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Release: BobCat Ind. Space&Planet products


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Mylar texture on the expanding bits is pretty narly, looks pretty weird baking the "crinkled" look into the texture itself, would work better in the normalmap and specularmap than in the texture.

HOME2/3 parts are using the wrong node-size, at least for the top and bottom parts, using size 2 instead of the proper node size for 3.75m~ parts 3. Makes connections between parts like the HOME3 parachute, HOME3 base hub and the HOME3 pod decent module a lot weaker than they should be.

Also why this thread title? HOME3 or similar instead would be a lot more descriptive at least imho.

Edited by K3|Chris
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Meaning his parts or the whole thing? I knew there were a few people working on it.

From the forum posts over there recently, Yogui is working on some additional (new) parts, Z1 truss, etc. Bobcat is rumoured to be overhauling the the rest of the truss structure. Dragon is acting as a great project manager as there seems to be a lot more inertia over there than there has been for quite some time.

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Never had this problem. Wheels use the stock system, but door is a bit of an odd case. Could you try a clean install with just the required mods? Also, which KSP version are you running?

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Never had this problem. Wheels use the stock system, but door is a bit of an odd case. Could you try a clean install with just the required mods? Also, which KSP version are you running?

i;am running 0.23.5 464 ARM

this is what i get

[ERR 02:00:07.273] ModuleLandingLeg.cs :Failed to find suspension Transform

[ERR 02:00:07.273] ModuleLandingLeg.cs :Failed to find named Collider GameObject

[EXC 02:00:07.292] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object (this one is for rover wheels i think)

even on a clean install

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Let me re-iterate: HOME2/3 parts are using the wrong node-size, at least for the top and bottom parts, using size 2 instead of the proper node size for 3.75m~ parts 3. Makes connections between parts like the HOME3 parachute, HOME3 base hub and the HOME3 pod decent module a lot weaker than they should be.

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Your concern is noted, thanks. Not need to re-iterate. Seeing as this is on the same page, you shouldn't be doing that, in fact. Will fix in the next update. I didn't have a lot of problems with it, so it's not a priority, and I'm busy with other things.

i;am running 0.23.5 464 ARM

this is what i get

[ERR 02:00:07.273] ModuleLandingLeg.cs :Failed to find suspension Transform

[ERR 02:00:07.273] ModuleLandingLeg.cs :Failed to find named Collider GameObject

[EXC 02:00:07.292] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object (this one is for rover wheels i think)

even on a clean install

Try redownloading and reinstalling. I think I've fixed this. If I didn't, then you'll have to wait until 23th. I'm going to be really bogged down in the next two weeks, so expect no/few updates.

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Your concern is noted, thanks. Not need to re-iterate. Seeing as this is on the same page, you shouldn't be doing that, in fact. Will fix in the next update. I didn't have a lot of problems with it, so it's not a priority, and I'm busy with other things.

Try redownloading and reinstalling. I think I've fixed this. If I didn't, then you'll have to wait until 23th. I'm going to be really bogged down in the next two weeks, so expect no/few updates.

sorry dident mean to be a pain in the a** :) just wanna help make this mod good

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Dragon do you have visible parachute on the main pod

Yes, I do. I have no idea why you wouldn't. Same deal as always, post the log, mod list, etc.

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I figured it out the realchute MM config for the HOME parachutes is whats doing it, remove the MM config works as intended I will post in the real chute thread

Update: Stupid chris will update the MM configs on his next release

Home 1 came out well before RPM so i would guess it wouldnt have it however if someone wanted to create a stunning new IVA then it would

Ok I have been messing around with the configs for the descent stage and fixed the landing gear suspension if you change the values to whats listed it works quite nicely

suspensionSpring = 5

suspensionDamper = 2

Also the decoupler Icon for the engine of the ISM didnt really work for me. if you place the decoupler as the last module under all the engine stuff the icon will change to an engine you still need to setup an action group or right click to decouple, personally this should be replaced with a custom made decoupler. Dragon is there any chance Bobcat could knock one up if he has time and we can remove the decoupler option from the ISM cfg.

PS ( The JOOL V 2m decoupler fits perfectly and looks the part )


Edited by Virtualgenius
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I am cross-posting this from the Bobcat Historical spacecraft thread. Although NOT updated, all of those parts mods are still available online. I assume that most of the parts still function properly.

I figured I would give this a bump for anyone who wants access to them.


American pack 1.2: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B1VLa3e0TGYuZEdMZTZsNk9CT2s/edit?usp=sharing

Soviet Pack 1.9.1b: http://www./download/v75377195a0qhhv/Soviet+Pack+ver1.9.1b.zip

Soviet Pack 2.0.0: http://kerbal-space-parts.com/space/modpart-soviet-pack-2-0-0-910.html

Soviet Engine Pack: http://kerbal-space-parts.com/space/modpart-soviet-engines-pack-v1-1-438.html

...lets hope that future mod authors maintain a mirror site for their downloads. They can really come in handy!

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Also the decoupler Icon for the engine of the ISM didnt really work for me. if you place the decoupler as the last module under all the engine stuff the icon will change to an engine you still need to setup an action group or right click to decouple, personally this should be replaced with a custom made decoupler. Dragon is there any chance Bobcat could knock one up if he has time and we can remove the decoupler option from the ISM cfg.

Sorry, right-click/AGs always were how it was supposed to work. I'll change the suspension and the icon, but that's it. The ISM is supposed to decouple with an action group.

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Thanks for the reply dragon is this going to get further development or is on hold till the release of the updated soviet and american pack and the ISS as it would be nice to have a green house for the new home 3 but i guess with those 3 pack Bobcat has a mountain of stuff to do

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Sorry, right-click/AGs always were how it was supposed to work. I'll change the suspension and the icon, but that's it. The ISM is supposed to decouple with an action group.

Well, could it be possible to make the decouple node be a docking node instead? That way, it can still decouple with an AG, will stage properly, and we get a proper DV readout in the VAB. Just an idea.

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I'll ask BobCat the next time I mange to contact him. But not without a model change.

Why would the model need changing? I mean just use the top node as a dock node instead of a decouple node, not actually turn it into a docking unit. Just a little workaround, not something to seriously use.

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