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[1.12.X] Tantares - Stockalike Soyuz and MIR [28][15.02.2025][Mars Expedition]


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boy I missed a lot of stuff...

here are my thoughts on the vostok.

1. the "shock plate" seems weird and screams "not a reentry vehicle" in my personal opinion I'm not really sure why a rounded bottom was forgone in the first place.

2. If distortion is an issue preventing the implementation of a round hatch then why not use a separate mesh? think something reminiscent of inflatable airlock on the voskhod just not as bulky. Also I'd put the hatch in the northern hemisphere not the equator to make the reentry properties more believable (vosktok's center of mass was balanced to fly aft first during reentry so whatever is in the north half gets less heat meaning its where all the doors and windows go)

3. speaking of windows instead of two useless ones on the sides why not mimic the real vostoks portholes? meaning first and foremost you put the kerbal on his back in the pod not standing like he is now then you would put one in the northernmost part of the hatch for forward visibility and then a matching window on the opposite side reminiscent of the optical tool vostok used to check its orientation for reentry, and a third also in the north hemisphere off to the right a bit to check the horizon assuming the side and bottom windows are visible in iva one could make the vostok double as a decent belly lander for the iva flight junkies out there ;) assuming you give the new one a radar altimeter anyway...

4. this may be unpopular but I'd also suggest eliminating a lot of vostok's smaller parts(sphere tanks, hoop antenna, rcs jets etc.) and rolling them into a fewer number of combo parts. the reason being the vostok is meant to be an early game vehicle there for you should be able to recreate it with tier1 buildings as it stands vostok easily exceeds the 30 part limit(also I'd combine the tanks and engines for the r7's radial LFB's to again save on part count)

EDIT: 5. why not save ram and use the Tantares_Orbital_A texture sheet wherever possible? the vostok specific bits would give you a reason to fill in the remaining blank spaces

Wow. Yes. Everything passinglurker just said. Seriously.

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boy I missed a lot of stuff...

here are my thoughts on the vostok.

1. the "shock plate" seems weird and screams "not a reentry vehicle" in my personal opinion I'm not really sure why a rounded bottom was forgone in the first place.

2. If distortion is an issue preventing the implementation of a round hatch then why not use a separate mesh? think something reminiscent of inflatable airlock on the voskhod just not as bulky. Also I'd put the hatch in the northern hemisphere not the equator to make the reentry properties more believable (vosktok's center of mass was balanced to fly aft first during reentry so whatever is in the north half gets less heat meaning its where all the doors and windows go)

3. speaking of windows instead of two useless ones on the sides why not mimic the real vostoks portholes? meaning first and foremost you put the kerbal on his back in the pod not standing like he is now then you would put one in the northernmost part of the hatch for forward visibility and then a matching window on the opposite side reminiscent of the optical tool vostok used to check its orientation for reentry, and a third also in the north hemisphere off to the right a bit to check the horizon assuming the side and bottom windows are visible in iva one could make the vostok double as a decent belly lander for the iva flight junkies out there ;) assuming you give the new one a radar altimeter anyway...

4. this may be unpopular but I'd also suggest eliminating a lot of vostok's smaller parts(sphere tanks, hoop antenna, rcs jets etc.) and rolling them into a fewer number of combo parts. the reason being the vostok is meant to be an early game vehicle there for you should be able to recreate it with tier1 buildings as it stands vostok easily exceeds the 30 part limit(also I'd combine the tanks and engines for the r7's radial LFB's to again save on part count)

EDIT: 5. why not save ram and use the Tantares_Orbital_A texture sheet wherever possible? the vostok specific bits would give you a reason to fill in the remaining blank spaces

I second these suggestions. However, Beale has previously stated that it is exceptionally difficult to create a round hatch. I trust his word, and I don't want to pressure him to expend his free time on something that might not be fruitful.

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Combing the monopropellant tanks and the decoupler makes sense, but I don't like the idea of combining the hoop antennas with some other part. I use those antennas for more than you would think, because they add more variety to my craft than would be there if I just spammed Communitron 16s. In fact, I would actually like to see more antennas, namely the half hoop ones on the top of the Vostok DM. A half length version of that long backup antenna for use on Soyuz or TKS wouldn't be bad either.

Edited by pTrevTrevs
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I seem to be having issues with the LK legs, if it already hasn't been reported. After time-warping, they return to their closed state. They also close in the VAB.

Building the N1 proper has been a PAIN. What a complicated fairing system that thing had... Also, too few photos of the payload configuration, as usual. Biggest challenge is getting the LK to fit in fairings comfortably. The struggle is real due to the fact that, well, it's put on a bit of weight it seems. Technically, the total footprint of the LK should be smaller than the base of the Farshot engine, but I probably should have said something way, waaaaay earlier. :D Perhaps 1.0 will have an easier way to build these fairings so I can get this sucker to fit correctly. In the meantime, I'm taking a break from it. I'll post the .craft, and someone here can give it a go. I just can't get the interstages set up to look correct, and not break up the payload mid-flight, AND not wobble like crazy due to their massive size. Anyone attempting to open the .craft will require RLA, and Procedural Fairings, obviously.

N-1 Alpha .craft File here!

P.S. Additional bug report. L-L1 Ladder is in science, not utilities with the rest of the ladders.

Edited by curtquarquesso
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I seem to be having issues with the LK legs, if it already hasn't been reported. After time-warping, they return to their closed state. They also close in the VAB.

Building the N1 proper has been a PAIN. What a complicated fairing system that thing had... Also, too few photos of the payload configuration, as usual. Biggest challenge is getting the LK to fit in fairings comfortably. The struggle is real due to the fact that, well, it's put on a bit of weight it seems. Technically, the total footprint of the LK should be smaller than the base of the Farshot engine, but I probably should have said something way, waaaaay earlier. :D Perhaps 1.0 will have an easier way to build these fairings so I can get this sucker to fit correctly. In the meantime, I'm taking a break from it. I'll post the .craft, and someone here can give it a go. I just can't get the interstages set up to look correct, and not break up the payload mid-flight, AND not wobble like crazy due to their massive size. Anyone attempting to open the .craft will require RLA, and Procedural Fairings, obviously.

N-1 Alpha .craft File here!

I've noticed that if you try to decouple the fairings from an Intersage, it seperates the node as well. Could that be the issue?

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I've noticed that if you try to decouple the fairings from an Intersage, it seperates the node as well. Could that be the issue?

Yes, it definitely is. I can't use one long fairing running from top to bottom, or it's too wobbly. I know I could probably solve the issue if I really tried, I'm just sorta brain-dead and someone else may have some more insight as to how to get the thing working properly.

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We interrupt this thread to bring you the latest news from KSC. Raytrey Kerman is missing!

Following 2 days of bizarre reports from orbit, the sole occupant of the YAMAS station has vanished!

It is an odd tale that began 2 days ago when Raytrey began reporting that "Kerbin was missing", that he "Felt like someone else was controlling him", and that "Physics had broken". Raytrey, a noted by inexperienced scientist had stayed behind to complete some upgrades to the station while awaiting a new crew to arrive next week. Bob and Shelvey returned to Kerbin 4 days ago and appear to be in good health.

In a bizarre twist, Jebediah, in a fit of being Jeb, locked himself in mission control and commandeered a Hamal transport waiting with a cargo of snacks on the launch pad. Declaring "It must be purified by fire!!" he launched the Hamal, docked, and sent the station crashing into the Kerbin Desert!

We have amazing pictures so you know it must be true!!

Authorities are said to be conducting an investigation into what happened to the snacks.


I have decided that most likely culprit is NOT Tantares, but that ^!&*$ docking bug that's been hounding me...


I like the unfortunate loss of a space-station due to bugs to be padded with a story :D

Nice gratuitous re-entry shots!

It's good if Tantares wasn't causing the problems after all, but still cannot be sure.

So will PPTS have a parachute/adaptor part so you can attach SSVP drogue on top?

Still not sure yet, to maintain the profile, perhaps it will need this.

The PPTS is the capsule we need, but not the one we deserve. I'm getting tired of the crappy Mk1-2 and really need a change, this will fit right int.

Also, will it have built in RCS thrusters like the real one?


RCS thrusters: Nah, I don't think. There's is some precedent for RCS ports painted on capsules, but they never seem to me made functional.

Great PPTS!

Sadly, but Spiral-like and Dyna Soar-like spaceplanes is nearly impossible to make in FAR, and I suspect it would be like this in new stock atmosphere unless Squad would implement the correct lifting body aerodynamics.


Spiral maybe a no-no, but the Kliper on the other hand. Since it lands by parachute, the gliding properties aren't too important. (Mainly I just like the shape of the Kliper).

boy I missed a lot of stuff...

here are my thoughts on the vostok.

1. the "shock plate" seems weird and screams "not a reentry vehicle" in my personal opinion I'm not really sure why a rounded bottom was forgone in the first place.

2. If distortion is an issue preventing the implementation of a round hatch then why not use a separate mesh? think something reminiscent of inflatable airlock on the voskhod just not as bulky. Also I'd put the hatch in the northern hemisphere not the equator to make the reentry properties more believable (vosktok's center of mass was balanced to fly aft first during reentry so whatever is in the north half gets less heat meaning its where all the doors and windows go)

3. speaking of windows instead of two useless ones on the sides why not mimic the real vostoks portholes? meaning first and foremost you put the kerbal on his back in the pod not standing like he is now then you would put one in the northernmost part of the hatch for forward visibility and then a matching window on the opposite side reminiscent of the optical tool vostok used to check its orientation for reentry, and a third also in the north hemisphere off to the right a bit to check the horizon assuming the side and bottom windows are visible in iva one could make the vostok double as a decent belly lander for the iva flight junkies out there ;) assuming you give the new one a radar altimeter anyway...

4. this may be unpopular but I'd also suggest eliminating a lot of vostok's smaller parts(sphere tanks, hoop antenna, rcs jets etc.) and rolling them into a fewer number of combo parts. the reason being the vostok is meant to be an early game vehicle there for you should be able to recreate it with tier1 buildings as it stands vostok easily exceeds the 30 part limit(also I'd combine the tanks and engines for the r7's radial LFB's to again save on part count)

EDIT: 5. why not save ram and use the Tantares_Orbital_A texture sheet wherever possible? the vostok specific bits would give you a reason to fill in the remaining blank spaces

Big feedback!

1. It's adjusted now to be rounder, though that area on the model is still a different shade.

2. Intersecting meshes carry similar problems to distortion. It's hard to demonstrate, but there are "jaggies".


To migrate hatch to northern, yeah, that is quite possible.

3. Mmm... This is worth some though, quite a bit the arguments are good. Unfortunately it would require a lot of UV re-tooling.

4. Naaaah, this I'll have to say no to, like others have said I use them an awful lot on other things. One exception may be the RCS tanks - which maybe could go towards a single fuel "necklace" part.

5. To preserve the ability to delete craft folder freely, each craft textures are independent of each other (No referencing other craft's textures). So, as nice as RAM saving is, no can do! :)

Hi Beale!

I hope these schemes will be helpful.




These are fantastic, great thanks! :)

Combing the monopropellant tanks and the decoupler makes sense, but I don't like the idea of combining the hoop antennas with some other part. I use those antennas for more than you would think, because they add more variety to my craft than would be there if I just spammed Communitron 16s. In fact, I would actually like to see more antennas, namely the half hoop ones on the top of the Vostok DM. A half length version of that long backup antenna for use on Soyuz or TKS wouldn't be bad either.

Yep, the little greeble-y parts I like to keep.

I like the half-length antenna. And the Soyuz does need an omni now...

I seem to be having issues with the LK legs, if it already hasn't been reported. After time-warping, they return to their closed state. They also close in the VAB.

Building the N1 proper has been a PAIN. What a complicated fairing system that thing had... Also, too few photos of the payload configuration, as usual. Biggest challenge is getting the LK to fit in fairings comfortably. The struggle is real due to the fact that, well, it's put on a bit of weight it seems. Technically, the total footprint of the LK should be smaller than the base of the Farshot engine, but I probably should have said something way, waaaaay earlier. :D Perhaps 1.0 will have an easier way to build these fairings so I can get this sucker to fit correctly. In the meantime, I'm taking a break from it. I'll post the .craft, and someone here can give it a go. I just can't get the interstages set up to look correct, and not break up the payload mid-flight, AND not wobble like crazy due to their massive size. Anyone attempting to open the .craft will require RLA, and Procedural Fairings, obviously.

N-1 Alpha .craft File here!

P.S. Additional bug report. L-L1 Ladder is in science, not utilities with the rest of the ladders.

Nice, quick work! :)

LK leg bug, yep, it's known. I'll try to fix it soon, but being it is only a graphical glitch it's not so urgent.

The new LK isn't too much bigger than the old, but it is bigger granted. That being said, the footprint (legs folded) of the LK I'm sure was a little larger than the LOK skirt.

Let me try this beast!

Taking the Tucana for a spin.




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That new PPTS capsule looks amazing in the teaser screenshot you just posted.

Is there any way to bribe/convince/whatever you to make a 'chute for it like the soyuz (with the top-decoupler functionality) but 1.25m to fit on top of the PPTS?

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That new PPTS capsule looks amazing in the teaser screenshot you just posted.

Is there any way to bribe/convince/whatever you to make a 'chute for it like the soyuz (with the top-decoupler functionality) but 1.25m to fit on top of the PPTS?


No bribery is needed!

None of the stock parts really fit the requirements, so for sure I'll do a part like that.

Edited by Beale
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KIS my KAS...

Ok having mucked about with KIS for a few days my thoughts are it has great potential, but takes some getting used to. Also, it's not yet ready for prime time - it really is in a beta state at this point with a variety of bugs and goofs that need addressing.

Given that, and the fact that KAS is still around in it's full form I think your jump to drop KAS storage and add KIS storage night have been a touch premature.

Even if it wasn't, I have to ask: Vega parts had storage aboard for KAS and now with KIS they don't, why?

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I like the new Vostok! Especially that safe-like hatch! Hopefully we'll get a Zenit too from the Easter Bread. And some more detailing on zhe Vostok

The PPTS... I never liked new stuff so I won't comment. :)

You're doing a magnificent job Beale!

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Any plans to attach anything (or skin any details, etc) onto the "lip" near the top? IIRC the "real life" proposed design has some camera lenses and lights there.

Maybe, it is currently just a noisy plain texture. A camera would be good for docking...! :)

With the new Tantares parts, I was able to make a decent LEM:


You're the first to do this I think!

Very nice! :)

That feel when you deorbit a space station you once cherished.


A sad loss!

But we all enjoy starting fresh (hopefully).

Is there any possibility for HotRockets! support? A perfect mod with perfect effects! No offence to the current effects of course. :P

Hot-rockets or Smokescreen specifically? If I'm making custom FX I'm not sure Hot Rockets is needed (Not saying I can do better, but It seems to be suitable at the moment).

Hello! Thanks for your mod! èt is beautiful! But here PTK NP (PPTS) model ... you realized the old version. Now he looks a little different. I hope these two videos and photos to help you: http://russianspaceweb.com/ptk_2012.html

Many thanks :)

Yeah, the PPTS, I like the older design more - more interesting to model and look at (with the extruding "lip").

That PPTS is looking very good! Would you consider making one of the projected orbital modules for it?



Yes, the PIRS/POISK I have considered for part of the Progress parts, which also would make this nice OM, they do seem very similar.

KIS my KAS...

Ok having mucked about with KIS for a few days my thoughts are it has great potential, but takes some getting used to. Also, it's not yet ready for prime time - it really is in a beta state at this point with a variety of bugs and goofs that need addressing.

Given that, and the fact that KAS is still around in it's full form I think your jump to drop KAS storage and add KIS storage night have been a touch premature.

Even if it wasn't, I have to ask: Vega parts had storage aboard for KAS and now with KIS they don't, why?

Yeah, I think it is fair until KAS inventory stuff is officially dropped. I'll re-include it next update.

I like the new Vostok! Especially that safe-like hatch! Hopefully we'll get a Zenit too from the Easter Bread. And some more detailing on zhe Vostok

The PPTS... I never liked new stuff so I won't comment. :)

You're doing a magnificent job Beale!


Yeah, Zenit is included too.

Do you like would-be new stuff?


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