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The Official Kerbin Cup Tournament Thread - Final Entries Posted


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tomorrow 0.24 release

and results and new challenge using the new features

anyone wants to bet? :P

Well half the wish has come true...


Sorry wooks I'm done with gifs here for a while xD

Edited by Avera9eJoe
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Congratulations to the winner!!! :) :)

you made a really perfect album, I have no idea how you did it without the use of the debug console, it was quite messy for us all the time haha :)

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It was a good game, but it was pretty clear, at least to me, that the impressive land assembly would win the day. I would even hazard a guess it would have given reddit's excellent entry a run for its money if they had cometed directly. Let's hope the last part of this awesome series of challenges works out as good as the others!

Rune. Go forum! Show them we know our stuff here!

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Well, 'I Think We Broke It' was finally broken. It was a lot of fun!

I know me and my team have been frustrated lately. We worked hard to explain everything we faced and everything we did to overcome it but it seems it came out as whiney. We didn't have to reveal we used infinite fuel but I thought it would be fair to do so. Perhaps that was a mistake. Ah, well. Live and learn. :)

My team was Awesome.

M1 and Andrew are masters of mods! The things they found and tried to do to assemble this beast constantly amazed me. Wooks is one persistent player who kept grinding on attempting ground assembly from the start to finish. Andrew's piloting skill and M1's observations were things of beauty and genius, respectively. These three rounds were rough and stressful but Wooks kept us together with his crazy images and jokes. You all rock and I'm proud of what we did as a team!

Forum Team 3: First team to do both photo album so I can check my memory, and a high production value youtube video. Well done on the latter, by the way! Ok, on to the build: I absolutely like the rover-booster-docking-system with what I'll call the high-five dock point reinforcement system. Drive 'em over, latch 'em on, high-five, and launch. Beautiful simplicity. The docking seemed a bit like trouble. I got the impression you were used to things just snapping into place. I can't help but wonder if more ports would've locked if you lined them up a bit better before pressing them in. But regardless, you absolutely got the job done! The landing was good, though I cringed at how well she didn't hold together. That being my fault, again. The bouncyness of the legs were no surprise hehe... I did drop a hint, when I mentioned that the legs were capable of handling the weight of a fully fueled ship in Kerbin gravity. With less fuel and less gravity? Sproing? SPROING! And finally you were also the only team that also showed "bloopers" or more specifically, builds you attempted that didn't pan out. Thank you!

I soooo wanted to respond to this... and now I can! High-five docking is a great term, wish I'd thought of it. XD

As far as the assembly went... I tried 23 times in a row to get the third leg connected with more than 2 docking parts, all failures. The parts were just too unstable and prone to flexing out of position. We assembled it, though, and got it moving. Andrew's brilliant thrust-limiting allowed the assembly to go where we wanted and come back again.

We actually had to spend time burning fuel, hovering the Arkingthaad around for a while before landing it. The heavier it was, the more it wanted to snap apart on touchdown.(Yes, there were explosions. :D) In our case, SPROING! was a good thing.

EDIT: OH! Almost forgot. Congratz to COM on their win and good luck representing us in the final round!

Edited by Xacktar
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Congratulations to the winners, alas poor coordination and lack of time meant we had a less than stellar entry for our final challenge. Some of our pictures, especially of launching the components, got lost and didn't make it into the final album. I guess I can share them now, courtesy of the amazing Tw1. He improved on my design shown in the screenshot "first launch" (which didn't have the delta-V to make orbit with that part but it was used for the much smaller command section). You can view his pictures here: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/l5in1m5l38h22xw/AACNsbSXXYOnfrkHYL3GtSl4a#/

I would like to say, Whackjob, that I think I will have a flashback to this every time I need to do a multiple-port docking in the future...

Edited by sdj64
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YAY.... The A-Team WON!!!! Congrats on how you all went so far. Maybe later on we can group up to do something against each other with some fun involved. I think the next challange should be taking a soccer ball around the kerbin system and land it back on kerbin without parachutes.

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Fun Fact about our entry:

The kerbals speechs you hear in our video, are actually the sentences in spanish, reversed and pitched up.

We shared 9 different saves, with 9 different tries.

We landed with stock and with FAR.

We tried cranes, vtol, balloons, rovers, counterweights, rockets, more rockets, ssto..., but never considered hacking gravity/hiding the infinite fuel usage. lift without infinite fuel was more than possible (even with the SSTO) but bugs and time were a big issue.

Thrust was limited to a little percentage for most of the flight to and from Gilly, due to problems docking the ship together.

(more to come)

my SSTOs tries:


AND the full fuel take off :) (this SSTO is really good)

BONUS: lowest fps record Recorded from my mobile phone.

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It's sad to say this is the end of Team Jedi, but we had a good run.


Our challenge sum up is in our thread, with pictures, words and everything.



Well done team mod-makers. May the Force ever be in your favour, and always be equal to mass times acceleration.



↑ Click here for awesomes ↑

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Heh, I got the teams right. Didn't want to spoil it by mentioning earlier, but a couple of posts gave hints as to which team was which. Most notable was this one a while back:

Our team has had so many different ideas for assembling these things, but although each idea should theoretically work, they fail because of bugs and glitches. Messed up collision meshes, floating glitches (described by m1sz above), claw problems, crashes, and other insanity render all our work useless.

As soon as I saw that I knew which album belonged to team I Think We Broke It, and the rest was easy to deduce from there. :)

Edited by Kerano
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