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Sa-Fire Planet Pack for Planet Factory CE v.4


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Requires Planet Factory Ce Edition http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/65401-WIP-PlanetFactory-CE

The Sa-Fire System is a gas planet system far out from Kerbol. It's main attraction is Sa-Fire, A nice warm gas planet that was originally thought to be an imperfection in the Alumina Crystal telescope, one which made it look like a sapphire. Once the kerbals had developed a telescope large enough to see it and it's moons, the original scientists were praised, rather than thought crazy.

Surrounding Sa-Fire are many moons, and one moonlett.

The closest moon is Rubbee, a kerbin sized bright red desert planet. it has a small atmosphere, reaching .7 atmospheres of pressure at the equator.


The second furthest moon out is Emralled. A tropical/desert world, it has many lucurious beaches, with enough gravitational force, kerbals have to be careful getting out of their command pond without falling over.


Surrounding Emralled there is Amie-Thistle, a relatively small atmosphere less moonlet.


Finally there are two more moons, one is purple, and one is yellow.

The first is Floorite, a bright purple ice moon, believed to be the same chemical that makes up Eve's oceans in a frozen state.


Next is Opal, a tiny yellow moon far out from the planet, with a rugged surface, good luck finding a flat spot to crash into!


Dowload for bonus HD Floorite Pack (merge Sa-Fire Folders): http://db.orangedox.com/3BGfYRUrsvXRBxSkU2/Sa-Fire%20HD.zip

Download for V4(Most recent):http://db.orangedox.com/wSmMD7XgUtgZdwlELI/Sa-Fire%20V4.zip

Download for V3:http://db.orangedox.com/mBmppTRsgj8sBYLfvd/Sa-FireV3.zip

Download for V2: http://db.orangedox.com/qYlUe5zRpqMZrPCkni/Sa-Fire%20V2.zip

Download for V1:http://db.orangedox.com/Y5kkvlglSvCxIgxwoN/Sa-Fire%20V1.zip



Onyx is a highly eccentric highly inclined small moon around Sa-Fire so dark that it is hardly noticeable. This is a screenshot from in orbit around Onyx with a view of Rubee and Sa-Fire in the background


If you have suggestions for another planet pack (such as another gas giant*) feel free to say them.

As these are high pixel count textures I recommend using Rbay's mod


Changle log:

v4: fixed Amie-Thistle's normal map and made it purple - if it breaks saves let me know -, changed the color and map of Cuwarts to what I had originally envisioned, not what autosaved. Added Peynight gilly sized. **

v3: trimmed some CFG files, added Di-Mend and Cuwarts

v2: Lowered Emralled's gravity, made Amie-Thistle it's own moon and fixed it's height map(hopefully). Fixed Floorite's Heightmap. Added Onyx in a highly eccentric and ellipitcal orbit.

v1- initial release.

*if you are to suggest a gas giant please suggest moons as well

**Floorite HD still works, you can still use the same files. They are unchanged :)

Edited by braininator
Removed request for ideas
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Here is Amie-Thistle close to the surface. In most cases the Scaled space is a lot less rugged than the actual surface. I put less bland images for the PQS system to save memory while still creating a landing nightmare :)


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I took some time and did a reentry on Emralled today with far installed. Little warning with far installed, don't be impatient with plane reentry. Eve nthough Aeries 4 was not designed for this, it disintegrated when I tried to move while reentering.



jeb passed that 60KM wide river delta in under 20 seconds


This was right before a re-entry.

if you have cool images around the system feel free to post them. I will include the good ones(with permission) in the OP.

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  Larrt_M said:
I just installed your planet pack. Real nice texture detail!

Are you going to add more planets?

Thanks :) they came from Space Engine. If I am going to add more planets I am going to start recommending the aggressive texture management... and yes I think so... What types do you think I should do? I am open to suggestions.

Also I am thinking of moving Amie-Thistle from around Emralled to around Sa-Fire. I had thought that moons around moons was not unreasonable.. but apparently it's unrealstic so I think I am going to edit that.

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Yes, I think you are right to move Amie-Thistle.

I have done many planet missions and enjoy most planets and moons that I land on. I usually take a rover to get as much out of the mission as possible. Another Europa type planet like Floorite would be cool, or an incredibly cratered planet like Pock, but it is probably more difficult to create... This is a pic from a Pock mission. A very cool planet. Opal looks to be a challenge. I need to go there!


Edited by Larrt_M
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Yes, something like pock woud be cool... I will see what I can do... I will need to find a really bumpy color map... I'm planning on moving Amie-Thistle in the next patch. Haven't decided where though.

A Europa type planet would be cool
Already done. Check out Floorite. I will see if I can make that after vall not Tylo so that it has ice on the ground, though I remember when making it it didn't work out well. If I can get Kittotech to save I am going to edit the orbit colors to be more fitting though so far it is not saving for me.

also Amie-Thistle's normal map(for the scaled space) came out reversed. I tried to find hte planet I used in SE to get one of there but I can't find it again. :(

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I used gimp. One of the tools allow you to tint. There is also an option to generate height maps (the black and white ones). I used that on Emralled.. the only uncolored one except Thistle.

I'm thinking of adding planets that you need Kittoptech for... Thoughts?

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I am thinking of making a pitch black planet named after Onyx. It's probably going to be on an highly eccentric, highly inclined orbit around Sa-Fire. It's going to be rather small (200KM) with a relatively low gravity, but with an ocean of lava(probably won't burn your craft for a while though, as Kittoptech doesn't support that last time I checked.)

So... thoughts...

1. What do you think of this idea?

2. if Kittoptech supports it, do you want me to change the ocean texture? and if so... of Onyx-planet and/or Emralled?

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I have the planet factory part of Onyx done. It's supposed to be black but when it's black no light is reflected and everything is pitch black, you can't land, even with lights. Thus I made a dark grey color. Next is the ocean :)


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It is basically ready for release except for one minor problem. The height map of Floorite( Essentially the bumpiness as seen from space) was wrong, I must have must up a file name. The fixed version makes the planet looks exactly how it is from space, but very... I believe "Choppy" is the best word for it. The height and color maps from space is too low res to look smooth. Now the obvious solution to this issue is to simply increase the texture size form 2048x1024 to 4096x2048. This will also make the cracks in the ice much smoother and more crack-like. However, the mod is currently running at 2.26 GB with aggressive texture management installed. I can do this texture upgrade in almost no time, but the memory will go up.

What should I do? Offer a set of replacement high def files or replace the current ones?

Edit: OK never mind anything I just said. For some reason my computer cannot handle getting the files from SE. :( I have tried both my computer and my family's gaming desktop. Neither's GPU drivers could handle such a high definition texture. I shall release later today most likely. If anyone would like a stab at getting the desired textures, I can say the specific name you need to look up in SE.

Edited by braininator
update status
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  • 2 weeks later...

I like that idea! As far as I'maware its impossible to do see through planets. Jagged mountains are definitely doable. (high resolution texture that'sdesigned for a larger planet, and making a small one...) kind of like Onyx but much smaller. (I've got 3 projects for pfce of which this is only one) so I'll get to work on a prototype fairly soon :)

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I apologize but no.... One of them isn't actually a pack of any sort... and I have not mentioned and may not be mention for a while... The other one is designed for the 64bit hack, and the soon to be 64 bit version. I won't say much about it other than this... It's supposed to be a possible realistic(including size) scenario type pack using CE and Kittoptech (and possibly RSS with a blank cfg to deal with deep space kraken if that set-up works-haven't attempted that yet). The scenario is that on a large earth-like (in properties but not topography), the aliens had just terra-formed their small moon (A kerbin with only it's gravity and orbit altered) and have sent their first colony there with a space center. After the astronauts landed, a biological war-fare erupted on their home planet and all life there ended. Then from there they have to remake everything and be able to move every single surviving astronaut to another earth-like planet which has microscopic life and is habitable in another star system. AFAIK you can't make planet parameters a function of time except for cycles(such as orbits and it's rotation) but if I figure that part out by release it will probably be included.

Anyways... I'm off to go see what I can do about the new Di-Mend :)

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