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Kerbal Jails


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I like to think of the Mohole as a sort of Siberian labor camp for Kerbals, where they work day in, day out to mine what little Kethane and precious metals there are. I can just see it now.

Judge Kerman: Gunther Kerman. You have been convicted of 8 counts of snack thievery and whatnot. I hereby sentence you to life imprisonment and forced labor in the Mohole.


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For the crime of whatnot criminals are sent on long missions with Jeb, who insists on telling them about all his other long missions. At length.

Snack thievery is an unforgivable and capital crime, though. Those few depraved souls who would go so far outside the bounds of Kerbality are tied in the exhaust vents beneath the launch pad - but usually not for long.

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My Kerbal prison is named Eve. Criminals enter... noone leaves.

"You are sentenced to a mission to Eve. The ship was designed to return... hopefully. If you manage to make it off the surface of Eve you're a free man."

That's how I determine guilt. If they managed to steal the heavily guarded snacks in the first place, they'd obviously have powerful allies that can arrange a rescue mission for them.

Edited by Felsmak
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I built a small-scale replica of Ricardo Montalban's ship from that old Star Trek episode that gave us the only truly good movie in the series. Designated the Kotany Bay, it carried the 4 stupidest Kerbals in my roster into a solar orbit from which they'll never escape (unless of course they somehow make it to Ceti Alpha V, in which case they'll succumb to those mind-controlling leech things. This might actually make them smart enough to rejoin the Kerbal Space Program. Hmm.) Their crimes? You say stupidity isn't a crime? Well, it WAS during the brief period of the Kerbin Eugenics Wa... Spats.

I built it around the PPD-10 HSC, gave it a single LV-N for propulsion, and used a Tail Fin to simulate the command tower. Despite the small part count (35!) it actually doesn't look too bad. Not good enough to waste on a picture, though. :P I may launch several more to smarten up the Kerbal Astronaut Complex Roster as time goes by.

Edited by Harry Mckay
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