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[1.12.X] Tantares - Stockalike Soyuz and MIR [28][15.02.2025][Mars Expedition]


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UFO confimed in KSP 1.0

Nice heatshield protective panels, I don't like much the stock ones :)

It's true!

Many thanks! :)

Wow, everything seems to be coming together! Since we have the new effects on launch, I encourage you to try to make launch clamps of some kind so that we can enjoy the new effects!

Many thanks!

Launch clamps: I'm not really thinking of it. At the moment.


<TJSNH's Craft Files> -- 404 error for kerbal stuff link

<curtquarquesso collection - nearly every craft you can imagine> see below pics



Oh! Ok I understand, the download works, but in game, doesn't work.

Yeah, the craft files made by persons may use other mods. Which you're missing, iirc, the descriptions in the linked part collections contain a list of requirements :)

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Hey, there seems to be a problem with the nodes on the "Castor LARJ Thruster" "Excursion Module Fuel Tank" and the "XeEU-01 xenon extraction unit" where one node wont attach to anything.

OOOH! my first post on the KSP forum, how exciting!

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<TJSNH's Craft Files> -- 404 error for kerbal stuff link

<curtquarquesso collection - nearly every craft you can imagine> see below pics



Install Procedural Fairings.

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Hey, there seems to be a problem with the nodes on the "Castor LARJ Thruster" "Excursion Module Fuel Tank" and the "XeEU-01 xenon extraction unit" where one node wont attach to anything.

OOOH! my first post on the KSP forum, how exciting!

Hello! And Welcome to the forum. :)

Thank you for finding this, it's fixed now.

Is the vostok capsule supposed to become charred after re-entry? If so, it looks awesome:http://i.imgur.com/GtBJwFB.png

Unintentional! But, I like it - kinda :D

I think I will tone the burning to be a bit less severe, but in general it seems quite a nice effect.

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Wow. Just... wow.

I guess it's that new ablation shader in work.

Beale, DO NOT do anything with that - since it's actually a very realistic depiction of a capsule after re-entry.





Yep, it's the new ablation effect, it wasn't my purpose but accidentaly I made that :D

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I just had a pair of wired incidents, perhaps bugs, in the game.

I renevouzed with my brand new station, when suddenly a Goog container on the outside of the Sojuz service module exploded. Apparently firing the main engine is massively heating up the service module. To make it worse, the Sojus capsule heated up to such a degree, the the ablator burned of nearly completely. EDIT: I found an explanation for this event. Squad has reduced the Heatproduction of all engines by one order of magnitude, most likely due to the new heat model. I would therefore suggest reducing the heat production. Example: LV-909@0.90 heatproduction = 300, LV-909@1.0 heatproduction = 20

The second inducent was trying to move Bob from the Sojus capsule to the Science module of the station, a Kwant module, where he was punted back into the Sojus and the video image began to flicker between 'not there at all' and 'Bob in fear'. An EVA to transfer Bob, lead the same result and when I EVAed him to mode into a Hitchhiker, he was dublicated, one in the Sojus and one in the Hitchhiker. Trying to transfer him from the Hitchhiker to the Kwant also didn't work...

Edited by Warringer
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This bug happens only if said part is a root part.

Just change your root part to capsule or probe core (In fact, you should always do that - it would prevent some possible issues with contracts and such)

Good call, will do from now on. Thanks!

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Thank you! The ships were loaded. Almost all of them.


"Vostok" - landing speed - with an open parachute - is 10 meters per second.

Should be good huh? Impact tolerance is around 40m/s.

Wow. Just... wow.

I guess it's that new ablation shader in work.

Beale, DO NOT do anything with that - since it's actually a very realistic depiction of a capsule after re-entry.





Yeah, I like it.

Not quite perfect, as it just darkens the texture, applying some kind of burn texture would look really nice.

But, the blackening is good, why not keep it.

"At the moment." That's not a no! :D

Technically :wink:

I just had a pair of wired incidents, perhaps bugs, in the game.

I renevouzed with my brand new station, when suddenly a Goog container on the outside of the Sojuz service module exploded. Apparently firing the main engine is massively heating up the service module. To make it worse, the Sojus capsule heated up to such a degree, the the ablator burned of nearly completely. EDIT: I found an explanation for this event. Squad has reduced the Heatproduction of all engines by one order of magnitude, most likely due to the new heat model. I would therefore suggest reducing the heat production. Example: LV-909@0.90 heatproduction = 300, LV-909@1.0 heatproduction = 20

The second inducent was trying to move Bob from the Sojus capsule to the Science module of the station, a Kwant module, where he was punted back into the Sojus and the video image began to flicker between 'not there at all' and 'Bob in fear'. An EVA to transfer Bob, lead the same result and when I EVAed him to mode into a Hitchhiker, he was dublicated, one in the Sojus and one in the Hitchhiker. Trying to transfer him from the Hitchhiker to the Kwant also didn't work...

1st bug - I will take a look :)

2nd bug, this I think sounds like something else, what mods are you running?

Tantares 24 & TantaresLV 9


- Updated to .DDS format textures.

- Included MSL heatshields.

Still not a complete perfect harmony with 1.0, still need to add in the launch effects and stuff, but y'know, busy times. :)


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Unfortunately I get much worse performance in 1.0 than I did in 0.90... So I'm not switching over yet. Plus, several mods I use haven't been updated yet.

Is there any way I can get those heatshields to work with DRE in 0.90 as a temporary fix?

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Unfortunately I get much worse performance in 1.0 than I did in 0.90... So I'm not switching over yet. Plus, several mods I use haven't been updated yet.

Is there any way I can get those heatshields to work with DRE in 0.90 as a temporary fix?

Mmmm, yes:

Cannot guarantee this working, but copy the DRE MM patch for the Fuji heatshield and rename to Castor_Shield_A and Castor_Shield_B.

Hope this helps :)

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I'm delighted how quickly you and Niemand have produced this update! Time to pounce on some Tantares goodness. :)

If it helps anyone as a stopgap, I wrote a quick little ModuleManager script to add the trench exhaust effects to liquid and solid engines.

name = ModuleSurfaceFX
thrustProviderModuleIndex = 0
fxMax = 0.8
maxDistance = 80
falloff = 2
thrustTransformName = thrustTransform

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Some fancy pictures of a re-entry from new career savegame :)

Jebediah Kerman is now the first kerbonaut who has orbited Kerbin. Suitably he used the Almach capsule and a R-7 rocket :)

VERY hot


Getting cooler


And the coldest bit is on the horizon, a floating ball of mint ice cream


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Some fancy pictures of a re-entry from new career savegame :)

Jebediah Kerman is now the first kerbonaut who has orbited Kerbin. Suitably he used the Almach capsule and a R-7 rocket :)

VERY hot


Getting cooler


And the coldest bit is on the horizon, a floating ball of mint ice cream


Very nice!

I doubt I have pulled off a full mission in 1.0 yet, besides a couple of test flights.

I'm delighted how quickly you and Niemand have produced this update! Time to pounce on some Tantares goodness. :)

If it helps anyone as a stopgap, I wrote a quick little ModuleManager script to add the trench exhaust effects to liquid and solid engines.

name = ModuleSurfaceFX
thrustProviderModuleIndex = 0
fxMax = 0.8
maxDistance = 80
falloff = 2
thrustTransformName = thrustTransform

Great stuff!

Many thanks :)

Will .dds work with 0.90?

You'll need DDS loader for back-compatibility :)

I added Tantares and LV via CKAN, found it was buggy then realised it's waaaay out of date (on v21 and LV v6.2) :( Is this the authors issue or the CKAN repo maintainer I need to bother with a big stick?


No good.

Honestly, I have no idea how to use and manage a CKAN repository. Tantares was added by somebody else.

Any help is appreciated.

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