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Kerbal Seats

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Modelling seats for kerbals is a bit of a headache.

In the past I've just done a "Bench" that they can sit on, but it looks a bit silly with their default pose (one hand resting on something).

So how do other people do them? Is there any way to use Squad's?

Also some numbers for dimensions would be really good!

Thanks for any help :) .


The bench layout.

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Heres a pic with dimensions of Squads command seat hope this helps, plus a pic of the seats i make for my IVA stuff, the dimensions of mine are approx 0.3Mseat base, 0.5m seat back the rest is a style choice. Once i have something that worked though i tend to reuse it over and over again in most IVA's the joy of unity being that as long as its somewhere close in your modelling you can mess around with the scale etc to your hearts content. A kerbal analog block is always useful though, I find that 0.75M x 0.3M x 0.3M is close enough for me.



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  • 3 months later...

I'd say about 0.5m diameter; sumghai did some measurements for his fustek expansion parts, have to do some digging to find those though.

Aaand... here it be http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/30803-WIP-FusTek-Station-Parts-Dev-Thread-%28continuation-of-fusty-s-original-work%29?p=384497&viewfull=1#post384497

Edited by nli2work
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