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The Official Kerbin Cup Tournament Thread - Final Entries Posted


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The Jedi Master said:
I think we've got this in the bag. I can't tell you why, but we do. :)

What do you get when you plant a Youtuber?

I don't know, but we'll soon find out, as you guys are gonna get buried!


Though I actually haven't seen our assembled video...

...and the time where petty mindgames and banter could have been effective is over..

And I like the guys in the youtuber team and don't want to make them angry.....

I've been wanting a use for that pun for ages now, so indulge me a little?

Also, it was photo first, now video, what could be next? Dun dun dun!


↓ This is us, we're reasonably cool.↓





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Also, it was photo first, now video, what could be next? Dun dun dun!

Hmmm... audio? Haha jk...

Oh c'mon, not being in the Kerbin Cup doesn't forbid me from joking with those who are! Right...?

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FCISuperGuy said:

Oh c'mon, not being in the Kerbin Cup doesn't forbid me from joking with those who are! Right...?

Not at all! The more the merrier!

(As a non-moderator ordinary forumer, this is not an official statement. But it's more fun when there's more stuff happening around it.)

chicknblender said:
Red Iron Crown said:
LARPing. Start getting your kerbal cosplay gear together.

Now that is a truly evil idea.

So beautifully Evil. You're 100's of Km apart, in different timezones, you have a few days, now get on those planes, get together, and act out a scene from KSP. No humans can be seen in the vid. No using professional rockets. Must see at least three kerbals. Go.




 You will vote for our video. *waves hand*. 

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You know what? After the whole [CENSORED] fiasco (page 53), I decided to create a video that is tangential to the guidelines, rather poorly made, and to have an obscene amount of fun with it.

After all, I'm not actually competing in the competition, so why should I try to follow the guidelines precisely? I can take some liberties and have a lot of fun. (Besides, high blood pressure is not a good thing.)

It's sad, though, that I'll be coming up with a video soon that actually follows more challenge guidelines than this one.


I'm not sure that I should put my video on here before the challenge deadline is up... whaddaya say?

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So beautifully Evil. You're 100's of Km apart, in different timezones, you have a few days, now get on those planes, get together, and act out a scene from KSP. No humans can be seen in the vid. No using professional rockets. Must see at least three kerbals. Go.

Psh, like I ever use professional rockets. JEB! GET ME THE DUCTAPE AND CRAYONS!

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Go for it. It will give us something to see while we wait.

A few notes:

I was originally going to add the "GO-O-O-O-O-O-O-OAL!" soundtrack where I put my own yell (at 3:25-ish), but something compelled me to do it myself. According to my computer, my shout was approximately 19 seconds long. I have reasonable breath capacity.

This was my first take and my last take. I called it "Good Enough," because of the following point:

I absolutely destroyed my voice making this video. I woke up this morning with a sore throat after drinking two full glasses of water last night, which is unheard of for me. I don't know if I would have been capable of doing a second take without my vocal cords shriveling up and dying.

That being said, whaddaya think? Don't be too hard on me... I was having way, way, way too much fun, I know.

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Okay Upsilon. That was gorgeous. If I have time I shall try too!

Thanks, Avera9eJoe! I've included my favorite quote from that video into my signature. (That's the benefit of not scripting anything... you get these spontaneous moments that are really nice.)

Any other comments, anyone? (Mind you, this was not meant to be a Kerbin Cup entry, so I know that some aspects of the video don't fit within the challenge guidelines.)

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I found 10 free minutes so here:

And yes the quality in this video specifically is terrible xD

I absolutely adore the concept of a Kerbal flying a comically large soccer ball through a huge goal. Nice flying skills! (I'm a bit disappointed about the end, though. :) )

I just realized that the guy screaming "Goal!" only does so for 21 seconds! If he holds some sort of record, I'm closing in on it (0:19 isn't that far off...!) :D

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Close enough indeed. My house is too loud atm with people packing and online courses being taken so no talking today ;.;. Quite fun though. Yes the goal was pretty big - much larger than your's Upsilon! I don't have much time on my hand so that is all I have for this challenge :). I didn't even edit this one I streamed it and uploaded it to YouTube.

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I really, really wanted to vote on the teams that used... how do you guys say "futbolín" in english? Whatever, the little kerbals stuck on rotating arms. Great parallel idea! Anyhow, the editing quality and general film-making skills of other teams prevented me, though, and in the end that decided me: I voted for the most entertaining video, not the one showing the awesomest thing.

Rune. And yeah, reddit is kicking the forum's asses. Step up the game guys! :0.0:

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