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Realism War Game!

What mods to use?  

3 members have voted

  1. 1. What mods to use?

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Got any ideas? I'd like for everyone to agree on the rules not just have them be my rules.

Not until we do a small test run or something. Just things like what constitutes a base, a station, how far drones can operate, kerbal kills, etc. Wouldn't want a station to just be a pod with 1 kerbal in it or something lame like that.

If you want, I could brainstorm some rules, but I would suggest doing it after we test the playing environment.

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Well, I had envisioned keeping the server live 24/7 if that's possible. That way people can be connected and crating craft and launching them as they please so long as its within budget.

Got any ideas? I'd like for everyone to agree on the rules not just have them be my rules.

Don't mean to be repetitive but... do you have a particular objection to my suggestion on a "black-market" in the previous pages?

Sorry, just wanted to get a chance to set up a thread before/while the war starts

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Don't mean to be repetitive but... do you have a particular objection to my suggestion on a "black-market" in the previous pages?

Sorry, just wanted to get a chance to set up a thread before/while the war starts

I'd say we wait until we test the game environment. It might be useful to populate the world with 3rd party bases, or it might not. We would have to wait and see. That's just my opinion though.

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I definitely like that idea Marcus. For now i think if people don't want to actively participate, they can post their designs on this page for a cost in credits, and the team that bids the highest for it can buy it from the third party. Third part bases could be distinguished by flags just like red and blue bases, and then some description of their purpose (ex. black market vendor or half off refueling station)

I think if there are third party bases like vendors, those people could add their craft and put them at the base, and the other team could come bring a pilot and pick up their craft/crafts that they bought.

Third party bases would then I think be neutral by default... unless one team unbeknownst to the other "buys" its loyalty, in which case they work exclusively for the one team. That would make for some good surprise attacks! if one team comes to pick up a craft and there are enemy team pilots in the crafts that they are coming to pick up which then attack them unsuspectingly... . I think having them initially only neutral is for the best though, and while neutral they are immune to attacks, and teams may not fight withing viewing distance of the flag.

BUT, it's definitely TBD.

Edited by horndgmium
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The more that I think about it, the more like I the idea of neutral bases. They could seriously populate the planet and you could have totally neutral ones that couldn't be bought and require reparations payments if damaged, black-market ones which are a free for all and can be destroyed, etc.

In fact, we could have all sorts of cities and structures designed by 3rd party people who don't have the computers or connection to run the mp game.

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So I'm having some serious trouble with my wifi, most notably my 5 kb/s upload rate. So if someone else wants to throw together a gamedata folder, I would very much appreciate it. Also, I intended to add FAR and Firespitter, that's my bad, I just hadn't gotten around to updating the OP (also thanks to terrible internet access).

I can do it, I got a 300/150 fibre connection :)

I'll do it this afternoon (8:10 AM here, 'bout to hit the road and get goin' to school :))

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I'm working on the GameData folder now. Although, I'm not quite sure what you mean by "Skillful weapons". Do you mean the entire mod or just the weapons?

Also, where do I put the full GameData folder?

EDIT: Also, do you want the missiles for Lazor mod?

EDIT2: Someone else who has the B9 pack + fixes, can you PM me? I can't find the fixes.

Edited by KvickFlygarn87
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I'm working on the GameData folder now. Although, I'm not quite sure what you mean by "Skillful weapons". Do you mean the entire mod or just the weapons?

Also, where do I put the full GameData folder?

EDIT: Also, do you want the missiles for Lazor mod?

EDIT2: Someone else who has the B9 pack + fixes, can you PM me? I can't find the fixes.

You are the best!

I do mean the whole mod, not just the weapons.

I think if you upload the gamedata folder to dropbox or something then I can put a link for it in the original post.

Also, I don't know the mod that well, are they op? If lazor is overpowered compared to skillful weapons mod then it would probably be better to do without it.

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Also, I don't know the mod that well, are they op? If lazor is overpowered compared to skillful weapons mod then it would probably be better to do without it.

From what I have seen from gameplay videos, the LAZOR mod was first designed to rid people of space debris... thus it is SUPER accurate and very deadly to functional craft, maybe even Skillful's armor system but you might just want to watch some vids for yourself and see if it's too OP in your standards

Edited by I.T Marcus
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How are the base designs going to work? Do we make them or something?

Also, do we want to set up some other method of communication for us? Skype, text, or whatever?

Well I don't think forward operating bases need to actually have buildings, they just need a flag in a location.

Skype would probably be good if people need a way to team chat covertly.

Also, I'm thinking that since there will be only 2 of many home bases used, when the game goes live both teams can have a scramble to acquire as many of the bases (alternate KSCs) as possible. So there first team to get a flag there starts getting credits for those forward bases. These are of course not home bases, so they may change hands. Teams can still make bases wherever though by placing a flag.

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Put me down for blue team, because:

"My name is Michael! J! Caboose! And I! Hate! TAXES!!!!" "Its Texas you idiot!" "THAT TOO!!!!!!"


"Dude, we need your help, do you know how to use that?" "What? My Sword? It's just Swish, Swish, Stab! What's not to understand!?"

Edited by Deathsoul097
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Put me down for blue team, because:

"My name is Michael! J! Caboose! And I! Hate! TAXES!!!!" "Its Texas you idiot!" "THAT TOO!!!!!!"


"Dude, we need your help, do you know how to use that?" "What? My Sword? It's just Swish, Swish, Stab! What's not to understand!?"

Eh. Was that a reference to something?

Anyways, welcome to the team!

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Put me down for blue team, because:

"My name is Michael! J! Caboose! And I! Hate! TAXES!!!!" "Its Texas you idiot!" "THAT TOO!!!!!!"


"Dude, we need your help, do you know how to use that?" "What? My Sword? It's just Swish, Swish, Stab! What's not to understand!?"

You like RvB! Err Mah Gurd!

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Need a tank?

Currently has Laztek, IR, and Skillful, B9 lights and TT modular wheels.




75mph top speed, and it has a coaxial 7.62mm MG and a low profile.

Edited by Hodo
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Team Members - please comment with your total time playing KSP so we don't have all pros on one team blowing away a team of newbies. That way if you're flexible on your team choice, we can place you on a team that will even out the experience averages.



Red Team





Blue Team

KNSA Scientist




burnoutforzai (being transported to KSC!)

i want to join once the gamedata folder is out (lazy)

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"My name is Michael! J! Caboose! And I! Hate! TAXES!!!!" "Its Texas you idiot!" "THAT TOO!!!!!!"


"Dude, we need your help, do you know how to use that?" "What? My Sword? It's just Swish, Swish, Stab! What's not to understand!?"

"I am not a thing; my name is Leonard Church, and you shall fear my LASER FACE!"

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