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Sa-Fire Planet Pack for Planet Factory CE v.4


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I am done for now... But this is my very early prototype(literally first edition...) As I am not making these for me... What do you think?


Too bumpy? not bumpy enough? Want a more colorful color map? ( I went with just white)? Any other thoughts?

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If you do make Amie-Thistle its own moon, will you change it to be bigger and more purple, like an actual Amethyst? It doesn't have to be extremely purple, like Floorite,but it should have at least a tint. If you were to cater to my wildest dreams, however, you would give Amie-Thistle a 0.8 atmosphere and lots of canyons and mountains. The description would describe how deep in the canyons, where the atmosphere is at 1.1, small life forms live? It could be tidally heated by Sa-Fire and Emralled, to make it realistic. The reason I am this enthusiastic is because Amethyst is my birthstone.:cool:

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Ah I do apologize... I had already made this one before I decided to start looking up jewels by color on http://www.gemselect.com/gem-info/gems-by-color.php

It is already its own moon in v2 on my planet pack. Version 3 is coming soon, depending on how development of Di-Mend goes. As I was never really satisfied with Amie-Thistle it'll probably have a minor to complete remake- as what you're proposing would require (PF cannot add atmosphere or oceans to planets derived from planets without one unfortunately). The remake will either be next patch or one after.

Also to both you, FrostFyre, and to Christoph1337 welcome to the forums :)

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I am done for now... But this is my very early prototype(literally first edition...) As I am not making these for me... What do you think?


Too bumpy? not bumpy enough? Want a more colorful color map? ( I went with just white)? Any other thoughts?

That already looks freaking awesome!!! Actually it looks exactly like I would expect a planet made of diamonds to look! If you ask me it looks great, but you can do whatever else you want with it.

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It's currently 80KM accross with 3KM moutains, with about... I'd guess .3KM of flat between a spike. With .3 g's of acceleration IIRC from 3 hrs ago.I am going to try landing on it with a stock lander and see if there's any issues before saying it's ready for release.

Also... regarding Amie-Thistle... I'm thinking an eve based planet... I am unsure how to make a template exactly but I know there's a super-eve pack. I think I'm going to ask if I can use the cfg as a template...

Edit: Other than the fact that I've spent all my KSP time either messing around with mods or making and editing planets and I can't land to save jeb's life, everything looks good... I'd be careful coming in low and doing a long slow-down burn, those mountains come surprisingly fast for a slow orbit speed.

Edited by braininator
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Someone just realesed a planet pack with Easter Eggs, Something along the lines of Alien I think... That's the first one I've heard about using that, I think I might see how he did it, and if it looks like it's possible I will ask permission to use his technique to add Easter eggs.

Oh and V3 will probably just include Di-Mend V4 will be Amie-Thistle Remake, and probably a few tweaks to Di-Mend if something hasn't gone right.

Also regarding difficulty for the moons is:

Emralled is fairly easy to get to, large SOI, large gravity, with an easy landing if you have a aerodynamically stable craft(if you run far without one, it'll be a nightmare). Take off is a lot harder, I recommend jets, it would be near impossible without

Rubbee has more orbital speed than Kerbin IIRC without any oxygen, but it has a thinner atmosphere,

Opal, Floorite, and Amie-Thisle(so far) are all easier to land on, take off from, and get to as Tylo. Onyx and soon to be Di-Mend have little gravity, but highly inclined orbits, though take off and landing can be done with under 2k dV for onyx and probably under 1K for Di-Mend if you are a good pilot. I had not previously explained this so I thought it was a good idea to do so

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Well, I made an Eve planet today, with an ocean to make the new Amie-Thistle. The ocean didn't appear so I am not sure what to do. I will make one or two more attempts at it, but I might just least it as is, or just fix it a little bit without complete revamp.

When I release the next version, I will switch and go back to putting all creative effort into "Project Doomsday" which I described in a previous post...( I just picked the name)

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So today I was extremely bored and I came up with another idea: Cuwartts. It would have an orbit that would sometimes make it the closest moon to Sa-Fire and sometimes the farthest. It would have a slightly flattened-looking shape like an orange or a persimmon, and its surface would be mostly white with patches of various other colors (whatever colors quartz can be).

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I had thought of something like that back when I was designing this pack, but AFAIK there is no way to tint only some areas of a PNG. I suppose I can do something along the lines of a very simple color map (starting with a pure white one) and use paint, but IDK how to do a high quality color map like that. Which is why I never did it... if anyone knows how I can do that No problem

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New version released.

added Di-Mend

added Cuwarts(color map didn't turn out well, so it will be edited in the future, but the height-map will remain to keep saves)

I have not yet redone Amie-Thistle, that will be soon


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OK... well it really depends on a few vairables. most importantly, do you have the RAM, either little RAM used or the 64 bit hack. Then theoretically you can just keep installing. As most planet packs I have seen are just gas giants+ moons (as its simple and compact). If you feel that they are overlapping to much just go into the cfg for the gas giant and then I would recommend changing the semi major axis.(No one is going to complain that you move a planet... :P)

Also I had a base template I was using for Cuwarts, and I edited it and saved... Edited it some more and didn't like it so I didn't save. I didn't notice to this morning it auto saved. So I am going to have to go back to the template and start again and re-release. I wont change height-map so the saves won't break :) That'll probably be later today

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Do you guys want more planets? The planet pack is already taking a vast proportion of the allotted memory allowance in 32 bit. Now obviously 64 bit is coming but I don't want to make my pack completely unusable to Mac and linux... or to those without large quantities of RAM.

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Wow. Both my planets made it into the pack. There are no words to express how amazed I am. Thank you. Thank you, sir.

Also, two other quick things. First, I'd like to suggest an idea for a solution to the RAM problem, which is that people can just drag planets they don't want out of the mod and leave in the planets they want in the system. That way if someone wanted to land on Rubee but had no particular desire to land on Amie-Thistle, for example, they could drag Amie-Thistle out of the file to free up RAM. Plus I'm running about seven different planet systems and have not encountered problems (although as I say that my potato-powered computer can't actually run KSP itself without lagging, forcing me to simply look at planets from the Control Center, but more star systems doesn't seem to make the problem worse for me).

Second, I had one more quick planet to suggest, and feel free to shoot me down on this one: Peynight, based on the extremely rare mineral painite. It would be a dark reddish brown, have an elliptical orbit that would take it from beyond Amie-Thistle to skimming the clouds of Sa-Fire, and be only about ten kilometers in diameter.

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Well that is indeed possible to work like that. All that they would need to do is delete the file, and erase the line in the system file. Though obviously removing Sa-Fire would be bad :P

I might end up going with Peynight, but first I need to fix Amie-Thistle and cuwarts(with the broken color map). Amie-Thistle should theoretically be a quick fix if all I wanted was to fix the normal map.(and theoretically it shouldn't break the saves - once I fix it please tell me if it does.) Cuwarts is also an easy fix. I won't be able to do anything till maybe 5 or 6 today but I might be able to get fixes done then :)

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If I might make a suggestion on Cuwarts, I believe Photoshop (and maybe also Paint) has a tool which lets you blur the lines between color boundaries; I was thinking that might make the boundaries look less abrupt from space. Other than that, great job and I'm looking forward to see what you do with the mod in the future!

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OK, I have fixed the Cuwarts color map. I did not mean to dual layer the color changer, or make such choppy defects. I now have a better color map. I did as you suggest and did a blur. I have made that the color you see from space to give a more realistic view. if you want it for both, try it out first(copy and paste the cuwarts_map as the cuwarts_color and replace the old.) if you prefer that please tell me :)

All I need to do now is fix Amie-Thistle, something that if I was only doing a simple fix would be easy - and I probably will for now, though a complete revamp is still not out of the question - I just need a working prototype.

As for Peynight I need more votes for more planets as it's starting to be quite a few high detail planets and thus a lot of RAM unfortunately - which I feel bad about since I have not specified 64 bit only- and that's not out yet anyway.

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Amie-Thistle done and tinted... so do I just release what I've done, or should I work on either "peynight" or "Oneiz" or both I suppose....

Edit: Peynight done in under 20 minutes with four iterations. This one should be fairly good, smooth looking terrain, nice looks, and another witty description... Here it is:


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New version released! Added Peynight, fixed Amie-Thistle(shouldn't break saves) and redid the color map of Cuwarts(This one I know won't break saves). Without ATM, just stock + Sa-Fire is now running at 2900 MB of RAM on my PC. I think I am done making new planets for this pack. I might either make another pack or work on Project Doomsday for now. :)

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