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[1.1.2] Kerbin-Side (v1.1.0) & Supplements


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Want some new bases on Kerbin?

First, backup GameData and saves. You know the drill. Then go look at the downloads and get what you want.



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INCLUDES Kerbin-Side Core, Kerbin-Side MainBases, Kerbin-Side Ground Control, Kerbin-Side Kampus, Kerbin-Side Skyways, Kerbin-Side KSC2 and Kerbin-Side Air-Race

Last Update: 6th May 2016 | Version: 1.1.0 | Requires: Kerbal Konstructs

Download from Alpha Strike Games | Download from SpaceDock

Want to launch from somewhere other than KSC? Grab KerbinSide, install it and then look for the KK icon in the VAB or SPH. Click that. Click a launch site. Launch! KerbinSide uses the Kerbal Konstructs mod to add a number of new bases to Kerbin. Helipads, runways, launch sites and more.

Please note that Kerbal Konstructs is NOT included. You'll need to get that separately.


Last Update: 22nd April 2016 | Version: 1.1.2 | Requires: Kerbal Konstructs

Download from Alpha Strike Games | Download from SpaceDock

Kerbin-Side KSC2 is a supplement for Kerbin-Side but it can also standalone. The original Kerbal Space Center, sometimes referred to as 'The Old KSC' is updated into a large spaceplane base with two runways. The old launchpad is available for rocket-launches again as well.

Please note that Kerbal Konstructs is NOT included. You'll need to get that separately.


Last Update: 22nd April 2016 | Version: 1.1.2 | Requires: Kerbal Konstructs

Download from Alpha Strike Games | Download from SpaceDock

Kerbin-Side Kampus is a supplement for Kerbin-Side but it can also standalone. Operational hangars, apartments and a business park are added to your KSC. You can utilise these new facilities in a career game through the Inflight Base Boss of Kerbal Konstructs.

Please note that Kerbal Konstructs is NOT included. You'll need to get that separately.


Last Update: 22nd April 2016 | Version: 1.7.1 | Requires: Kerbal Konstructs

Download from Alpha Strike Games | Download from SpaceDock

Kerbin-Side Air-Race is a supplement for Kerbin-Side but it can also standalone. Adds three air-racing tracks, one near KSC and two others close to bases from Kerbin-Side. Kerbal Konstructs includes support for time-trial air-racing.

Please note that Kerbal Konstructs is NOT included. You'll need to get that separately.


Last Update: 24th April 2016 | Version: 0.3.1 | Requires: Kerbal Konstructs

Download from Alpha Strike Games | Download from SpaceDock

Ground-Control is a supplement for KerbinSide, but it can also stand-alone. It makes use of the latest features of Kerbal Konstructs to update some of the facilities provided by KerbinSide, so that they can function as tracking stations, and as receivers for communications from vessels in the Kerbol system, using an inflight Downlink.

Please note that Kerbal Konstructs is NOT included. You'll need to get that separately.


Last Update: 23rd May 2016 | Version: 1.0.3 | Requires: Kerbal Konstructs

Download from Alpha Strike Games | Download from SpaceDock

A stream-lined set of core assets and bases, providing basic airstrips and helipads scattered across Kerbin, with about a quarter of the RAM foot-print of the complete KerbinSide. Includes runways, helipads, control towers, hangars, taxiways, fuel tanks and radar stations.

Please note that Kerbal Konstructs is NOT included. You'll need to get that separately.


Last Update: 22nd April 2016 | Version: 1.3 | Requires: Kerbal Konstructs

Download from Alpha Strike Games | Download from SpaceDock

Just the static assets. None of the bases. If you want the bases, you want Kerbin-Side Complete, not this. If you don't want to learn how to use the Kerbal Konstructs editing tools, you want Kerbin-Side Complete, not this. For use if you don't want the bases included in Kerbin-Side but you do want the static assets to make your own bases for your own personal use OR you make and distribute bases using the assets in Kerbin-Side; you point to this as a requirement for your base pack OR you've been pointed to KerbinSide Core as a requirement for a base pack you want to use.

Please note that Kerbal Konstructs is NOT included. You'll need to get that separately.


Last Update: 28th April 2016 | Version: 2.1 | Requires: Kerbal Konstructs & Contract Configurator

Download from Alpha Strike Games | Download from SpaceDock

Adds several contracts for transporting kerbals to, from and between the bases in Kerbin-Side, usually with a visit to or close to spaaaace!. Also adds the first four missions of a campaign revolving around ancient places on Kerbin, with espionage and intrigue in spaaaace! Intercept an unregistered satellite. Escort an informant to KSC. And more!



Many. Check back regularly.



You'll need a mod called Kerbal Konstructs. Kerbin-Side depends on it. A version was included in most packs but you should check on the independent releases as they're far more regular. I'm planning to discontinue bundling KK in Kerbin-Side releases.

Often the version of Kerbal Konstructs included in Kerbin-Side becomes out-dated very quickly. Grab the latest Kerbal Konstructs to get the most out of your Kerbin-Side content.

Got the latest KK downloaded? Then let's get to installing.

First drop the contents of GameData in the Kerbin-Side zips you downloaded in to your KSP GameData folder. Start with Complete.

When installing supplements, overwrite any files as requested. Kerbin-Side files share a single directory so textures are shared to keep memory requirements low.

Read the blurbs just in case there's any exceptions to this procedure.

Last, check you DO have the latest Kerbal Konstructs and if you haven't, pay more attention, go get it and then install what's in the Kerbal Konstructs zip in to your KSP GameData folder, overwriting any version of KK that was included with the other content.

Seriously, just use your noggin and you'll be fine. This is not that complicated.



Look for a KK icon in Squad's toolbar in the VAB or SPH. Click that. A scrollable list of launch sites appears. Click one.

That's the basics. Obviously there's more to it than that. Check out this thread and the Kerbal Konstructs thread and just experiment in-game.



Q - There's lots of different downloads here and I'm not sure how to install everything together correctly.

A - First off, if you're using CKAN, then CKAN's probably screwing things up again. Do it yourself and go read the Installation section above. Installation is still the same convention as with every other mod for KSP, except with Kerbin-Side's individual mods, they go on top of each other.

Q - I don't see the icons for the bases in the tracking station or map?

A - You have to target Kerbin. Double click the planet in the tracking station or map scene.

Q - Will these bases be destroyable?

A - I was considering it but it's looking like far too much work for a feature I don't really care about.

Q - Do these bases give any kind of recovery support?

A - The latest Kerbal Konstructs now does this. In career mode, you are recovered by the nearest open base.

Q - Can we have a map of the bases for reference in the game itself?

A - Thanks to Kerbal Konstructs, the bases are now shown as icons in the tracking centre and map view.

A - Here's a map provided by bpavlov2001

Q - RemoteTech support for the tracking stations?

A - See the Other Mods Support section of the OP.

Q - Proper RemoteTech integration?

A - Okay, maybe. I'm trying but it might not pan out.

Q - Any support of rescaled Kerbin/Kerbol systems like RSS?

A - No, sorry. That'd need a lot of manual replacement of objects and/or some serious coding in Kerbal Konstructs that I don't want to do.

Q - What about compatibility with custom planets/kerbol systems?

A - Honestly, I have no idea. There's a lot of them. Some of them change Kerbin. Some make Kerbol move. Try it. If Kerbin-Side doesn't work, choose which mod you want most. I'm not going to spend time trying to make Kerbal Konstructs compatible with a variety of moving targets.

Q - Some buildings are floating. Some are under the ground.

A - Change terrain detail to High. Kerbin-Side does not support default or low terrain settings.

Q - There's trees in the runways.

A - Turn off terrain scatter. Kerbin-Side does not support terrain scatter.

Q - Does Kerbin-Side support Win 64 KSP?

A - I don't know yet. It's still being tested in KSP 1.1 for x64 compatibility. Looks good so far.

Q - Can I have the exact co-ordinates of all the bases?

A - Use the Nav Guidance System in Kerbal Konstructs.

Q - Can you make X for me? Can you make X at this location on Kerbin?

A - I don't do requests. I am open to suggestions. Work in progress is regularly announced.

Q - But X got what he/she wanted. Favouritism! I'm being oppressed.

A - Stop that. It's silly.

Q - Can you add more launchpads and/or runways to KSC?

A - Nope. I don't want to. Use the editing tools in KK and you can DIY.

Q - X part of the globe needs some bases.

A - I'm planning on adding more bases on other parts of the globe.

Q - Can you do offworld bases?

A - No, sorry. Kerbin only. This is Kerbin-Side, not Other Planet-Side.

Q - Why you no update Curse wahhh?

A - Because like all file hosting/download services that charge for a premium service, it sucks donkey's balls. I can't reliably upload to it and I don't have time to chase support.

Q - Can you stop being a cheeky git?

A - No. I tried it. I didn't like it.




A useful config by Dante Montana for landing sites here: LINK

NavUtilities ILS

A config originally by Virindi, updated by karamazovnew, upated by Shnyrik, updated by Keniamin: LINK


Eskandare has set up several locations as RemoteTech sites - see this post: LINK. Updated by Alshain: LINK

Sigma Dimensions

Enceos has been busy figuring out how to make static bases compatible with rescaled Kerbol systems in this post.






  1. Kerbin-Side is constructed with Terrain Detail set to High. You may see 'sunk' or 'flying' locations if you use default settings. You WILL see issues with low settings.
  2. Kerbin-Side is constructed with terrain scatter OFF. It has to be because trying to cater for procedurally generated objects on the ground all over Kerbin isn't possible. If you have terrain scatter on, you may well see trees sticking out of runways.
  3. Texture tearing where terrain overlaps models.
  4. Launch sites aren't always cleared of debris (like launch clamps) when you re-use them. This has to be done manually through the tracking station.
  5. Kerbal Konstructs and Firespitter's spawn code doesn't like each other and may result in major b0rkage of launching anywhere other than the default locations. This is not a Kerbin-Side bug. Do not use static spawn additions (such as those in KerbCity and KerbinSide) with Firespitter's water launch system.


  • - Me, AlphaAsh. I co-ordinate the project and make stuff.
  • - Eskandare. He sweeps the office, clocks off early moaning about his back and also makes stuff.
  • - Spacepetscompany. He makes bases. In his spare time, he makes more bases.
  • - medsouz for his support and contributions with KerbTown and Kerbal Konstructs.
  • - Virindi for his support and contributions with NavUtilities ILS.
  • - Spacepetscompany and peadar1987 for their blurb-writing contributions.
  • - Lack for inspiring me to get back into modelling, thanks to KSC++.
  • - The chaps and chapesses who put up with my bluntness and ignorance in the modelling and texturing forum.
  • - The chaps and chapesses who show their support with support in this thread. You make this fun and give me more time to make the shiznitz.
  • - My wife for being a KSP widow, her patience with Unity animations and smashing rovers into walls over and over again. If there's something wrong with a collider, she'll find it. Terrible driver.



Copyright © 2014-2016, Ashley Hall and Alpha Strike Games  All rights reserved.

Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:

  1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
  2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
  3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission.


  • Addendum 1: You may modify the contents for personal use but may not re-distribute modified versions of the content without obtaining permission first. Contact Ashley Hall on the KSP forums, PMing the user AlphaAsh.
  • Addendum 2: This work may not be re-distributed, modified or un-modified in a 'mod pack'.
  • Addendum 3: If re-distributing, no financial or other form of profitable gain should be made from this work, directly or indirectly. No advertising of any sort may be included in the redistribution or at any point of redistribution.
  • Addendum 4: Contributions from collaborators may be licenced separately, except where such licence conflicts with this licence. Conflicts will be handled by the collaborators when they occur.

Exceptions: Re-distribution of modified configuration files is allowed without permission. Addendum 1 and 2 of this licence also do not apply and are waived in this case. This licence must still be included. All other content may not be re-distributed and if you re-distribute modified configuration files, you must make links to the pre-requisite content available where appropriate (such as in a forum post or readme file). You must also be first-point for any support necessary for your mod and where it is deemed appropriate by the original mod authors.

This exception will be withdrawn from the licence if ANY abuse of said licence or this exception is believed to have occured by the license holder.

UNRESTRICTED LICENSES: The following are fully licensed to do whatever they want with the artwork and assets of this product. They may modify and re-distribute modifications of the content as they see fit, assuming that they include and adhere to the original licence, give appropriate credit and be first point for necessary support. Only those explicitly granted an unrestricted licence may continue this project if the original author, Ashley Hall (KSP Forum 'handle' AlphaAsh), chooses to discontinue this project,

  • Eskandare (KSP Forum 'handle')
  • medsouz (KSP Forum 'handle')
  • Spacepetscompany (KSP Forum 'handle')


Edited by AlphaAsh
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Yup. I don't think this installed was tested correctly on a machine that that was clean. Each launch site causes explosions/crashes/immediate orbit errors only after Kerbin Side is used to overwrite existing files...

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When I installed it all, I get this:


Should the Kerbtown folder be called "Hubs"?

It should. Where'd you try to launch? That screenshot is what happens when KerbTown fails to find a physical spawn point that matches the selected launch site, which means I suspect a mis-install. Restore GameData and try following my install order again.

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Yup. I don't think this installed was tested correctly on a machine that that was clean. Each launch site causes explosions/crashes/immediate orbit errors only after Kerbin Side is used to overwrite existing files...

I'll try another test. Also after running KSP, come back out and run it again. It might be KerbTown not initialising properly, which it does sometimes.

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I don't think installing it again is going to fix this issue. Here is my findings

BEFORE installing Kerbin Side, the chalice tower is the pertinent info is:



RadialPosition = 197848.8,529903.9,207074.2

RotationAngle = 286.1194

RadiusOffset = 6740.773

Orientation = 0,1,0

VisibilityRange = 100000

CelestialBody = Kerbin

LaunchSiteName = Chalice Tower

LaunchPadTransform = ChaliceTower


It loads and launches a craft file. When I overwrite the fails, as stated in the instructions, I took a peek at the CFG file. Now it's:



RadialPosition = 290135.4,59031.6,-529878

RotationAngle = 0

RadiusOffset = 1309.786

Orientation = 0,1,0

VisibilityRange = 100000

CelestialBody = Kerbin

LaunchSiteName =

LaunchPadTransform =


I notice that launchsite/launchpad transform is now empty.

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I followed your install to the letter. Installed Kerbtown, Lackluster KSC expansion, the 5 items and then kerbin-side atop that. Issues then arise.

The issue is definitely in the distribution file. I'll pull the link until I can determine exactly what got missed. I did a clean install here and no problems, so I suspect KerbTown is writing something else that isn't properly documented.

Cheers for your patience chaps and chapesses.

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I don't think installing it again is going to fix this issue. Here is my findings

BEFORE installing Kerbin Side, the chalice tower is the pertinent info is:

It loads and launches a craft file. When I overwrite the fails, as stated in the instructions, I took a peek at the CFG file. Now it's:

I notice that launchsite/launchpad transform is now empty.

That's intentional.

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Why remove that location from the launch list? I did a search and didn't find where you used this transform anyway unless I missed it as I was rushing to leave.

I didn't like where it was :) I then re-used the part but am still deciding whether to make it a launch site, so it currently isn't one.

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Fair enough, you may want to clarify that your mod will eliminate the other launch sites from the list since "replace the KerbTown configs for the parts installed" is a little ambiguous.

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AlphaAsh- This works for you, right?

Can you set this up so that it only adds cfg files, rather than replacing them? That way, we can pick-and-choose the extra launch locations that we want...

(I am trying figure out why a extra building seems to be phasing through the SPH, VAB, and when I launch a vehicle, things go horribly, horribly wrong.)

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AlphaAsh- This works for you, right?

Can you set this up so that it only adds cfg files, rather than replacing them? That way, we can pick-and-choose the extra launch locations that we want...

(I am trying figure out why a extra building seems to be phasing through the SPH, VAB, and when I launch a vehicle, things go horribly, horribly wrong.)

KerbTown saves instance data in the config of the parts.

Still trying to diagnose this. Now checking if the linked KerbTown is the one I'm actually using. I iz frustrated and confuzzled now.

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With the help of my wonderful life-partner in crime we think we got this sussed. Link to v0.2 in the first post. I'm going to bed. If it doesn't work I'll fix it tomorrow.

EDIT - The fix for those with 01 is simple. In LackMisc/Parts delete the folder called KAP. In KerbiceBuildings/BiggerLaunchpad/KBIKSCBPAD.cfg

LaunchSiteName = Beachside Helipad

LaunchPadTransform =

should be

LaunchSiteName = Beachside Helipad

LaunchPadTransform = Bpad_spawn

Edited by AlphaAsh
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