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[1.12.X] Tantares - Stockalike Soyuz and MIR [28][15.02.2025][Mars Expedition]


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  curtquarquesso said:
You probably just miss-typed, but it's TweakScale that you want. TweakableEverything is certainly helpful, but not required. A warning, the 1.0.4 updated, and the Tantares 29 update borked some stuff. Shouldn't cause any problems, there just might be some parts that don't have scaling controls on them. Otherwise, safe to use.

Ah, thanks for setting me straight! I misread (or half-read, it's been one of those days) your post and charged off in the wrong direction. :blush:

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  Beale said:
That's the case, correct :)

The discussion on this is... maybe 20 pages back, sorry it should have been more clear how things change.

Situation is:

Use new names: confusion (But,crafts may be recovered and transferred).

Overwrite old parts: broken craft files and sadness.

The proportions are nice :) how does it compare in capability to TantaresLV Proton?

And yes, the NERVA is included this release.

  curtquarquesso said:
You can get previous versions on KerbalStuff. Download the previous version, remove affected parts, and then rebuild! May want to take a screenshot or two of your old craft to help you update.

EDIT: Oh, wow. That update just about broke everything. Anything that used the Vostok MP spheres or the Vostok hoop antenna is now broken. Was there any reason the part names had to change? It's a really prolific amount of brokenness. What's your current naming convention?

Could be a while until the craft files get updated. :(

  Beale said:
Sorry, I'll reply to all others later - this is an urgent one.

En masse request to not break old craft files, a new naming convention was used - this means the old parts can be used with the new parts with no clashing.

I.E. Almach_Crew_A and Vostok_Crew_A may be present in the same game save.

I.E.2. You can load your crafts with the old parts, swap in the new and then delete the old parts (awkward I know, but prevents truly broken craft files).

Many thanks! :)

Is that right? I thought the 3 month figure was in Dormant mode while berthed to a space station?


Yes, mistake there.

Will fix.

Glad to see it used so quickly! :)

Nice little jiggery-pokery craft there!

Hmmm, odd. This is a new one.

I'll have a dig around :)

That's great that we can load old parts with the new, but it would be nice to let peeps with careers and missions in progress know that things would be broken. Good thing I have some persistence back ups. Is there a list of the parts that have changed names?

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Since I'm rolling up with the update to Road to Kosmos some questions emerged...

A) Noticed that some of Almach parts are now Vostok_*, is this change temporary?

B) What happened to PPTS? If it won't be seen soon, can I use the model with my own config while yours isn't ready?

C) Will be Angara seen any soon? I can repurpose some old parts for it if you don't mind.

I appreciate the stuff you do, especially the Baikonur looks really impressive, but the answers would bring clarity. :)

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  curtquarquesso said:
You probably just miss-typed, but it's TweakScale that you want. TweakableEverything is certainly helpful, but not required. A warning, the 1.0.4 updated, and the Tantares 29 update borked some stuff. Shouldn't cause any problems, there just might be some parts that don't have scaling controls on them. Otherwise, safe to use.

As far as I have seen, the update messed up the tweak controls for all of the Tantares parts. There's just a gap in the rich click menu where there used to be controls.

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I just noticed that Roscosmos posted a video a few days ago, that's showing off (somewhat bombastically, but hey, it's space, it's either bombastic or it's a rover sluggishly moving across the surface of Mars) a mockup of their planned Soyuz replacement. Also a bunch of interior concept renders at around 5:30.

EDIT: also, apparently, propulsively landing on Mars for some reason.

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  FlyMeToTheMinmus said:
As far as I have seen, the update messed up the tweak controls for all of the Tantares parts. There's just a gap in the rich click menu where there used to be controls.

It seems pretty hit and miss for me as well. Some Tantares parts can be resized while others not at all. Fortunately, the three parts I wanted to tweak worked fine. I think I'm done twiddling my LOK/LK configuration for a while.


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  ModZero said:
I just noticed that Roscosmos posted a video a few days ago, that's showing off (somewhat bombastically, but hey, it's space, it's either bombastic or it's a rover sluggishly moving across the surface of Mars) a mockup of their planned Soyuz replacement. Also a bunch of interior concept renders at around 5:30.

EDIT: also, apparently, propulsively landing on Mars for some reason.

5:47 I wonder how many people are going to replicate that station in KSP?

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  MK3424 said:
5:47 I wonder how many people are going to replicate that station in KSP?

I hate to break it to you, but I don't think that's a "station" :-)

That's no moon, that's a transfer vehicle...

  SnowWhite said:

Oh, well, I guess that part ain't exactly new. I guess the rest isn't as well (I just discovered that Roscosmos has a YT page). It's a really cozy capsule, though.

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  ModZero said:
I just noticed that Roscosmos posted a video a few days ago, that's showing off (somewhat bombastically, but hey, it's space, it's either bombastic or it's a rover sluggishly moving across the surface of Mars) a mockup of their planned Soyuz replacement. Also a bunch of interior concept renders at around 5:30.

EDIT: also, apparently, propulsively landing on Mars for some reason.

  SnowWhite said:

Two videos, two different designs!

The very recent video they are still using the concept of capsule with Gondola!


Ay! It is confusing!

But, I thank you both for the videos :)

  curtquarquesso said:
Ugh. Sorry. Working on it now.

Thank you for the continued support for tweakscale. I do not use it myself, but have an appreciation of the effort it takes to do this (And apology for breaking things via updates).

  Darth Lazarus said:
hey Beale:

you already have build the Blok D upper stage.... whats about the KVRB upperstage for teh Proton ? (a later version called KVTK is propesed to be used by teh Angara A5)



http://andegraf.com/rockets/proton.htm (scroll down)

and my kerblized version:


Huh, that is quite a nice upper stage - quite simple compared to some other designs which makes it more appealing to model and texture :wink:

  Gristle said:
That's great that we can load old parts with the new, but it would be nice to let peeps with careers and missions in progress know that things would be broken. Good thing I have some persistence back ups. Is there a list of the parts that have changed names?

Apologies for confusions:

Defunct parts -

  • Almach_Crew_A
  • Almach_Antenna_A
  • Almach_Decoupler_A
  • Almach_Engine_A
  • Almach_Engine_B
  • Almach_Engine_C
  • Almach_LFO_A
  • Almach_Mono_A
  • Almach_Parachute_A
  • Almach_RCS_A

  Cocox said:
I can too confirm that the Quantum science block does not generate science.

Aaah, stock science, not the mod I understand now :)

Will look into it!

  viktor19 said:
Is Tantares configured for the DRE? I have already searched the thread but couldn't find any conclusive answer. Combining the two yielded some pretty weird results...

After 1.0 I decided to go with the stock system of re-entry heating only (I do miss correct directional heatshields).


  Jack Wolfe said:
I reworked my 7K-LOK to be much more accurate to the original. Still not perfect, but she flies nicely and the Kontact docking system works well.


I reconfigured the entire payload stack in order to use two payload fairings; one for the 7K-LOK and one for the LK.


Here's the cute little rocket on the pad with both sets of fairings in place (Beale, I even got the right grid-fins on this time!):


And during the trans-Munar injection burn, with only the LK fairing remaining:


It's beautiful!

Great build!

  Third_OfFive said:


Just wanted to point out this minor texture inconsistency

Good catch!

Yes, this should be fixed.

I am leaving from the forum for some time soon. Please let me know of urgent bugs and they will be fixed before.

Edited by Beale
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Yeargh. Really wanted to have an update out for the craft files today, but I can't sort out the Vostok/Almach parts still. They're everywhere in my craft files, mainly Almach_Mono_A, and Almach_Antenna_A. It'll take some more time to find and replace them all.

A few bugs off the top of my head.

  • ATV seems to be missing it's interstage fairing again.
  • Vostok SM still doesn't have resources.
  • Major balance issues with Proton and R7. (Maybe someone could take a stab at it while you're gone?)
  • V-OME "Star" Engine still woefully weak. (I'd suggest 5-10 for maxThrust)

Let us know if anyone can help you out with balance, config support, and such. Enjoy your vacation. :)

I noticed that the KerbalStuff banner image is now out of date due to the recent TKS art pass. Enjoy. :)



Soyuz Rendezvous Window



VE-Q "Thimble" Rendezvous Antenna


Edited by curtquarquesso
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  VenomousRequiem said:
What? The breadlord is leaving? Who will watch over us?? What will we do without you?

No, really though, will Urist be in charge again?

Urist is in the process of moving house (and about a million other things) currently, so unfortunately not.

  curtquarquesso said:
Yeargh. Really wanted to have an update out for the craft files today, but I can't sort out the Vostok/Almach parts still. They're everywhere in my craft files, mainly Almach_Mono_A, and Almach_Antenna_A. It'll take some more time to find and replace them all.

A few bugs off the top of my head.

  • ATV seems to be missing it's interstage fairing again.
  • Vostok SM still doesn't have resources.
  • Major balance issues with Proton and R7. (Maybe someone could take a stab at it while you're gone?)
  • V-OME "Star" Engine still woefully weak. (I'd suggest 5-10 for maxThrust)

Let us know if anyone can help you out with balance, config support, and such. Enjoy your vacation. :)

I noticed that the KerbalStuff banner image is now out of date due to the recent TKS art pass. Enjoy. :)



Soyuz Rendezvous Window



VE-Q "Thimble" Rendezvous Antenna


New parts very very slick!

I will for sure be using them!

So bugs yeah - thank you :) Some if these problems are oversights ( like the star thrust ).

Some will take more figuring out.

  tjsnh said:
The R-7 being a bit OP is the only real "bug" I've got lately. :)

Noted! :)

Yes the launchers are in a poorly balanced state currently.

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  Beale said:

Yes the launchers are in a poorly balanced state currently.

I was planning on making some suggestions but I got sidetracked by life and 1.0.4 Off the top of my head the Proton B and C engines need to have their thrust cut about 10% and the lower stage needs its fuel and price dropped by 1/3.

The R-7 I haven't done any testing on but it based on careers I've done it feels like getting rid of the booster config entirely and cutting thrust by 30% and ISP by a big bit for the lower engines is the way to go (The Soyuz LV is a tough call because you've got to decide which soyuz LV it wants to be...the engines have had 50 years of continuous improvement)

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If Urist is gone, then who will watch over the bread kingdom? Leaving it unsupervised could leave room for something to go a-rye! This is what you were bread to do! I know you're not just loafing around, though! But you knead to do what you knead to do, though it will be crumb-y without you.

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  VenomousRequiem said:
If Urist is gone, then who will watch over the bread kingdom? Leaving it unsupervised could leave room for something to go a-rye! This is what you were bread to do! I know you're not just loafing around, though! But you knead to do what you knead to do, though it will be crumb-y without you.

Dough! Here we go again with the stale and crusty bread references.

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  curtquarquesso said:
To break the pun thread, there's a Progress launching at 12:55AM EST, or in roughly 21 minutes from the time I've posted this. I know some of you guys might be interested. :)


Oh, thanks for reminding me! Nothing like winding down the day with a rocket launch with the girlfriend.

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Concerning the PPTS and the two versions (chinless vs. ... chinful?)

Maybe the chin could be made as a stand-alone part (actually, quite similar to the Docking Window by curtquarquesso) and just radially attached/clipped into the main PPTS bell. I for one rather like the chin shape, it gives the PPTS rather distinctive profile, but I do respect your wanting to be faithful to the updated version. I still think that in the first presentation video they just used older animations. And yes, I must have that transfer vehicle. Anyone got more info on that? I can see some basic Salyut-based and TKS-based modules, but that's about it.

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  TheBedla said:
Concerning the PPTS and the two versions (chinless vs. ... chinful?)

Maybe the chin could be made as a stand-alone part (actually, quite similar to the Docking Window by curtquarquesso) and just radially attached/clipped into the main PPTS bell. I for one rather like the chin shape, it gives the PPTS rather distinctive profile, but I do respect your wanting to be faithful to the updated version. I still think that in the first presentation video they just used older animations. And yes, I must have that transfer vehicle. Anyone got more info on that? I can see some basic Salyut-based and TKS-based modules, but that's about it.

It's not a bad idea, but I'm pretty confident it couldn't be executed well. There'd be a visible chunky line where the two parts connect. Besides that, it'd be totally useless for any other purpose because it'd have to be made specifically to work with the shape of the PPTS. Even with my little docking window, you can't just put it where it belongs. You have to put it on the side of the OM where it's tangent to the curve, then move it upwards and in with the clipping tools. You can also just attach it to the side of the docking port and slide it down and out. It'd be a nightmare with the PPTS. Hopefully, PPTS will fly one day either way.

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