = At a glance, Moho resembles Kerbin's own Mun. Except that it's brown.
MohoInSpace = You estimate Moho to be near enough 500km in diameter.
MohoInSpace = Moho isn't much smaller than Duna. Making a landing without an atmosphere will not be easy.

EveInSpace = Eve's thick atmosphere prevents you making detailed observations of its surface. You predict that the atmosphere will be trapping a lot of heat in.
EveInSpace = You estimate Eve is of a similar size to Kerbin. Maybe around 1,400km.

DunaInSpace = Despite previous predictions, it would appear both poles are in fact mainly water-ice. You ponder if they could be melted...
DunaInSpace = Duna looks to be half the size of Kerbin. By putting your hand to the window, you put it at 6-thumbs across in diameter.

IkeInSpace = You notice Ike has very few impact craters, it seems even asteroids like Ike.
IkeInSpace = Ike can't be any more than 300km in diameter, probably less.

DresInSpace = Dres seems to have some water-ice spread around its surface.
DresInSpace = Dres is tiny, somewhere around 270km in diameter.

DresInSpaceLow = You notice Dres has a few mountainous areas, orbiting lower might be dangerous.

JoolInSpace = Despite evidence of raging storms, from here, you think Jool looks quite calm.
JoolInSpace = Jool is around 12,000km in Diameter. You wonder if a rocky planet could ever be this large.

JoolInSpaceLow = The green is all consuming, you begin to ponder life, death and the nature of all things. You try not to look, but something is calling to you from the clouds.

LaytheInSpace = From certain angles, it is hard to tell the difference between Laythe and Kerbin.
LaytheInSpace = You predict that the oceans are highly saline, given the cold temperatures of the moon.
LaytheInSpace = At a glance, Laythe is the same size as Kerbin. But measurements indicate it is closer to 1,000km in diameter.

VallInSpace = Vall's fault-ridden surface tells of a history of geologic activity, maybe still on-going.
VallInSpace = Vall is more or less the exact size of Duna. Couldn't be more than 600km in diameter.

TyloInSpace = By its appearance, the scale of Tylo is hard to judge. After careful observations, you confirm it is close to 1,200km.

BopInSpace = At this distance, it becomes clear the Bop is just a captured asteroid.
BopInSpace = Bop looks to be just over a 100km in diameter.

PolInSpace = Pol's yellow and green hues give you a good guess at its composition. You wouldn't recommend handling any samples without a hazard suit.
PolInSpace = Pol is really small, less than a 100km in diameter.

EelooInSpace = Eeloo is very flat, overall. Cracks and scars across its surface might indicate a sub-surface ocean.
EelooInSpace = Eeloo is tiny, 400km in diameter, give or take.

EelooInSpaceHigh = Eeloo seems quite dim overall, you consider what it would take to move it closer to the sun.


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that looks great!

will it have the gliding parachute?

Unfortunately not, I am sure that would require a plugin.

For testing so far I have been using the Tantares Parachute.



Are planning to make it Shiny? (Specular) If so I suggest setting up a high contrast spec map that way you can really make the panels pop.

Yes, it is already have a specular map (my 3D modeler does not support them though). Quite subtle at the moment though.

I will play with values. :)


Clearer shot of current specularity in unit.

Window is full white, panels are grey in alpha map.


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