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[1.0.5 - Alpha 6] Dang It! (12 september 2015)


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Okay guys, I confirmed the issue: the build on KS is wrong. I don't have the time to fix it right now, I'll do it asap (or if Coffeeman has 5 minutes to do it, that 'd be great) :)

MTBF and LifeTime are in hours, all the costs are in Spares, RepairBonus and MaintenanceBonus are a fraction (hours / hours) and the inspection bonus is in seconds :)

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about having the timers run on none active craft, would could you do some kind of background processing mod to work that out it out? What exactly are the problems your running into with procedural tanks and FAR. I play in RO and RSS so those mods are kind of vital. also would it be possible to tie in part reliability with the the parts testing, i man sure some of that has been done "off camera". But the first time a new rocket is launched it should be more likely to fail, and the same with new parts. Remember Vanguard 1

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  tmikesecrist3 said:
about having the timers run on none active craft, would could you do some kind of background processing mod to work that out it out? What exactly are the problems your running into with procedural tanks and FAR. I play in RO and RSS so those mods are kind of vital. also would it be possible to tie in part reliability with the the parts testing, i man sure some of that has been done "off camera". But the first time a new rocket is launched it should be more likely to fail, and the same with new parts. Remember Vanguard 1

Hey Tmike, there's now a mod called background processing that would enable Dang It to run updates on non-active vessels, so in the future it's definitely a possibility.

Procedural tanks is strange in the sense that its tanks are not really tanks: their .cfg doesn't contain any resource but it gets added at runtime and Dang It can't detect that (yet).

FAR is a similar issue: it removes the stock ModuleControlSurface and replaces it with its own, so it needs special code to handle (and we had that for a while, but it sucked).

I agree that part testing would be cool to add, if someone ever finds out how that'd be cool to have :)

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  lyndonguitar said:
seems to have added a printstats and printblacklist option when right clicking parts, can i ask what is the use of these commands? they seem to be doing nothing

This is what happens with I forget to switch to release before compiling. They just print debug info meant for me in KSP's log. Nothing to worry about.

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  bgeery said:
On the next update, could we get some sort of volume control for the alarm sounds? Even if it's just a config file option. (BTW, where are the config options stored?) Thanks.

I'll get on it! :)

(P.S. The DangIt! Config is saved in your persistance (.sfs) file. Do a search for

name = DangIt

and you'll find it. Normal KSP NODE syntax :) )

In other news... I think it's time to talk in more depth about gradual failures. What I think this idea means for the future is a subclassing of FailureModule that allows for realistic degradation (linear or exponential) of attributes of parts. Short of updating the stats of complementary PartModule's every logic frame, it might be best to implement some kind of granulated failures. Maybe every 2 hours your RTG would lose 0.2% Efficiency, or something similar. I would like to hear what people think about gradual failures, as personally I think they would add a lot of depth to the game.

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Graduated failures would be interesting and might result in creative flying to get the job done - which would be fun. I'm imagining things like solar panels which won't stop going in and out, or get stuck at "half mast" (if even possible), and so on.

- - - Updated - - -

Also, I'm going to profile this mod for my

series - I've been playing with it and it's pretty funny - however I have a couple of questions I'm hoping I can get answered before I make the video:

1) One should recruit low-stupidity Kerbals, right? And how does this help?

2) How have you, the players, been dealing with this mod and its effects? How does it change how you play? Things like an escape tower now become essential, right (and I wish the stock one would clip on top of the chutes like some mod ones do)? How do you find the balance between "this mod just screwed me - time to restart" verses "woah, now things are INTERESTING!"?


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So I was watching an episode of Scott Manley's Interstellar Quest where he used an asteroid diverter spacecraft to intercept a pod before it could re-enter the atmosphere. That got me to thinking. In real life, if a big old claw crunches through something like a heat shield or fuel tank, that part is going to develop problems. Would it be feasible to add that sort of functionality to DangIt! (or Entropy)? Whenever you're grabbing something with a claw, it should be damaged in some way - of course in a way that would be repairable, except in the case of heat shields, maybe.

Just an idea. Thanks to Ippo and Coffeeman for an amazing mod.

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Seem to be having issues with picking up spare parts. It keeps telling me "You need 1 spares to maintain this.". I have done the "Take spares" and get the confirmation "Joe Kermin has taken 1 spares" but for some reason it won't take them. When I check the Kerbals resource menu it always says "Spare Parts 0.00/1.00"


I took a look at the github issue tracker and saw it also being reported there so I won't repost. Don't see a resolution though

Possible conflicting mods:


-Kerbal EVA Resource Transfer

-Mission Controller 2

Snip from the log during the actions:

[LOG 03:41:48.295] [DangIt]: DangItTank[-2826444][ship: Skylab II]: Initiating EVA maitenance

[LOG 03:41:48.297] [DangIt]: DangItTank[-2826444][ship: Skylab II]: Spare parts check: failed! Maintenance NOT allowed

Edited by deepfield
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  TinyPirate said:
Graduated failures would be interesting and might result in creative flying to get the job done - which would be fun. I'm imagining things like solar panels which won't stop going in and out, or get stuck at "half mast" (if even possible), and so on.

Also, I'm going to profile this mod for my

series - I've been playing with it and it's pretty funny - however I have a couple of questions I'm hoping I can get answered before I make the video:

1) One should recruit low-stupidity Kerbals, right? And how does this help?

2) How have you, the players, been dealing with this mod and its effects? How does it change how you play? Things like an escape tower now become essential, right (and I wish the stock one would clip on top of the chutes like some mod ones do)? How do you find the balance between "this mod just screwed me - time to restart" verses "woah, now things are INTERESTING!"?



I have used this mod for a while. I find it great! Some parts (rcs thrusters) break to often for me but, I changed the cfg for them to my liking. I have had failures that were simple to had to think fast to figure out a work around.

I don't think Kerbal's stupidity actually affects the mod. Maybe one day it could.

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I have an issue. I don't wan to have to open an account on git hub to report it so I'm posting here. Sorry

It keeps saying I need a spare to perform a repair. I take one from pod and it still says this. After a few attempts it starts to say jeb took 0 spares from pod. I have the option to deposit spares back in the pod so he has parts.

I'm using version

Dang it! mod bug.: http://youtu.be/YTa3PlFhIpM

I deleted everything then installed just what's needed fro dangit. Worked fine. Added visuals and near. It still works. Slowly reinstalling all my mods till it breaks again.

Will update asap.

Its back. Mission controller 2 has caused this issue to return.

Ok. I removed mc2 and mm cache. Reinstalled all mods. Your mod works perfectly again. Sorry for the premature posting. I guess the issue is with that mods repair contracts. Its sad because I use remote tech and really wanted to make money for my coms network. Oh well sacrifices must be made and you staying. Love the mod hope you can use this to maybe fix the compatibility issue. Ty!

Edited by notsorightstuph
there is a mod xompatibility issue some where.
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