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[1.12.X] Tantares - Stockalike Soyuz and MIR [28][15.02.2025][Mars Expedition]


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  tjsnh said:
I've had similar problems if you upgrade/replace/etc a parts mod mid-career.

The only solution is to do some DANGEROUS manual editing on your save file to remove the duplicate parts, or restart your save.

So I managed to fix the duplicate entries in the Technology Tree thanks to your suggestion. :)

But I still can't see some of the parts in the VAB, especially that antenna.

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  dimovski said:
Well, you'd expect a vehicle which has to survive like 2000C temperature change, combined with 2000m/s velocity change, to be difficult to fly ;) Else it probably wouldn't be able to cover the speed range.

That's a very good point :)

  mbartelsm said:
I was wondering, what's the reason for the huge amount of docking ports there are now? are different sizes compatible with each other? are the non standard sizes compatible with the stock docking ports? are the non androgynous ports compatible with themselves?

0.625m Soyuz ports - compatible with stock 0.625m docking ports.

0.9375m Soyuz ports - compatible with stock 1.25m docking ports.

APAS ports - only compatible with APAS ports of the same size.

And - the non androgynous ports can dock with their respective gender, not ideal, but prevents dependencies.

Hope this clears some of it up! :)

Unrelated, but I've just discovered the engines you have made, nice!

  CrisK said:

It's eclectic, and I love it!

It's not a station until it's obscured by its own solar panels :wink:

  pTrevTrevs said:
Gemini 4 is finished, my tribute to the mission is ready to be shared!


Gemini 4 Crew Portrait. Munlin Kerman (L) and Steve Kerman ® pose with a model rocket and a mock up of the Gemini Reentry Module.

This was actually taken after the mission. Oops!

The rest of the pictures need to go in a spoiler tag, because there are about thirty that I've chosen to share out of the 200+ I took during the mission.


Gemini 4 lifts off on a Titan II rocket. I gave up on using the proton tanks and engine, because they were giving me strange center of thrust issues and were uncontrollable.

The Launch Tower got lost during the switch to the ugly rocket seen here.


Eh, it kind of looks like a Titan II from this angle.


Second Stage burning for orbit. We "borrowed' this from our Russian friends over at the Kosmodrome. Don't tell anyone, it's a secret.


Gemini 4 in orbit. EVA is scheduled for the third revolution, after an attempt to rendezvous with the Titan's second stage.


Steve brought a camera up with him, and got this picture of Gemini's interior with Kerbin outside the window.


Damn. I burned up most of the fuel during the rendezvous, which failed anyway. This could be bad.


Sunrise on the third orbit. KSC has given Gemini a Go for cabin depressurization and hatch opening.


Steve Kerman climbs out of the hatch and into the emptiness outside.


Steve mounted his camera to his helmet and got plenty of first person POV photos during his spacewalk.


Inspecting the horizon sensors on the spacecraft. Yes, this is accurate. They had horizon sensors.


Moving around to the engine area. Future missions will use this area as a work station.


Hmm, let's see if I can make a Kerbal version of Ed White's famous EVA photo.


Photograph taken from inside the spacecraft of Steve.


A spur of the moment artificial eclipse of the Sun photographed by a Hullcam on the rear of the spacecraft.


Steve: "Got any messages for me?"

Munlin: "Yeah, KSC says 'Get back in!"


Cabin repressurized after an eleven minute EVA.


The crew disabled SAS and RCS to conserve propellant and battery power during the four day duration flight that followed the EVA.


Four days later, the spacecraft burns off all it's remaining propellant to deorbit.


Equipment Module separated, only a few minutes left to go!


Photo taken during reentry.


Gemini 4 is back in radio contact and has been sighted by the Recovery Task Force.


Parachute deployed. Gemini is descending about six kilometers away from the Recovery ship, remarkably close for an uncontrolled reentry.


Recovery Transponder Antenna extended.


Splashdown! Gemini 4 is back home, and America is even with the USSR in the Space Race!

I had planned this whole recovery operation with a helicopter (KAX) and KAS winches to sling Gemini undernath the helicopter and fly it back to the ship, but I couldn't get the helicopter to play nice. :(

Surprise! I have a bonus photo of something else I've been working on with the Ariane SRB!


Pretty flawless!

I'll echo everyone else and say I love the crew portrait! (And the mission of course) :)

I'll have to pick and choose a few of these images for the album...

You're very clever with the Ares, but I beat you to it about a week ago! :wink:


  curtquarquesso said:
I think Beale should consider removing the 1.25m based 0.625m docking ports.

Interesting idea, but it could have some pretty nasty consequences... :sealed:

  curtquarquesso said:
Decided to take a break from the replicas, and just make something fun for once. It sucked.

I call it the Tipsy Lemon.



It was obnoxiously top-heavy when running empty, and failed to reach orbit. It looked cool, but flew like a lemon.

It's cute!

Here is its brother!


  tjsnh said:
I've had similar problems if you upgrade/replace/etc a parts mod mid-career.

The only solution is to do some DANGEROUS manual editing on your save file to remove the duplicate parts, or restart your save.

  Zeenobit said:
So I managed to fix the duplicate entries in the Technology Tree thanks to your suggestion. :)

But I still can't see some of the parts in the VAB, especially that antenna.

This sounds more like something for the developers to fix, but I'll try my best to see the issue.

You've already done a clean install / cache stuff / all that stuff, so I am stumped I will say and apologise.

If perhaps - do you have any saved craft files (download from the from page maybe) that use that antenna, if you try load them - do they work? That's maybe worth a try.

Sorry for troubles.





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  Beale said:

Pretty flawless!

I'll echo everyone else and say I love the crew portrait! (And the mission of course) :)

I'll have to pick and choose a few of these images for the album...

You're very clever with the Ares, but I beat you to it about a week ago! :wink:


Thanks for the complements on my mission! I've decided to try and do another one of these for Gemini 5 in August, and another for Gemini 7/6 in December, etc. I'll get the Helicopter working by then, and I'll work on making the Titan II an actual Titan II and not that... Thing... That I used for Gemini 4.

I'd better get a patent on the Kerbal Crew Portrait. Something tells me other people will want to make their own.

So, you beat me to the Ares I, huh? Well, it seems the race to Mars is on! My Ares V is in the works as well...

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  Beale said:
That's a very good point :)

0.625m Soyuz ports - compatible with stock 0.625m docking ports.

0.9375m Soyuz ports - compatible with stock 1.25m docking ports.

APAS ports - only compatible with APAS ports of the same size.

And - the non androgynous ports can dock with their respective gender, not ideal, but prevents dependencies.

Hope this clears some of it up! :)

Unrelated, but I've just discovered the engines you have made, nice!

Interesting idea, but it could have some pretty nasty consequences... :sealed:

It's cute!

Here is its brother!






Also worth nothing that the Gemini docking port can apparently dock with the APAS ports. I haven't tried it with other ports, though I don't think it should be allowed to dock with the probe and drogue ports. The Gemini docking node doesn't really imply the ability to transfer crew through it, so it matters not what size it docks with really. It's a mechanical dock only, not a seal pressurized mating.

Speaking of pressurized mating... Anything you want to tease anything by any chance, would you?

I don't think the consequences of removing the 0.625m - 1.25m ports would be too bad really. They're a bit obsolete. Not the first time you've broken craft files, and may not be the last. I don't know... I don't use them hardly ever. How would everyone else feel about this? Take a poll?

What could resolve some of the docking port confusion, would be a little color in the different textures for each size. How about changing the color of the 0.625m docking ports to something like this? It could make it easier to see what's what from the catalog. You could give the 0.9375m APAS this color, or another this color. Just throwing out ideas that don't involve major remodels. Maybe I'll try to mock this up myself as a proof of concept and a texturing exercise.

Nice use of the Castor! Little guy doesn't get enough love.

Shenzhou is looking sharp. The stripe looks really good on that module in particular.

Edited by curtquarquesso
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  Beale said:
This sounds more like something for the developers to fix, but I'll try my best to see the issue.

You've already done a clean install / cache stuff / all that stuff, so I am stumped I will say and apologise.

If perhaps - do you have any saved craft files (download from the from page maybe) that use that antenna, if you try load them - do they work? That's maybe worth a try.

Sorry for troubles.

That is an interesting suggestion. If anything, it'd at least prove if it's a display issue (i.e. the part just doesn't show up in the VAB) or if the part is actually not registered. Unfortunately, I don't have any crafts using that antenna. :(

If anyone could make me a really simple craft file with a stock root part and just the Tantares_Antenna_A (T-CD Communication Dish) attached to it, I'd be very very thankful!

The worst part is that the Vega_Antenna_A (V-ODA Backup Antenna) is also affected by this, and that one is my favorite Omni antenna ever! Strangely, only a handful of parts are affected by this. All other Tantares parts show up fine. Almach_Antenna_A (Vos-19-61 Hoop Antenna), for example, shows up just fine in the VAB.

Either way, thanks for this awesome pack, Beale!

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On the subject of antenna. I was recently tempted to start a Non-Replica Tantares Craft Repository on the spacecraft exchange. As some of you may know it is customary to include your own contributions when starting such a thread so I set to work. I thought I might make a few com-satellites to start things off and add some more substantial craft later. Trouble is, me being me, they had to work with Remote-Tech (a mod I don't normally use), in-case some one wanted to build a working system with them. I did some digging and found that the current RT config for Tantares is out of date and not terribly well balanced with the other RT antenna, so I set out to redo the config. Long story short, Beale if you would like to use the new config just let me know. The Craft Repository will soon be going up one way or the other though! :)

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  pTrevTrevs said:

I'd better get a patent on the Kerbal Crew Portrait. Something tells me other people will want to make their own.


  curtquarquesso said:

Speaking of pressurized mating... Anything you want to tease anything by any chance, would you?

I don't think the consequences of removing the 0.625m - 1.25m ports would be too bad really. They're a bit obsolete. Not the first time you've broken craft files, and may not be the last. I don't know... I don't use them hardly ever. How would everyone else feel about this? Take a poll?

What could resolve some of the docking port confusion, would be a little color in the different textures for each size. How about changing the color of the 0.625m docking ports to something like this? It could make it easier to see what's what from the catalog. You could give the 0.9375m APAS this color, or another this color. Just throwing out ideas that don't involve major remodels. Maybe I'll try to mock this up myself as a proof of concept and a texturing exercise.

Shenzhou is looking sharp. The stripe looks really good on that module in particular.

I'm too tired to construct a proper English structured reply, so bullet points to avoid grammar train crash :wink:

  • PMA - I hope you're ready for disappointment. In my defense, I had not anticipated it would be wanted or needed.
  • They may be made distinctly 1.25m ports... maybe.
  • This is a really nice idea actually, I do dig it. Might be a problem getting this variety with remaining texture space however.
  • & Thanks!

  Zeenobit said:
That is an interesting suggestion. If anything, it'd at least prove if it's a display issue (i.e. the part just doesn't show up in the VAB) or if the part is actually not registered. Unfortunately, I don't have any crafts using that antenna. :(

If anyone could make me a really simple craft file with a stock root part and just the Tantares_Antenna_A (T-CD Communication Dish) attached to it, I'd be very very thankful!

The worst part is that the Vega_Antenna_A (V-ODA Backup Antenna) is also affected by this, and that one is my favorite Omni antenna ever! Strangely, only a handful of parts are affected by this. All other Tantares parts show up fine. Almach_Antenna_A (Vos-19-61 Hoop Antenna), for example, shows up just fine in the VAB.

Either way, thanks for this awesome pack, Beale!

I don't have something to give you right now, you could try these, though you need tweakscale.

I'll try get something for you :)

  Foxxonius Augustus said:
On the subject of antenna. I was recently tempted to start a Non-Replica Tantares Craft Repository on the spacecraft exchange. As some of you may know it is customary to include your own contributions when starting such a thread so I set to work. I thought I might make a few com-satellites to start things off and add some more substantial craft later. Trouble is, me being me, they had to work with Remote-Tech (a mod I don't normally use), in-case some one wanted to build a working system with them. I did some digging and found that the current RT config for Tantares is out of date and not terribly well balanced with the other RT antenna, so I set out to redo the config. Long story short, Beale if you would like to use the new config just let me know. The Craft Repository will soon be going up one way or the other though! :)

I would be more than happy to see some more RT configs, I've been cleaning up the MM patches recently - but, I'm no expert.

The prince needs an arrow?

Second stage is already done, so why not make a few more 1.875m parts :)


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Remove the fins from the Pavonis PA-100 engine and make them separate parts in the aero tab. They don't seem to do what fins should do...

At the moment I can only get it to fly right with locked Oscar B tanks in the nose to jack up the nose weight to 1.2t and hiding "basic fins" inside the fins. I'm guessing that the game doesn't understand a fin that is part of the engine/fuselage.

Edited by tg626
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Worth noting to @Zeenobit and @Beale, the config isn't actually required to open the craft files. They'll look wonky, but many will be totally flyable if you strip off the oddly scaled bits. Mostly adapters, fuel tanks, and greeble. There are definitely crafts in there with normal sized antennae.

Also @Beale, making the 0.625m - 1.25m ports strictly 1.25m ports sounds like a decent idea. May save craft files. Not sure how you'd pull it off while keeping the overall scale the same, without making them a bit deeper, but it's a thought. Perhaps to keep them shallow, you could make them CBMs? I know it's yet another adapter type, but the size would be spot on. A CBM would be about 1.25m I believe. Perhaps a bit larger looking. Maybe it's be best to leave it for now, and come back to it at a later time.

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Thanks @curtquarquesso and @Beale! I figured out my issue. It was two issues actually.

The first issue was the duplicate entries in the Technology Tree, which was solved by editing the persistent save file.

The second issue was simply the fact that those antennas were moved to the Science Tech node in the Technology Tree, and before they were in Flight Control. Something along those lines. I realized this by starting a Sandbox game and seeing the antennas there. I then started a new career game with lots of science and unlocked all the nodes, until I realized the antennas are further down in the Technology Tree. I could also load the sample crafts, but I couldn't launch any of them.

So now I just need to work harder for that sweet sweet backup antenna. :P

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Only a brief post because it's late here, but I got a solid TMA texture. Only thing is that for some reason the alpha channel really only shows when it's .tga, not .dds. I still want to tweak it some more, but TMA should be ready shortly!

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  spacecookie said:
This photo is cute, who is the astronaut on the original one ? :)

It's one of the official portraits of the Mercury 7 Astronauts. The back row (left to right) is Alan Shepard, Gus Grissom, and Gordon Cooper and the front row is (from left to right): Wally Schirra, Deke Slayton, John Glenn, and Scott Carpenter.

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Alright, I've done it. After a days work I have started The Tantares Non-Replica Repository, a place for me and any one else to post all the wacky and wonderful craft that Tantares lets us build. The first few craft are already up and I hope they get added to. Also don't just post craft on this new thread, one of the best parts of the mod thread is all the cool things everyone makes!

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  VenomousRequiem said:
Ohhh, what's with this sudden influx of English rockets?

British rockets :wink:

That were launched from Australia.

  FlyMeToTheMinmus said:


Very cute! :)

  curtquarquesso said:

you could make them CBMs?

Very good suggestion, these could replace the current 1.25m ports with no difficulties in saves at all.

  tg626 said:

Remove the fins from the Pavonis PA-100 engine and make them separate parts in the aero tab. They don't seem to do what fins should do...

At the moment I can only get it to fly right with locked Oscar B tanks in the nose to jack up the nose weight to 1.2t and hiding "basic fins" inside the fins. I'm guessing that the game doesn't understand a fin that is part of the engine/fuselage.

Thanks for the feedback!

Looks like the V2 needs a solid re-work. We'll see soon.

  Zeenobit said:
Thanks @curtquarquesso and @Beale! I figured out my issue. It was two issues actually.

The first issue was the duplicate entries in the Technology Tree, which was solved by editing the persistent save file.

The second issue was simply the fact that those antennas were moved to the Science Tech node in the Technology Tree, and before they were in Flight Control. Something along those lines. I realized this by starting a Sandbox game and seeing the antennas there. I then started a new career game with lots of science and unlocked all the nodes, until I realized the antennas are further down in the Technology Tree. I could also load the sample crafts, but I couldn't launch any of them.

So now I just need to work harder for that sweet sweet backup antenna. :P

I had no idea it had been moved, though probably for the best, after all 10,000KM range is pretty useful :)

Good to hear.

  planeguy868 said:
Only a brief post because it's late here, but I got a solid TMA texture. Only thing is that for some reason the alpha channel really only shows when it's .tga, not .dds. I still want to tweak it some more, but TMA should be ready shortly!

That sounds wonderful! Sorry if any way I have constructed the new texture has made this difficult, but I'm glad you have seen results!

Black Arrow Tank



Black King?


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Loving the quality of those parts! :D It's a shame really I never seem to find much use for fuel tank parts unless it's a long spaceship, that and then there's the fact that I tend to build spacecraft that can land on anything so for that reason alone I tend to build stuff that are either small or wide or both. My TMK-esque ship is the only working large one currently, all other ships I have are small and cute and powerful. :)

Speaking of small craft. I voted for lander craft for reasons I just explained, at some point in future I'd love a great Mk1 Lander Can alternative.. or, heck even a slight re-texture for the stock pod to make it fit in with Tantares' parts would be enough for me (I'd prefer if that pod's color matched with Tantares' light grey). Mk1 Lander Can is the only stock pod I still use, it has good amount of RPM screens, great view outside and room!

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  Foxxonius Augustus said:
On the subject of antenna. I was recently tempted to start a Non-Replica Tantares Craft Repository on the spacecraft exchange. As some of you may know it is customary to include your own contributions when starting such a thread so I set to work. I thought I might make a few com-satellites to start things off and add some more substantial craft later. Trouble is, me being me, they had to work with Remote-Tech (a mod I don't normally use), in-case some one wanted to build a working system with them. I did some digging and found that the current RT config for Tantares is out of date and not terribly well balanced with the other RT antenna, so I set out to redo the config. Long story short, Beale if you would like to use the new config just let me know. The Craft Repository will soon be going up one way or the other though! :)

LoL I found out the same when I downloaded this mod and have been writing my own RT batch (.cfg)file :P

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Yes, British rockets. Quintessentially.

Either way they're super nice looking! Looking forward to the Black Arrow first stage engine. It had eight little engines, right? The more the merrier.

A̶l̶s̶o̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶b̶l̶a̶c̶k̶ ̶a̶r̶r̶o̶w̶'̶s̶ ̶s̶e̶c̶o̶n̶d̶ ̶s̶t̶a̶g̶e̶ ̶e̶n̶g̶i̶n̶e̶s̶ ̶w̶e̶r̶e̶n̶'̶t̶ ̶o̶f̶f̶s̶e̶t̶ ̶l̶i̶k̶e̶ ̶t̶h̶a̶t̶~̶

Edited by VenomousRequiem
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  T said:
Loving the quality of those parts! :D It's a shame really I never seem to find much use for fuel tank parts unless it's a long spaceship' date=' that and then there's the fact that I tend to build spacecraft that can land on anything so for that reason alone I tend to build stuff that are either small or wide or both. My TMK-esque ship is the only working large one currently, all other ships I have are small and cute and powerful. :)

Speaking of small craft. I voted for lander craft for reasons I just explained, at some point in future I'd love a great Mk1 Lander Can alternative.. or, heck even a slight re-texture for the stock pod to make it fit in with Tantares' parts would be enough for me (I'd prefer if that pod's color matched with Tantares' light grey). Mk1 Lander Can is the only stock pod I still use, it has good amount of RPM screens, great view outside and room![/quote']


MK1 replacement, that's supposed to be the LK! :)

But, I was thinking about the Energia Lunar lander, at some point...

  Jack Wolfe said:
Ooh, you've taken it from the Black Arrow to the Black Lance!

And I think I've finally hit on a configuration for the LK I'm happy with.


Very nice! You will make more science points in a single Mun trip than I will across a whole career :)

  VenomousRequiem said:
Yes, British rockets. Quintessentially.

Either way they're super nice looking! Looking forward to the Black Arrow first stage engine. It had eight little engines, right? The more the merrier.

A̶l̶s̶o̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶b̶l̶a̶c̶k̶ ̶a̶r̶r̶o̶w̶'̶s̶ ̶s̶e̶c̶o̶n̶d̶ ̶s̶t̶a̶g̶e̶ ̶e̶n̶g̶i̶n̶e̶s̶ ̶w̶e̶r̶e̶n̶'̶t̶ ̶o̶f̶f̶s̶e̶t̶ ̶l̶i̶k̶e̶ ̶t̶h̶a̶t̶~̶

Many thanks!

Here is the first stage engine, eight nozzles.

I may add some more piping and such, but it's already quite complex - eight nozzles is not easy to set up the gimbal.



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